I crawled away from him and he ran after me. He pulled my legs and threw me backwards. I was bleeding from multiple places. Now I had brushed my knee against the foot of the bed.
“Mr Harrison, this is your last chance to let me go. You’ll not like what will come to you if you hurt me further” I said to him, my lips felt numb and I was beaten up.
His lips curled up in a ghost of a smile and the smile morphed into laughter, he threw his head back, laughing. U used the opportunity and ran for the belt.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked, I heard the amusement in his voice. I grabbed the belt that was lying idea on the floor.
He squinted his eyes but the smile had not yet left his face.
“What do you think you’re going to sure to use that for?” He stepped closer to me and I swung the buckle on his face as hard as my hands could permit me.
The Loud sound it made when it slashed on his face gave me pure joy. His hands flew to his cheek and he examined the red liquid escaping the wound I had caused.
He got angrier, he roared, literally. I watched in horror as he ran towards me ready to attract, I jump onto my feet and swinged the belt again, he tried to catch it, I jumped on him and crawled to his back.
He tried to shake me off but I put the leather around his neck and pulled as hard as I could. He made a choking sound but he was still fighting. With all my strength I pulled harder.
He fell backwards wanting to smashed onto the hard floor, but instead he landed on the bed. I pulled hard and he stopped struggling at point. I released the belt and tried to get up from under him.
I struggled out and went to search his pockets for anything. I found a phone, I checked his pulse, it was a bittersweet feeling when I felt a pulse and his heartbeat.
I ran to the other room. Mr Greene was standing right in front of the bed, pointing a gun at Blue. She was awake, her eyes were wide, mascara smudged, nose red and runny, lip bent in cry and cheeks wet with tears.
At the moment I didn’t look any different from her. I knew that I had to act fast because Mr Greene had turned the gun from her to me.
I ran out of the door and he pulled the trigger. I covered my ears as I heard the continuous gun shots coming my way.
Suddenly everything went quiet. I ran back to the door and took a peek. Blue was standing and staring at the motionless body of Mr Greene as he laid on the floor, laying by his side was the remains of a headboard.
It was now broken into pieces.
She ran and hugged me.
“How did you do it?” I asked her, she was shaking terribly, so was I.
“After he started shooting in your direction, I was so scared. I thought he’d kill you. Remember I took off the headboard and hit it against the window but the window wouldn’t break. I lifted the headboard and hit against the back of his head”
I closed my eyes and we hugged. I picked the gun from the ground.
“There’s only a few bullets remaining” I told her.
She ran to wake the girl up but the girl wouldn’t budge.
“She’s not waking up” Blue said shakily.
We knew that Mr Greene wasn’t dead, he could wake up any time soon.
“Harrison is in the other room, he’s still breathing but he’s unconscious ”
“Jenna, we have to go”
“We can’t leave her here ” I said.
“She’s going to slow us down ”
“I’ll carry her”
I hoisted her arm over my shoulder and half carried, half dragged her. We got outside, the cars were still there.
“The keys” Blue said trying the door.
She ran inside and ran back outside with the key to Harrison’s car.
“I saw him dropping it on the dinning table” she said trying the keys.
Finally, the door opened and I put the girl in the back.
“I can’t drive” I said looking down at my shaky hands.
“I’ll drive ‘ Blue said.
She drove to the gate and the security men refused to open it. They pointed flashlight at us signalled for us to get down from the car.
“Give me the gun!’
“Give me the gun. I know how to use it, daddy tuaght me to shoot”
“Blue, they are carrying guns, they could shoot you before you pull the trigger!!”
“Just hand it over Jenna and I’ll be fine”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, just stay inside and do nothing don’t step out”
She stepped down and I was inclined to go out and protect her.
I watched her raised the gun and point it at the men, she said something and the gate opened.
She climbed inside quickly and drove out as fast as the car could move.
“They’re shooting!!” I yelled.
“Keep your head down!!” She yelled back.
We sat in the control room. I watched the men carry Jenna and Blue and throw them into the backseat of a white Mercedes.
“That’s Harrison and Greene” Ryan said.
He was supposed to be on stage bit instead he handed the microphone over to his assistant.
I shot out of my seat unable to control my anger.
“I’m pulling up their house addresses ‘ the control room man said.
It took about an hour for us to find this video.. on hour.
I had failed Jenna. If Harrison and Greene hurt her….
“Got the address” Klyee said holding up a paper.
I stormed out towards the car.
“I’m coming with you” Ryan said taking off his tie and tossing it on the floor.
It was obvious that he was angry.
“I’ll drive” Kylee said.
“No Klyee, I’ll drive” Ryan said getting into the drive’s seat.
Ryan’s phone buzzed in his pocket.
He pulled it out quickly and showed me the screen. It was Harrison calling him.