63. person interest

Book:Sleeping With My Step Uncle Published:2025-2-8

I climbed down from the car and bidded Christian’s driver goodbye, he nodded curtly and drove off.
I turned to the Andreas building, it was bigger then I’d expected, I walked into a lobby that was white from top to bottom. White majestic marble flooring, white chairs, white curtains, white desk and standing behind the white counter desk was a color contradiction.
It was a receptionist wearing the pride formal shirt and bow tie. I smiled at him and he returned my smile warmly, I had been standing there watching everything and I didn’t realize I was frozen.
I walked over to the big desk and I greeted him.
“How are you doing today?” He asked, I wondered if it was part of his job to ask but I felt cared for.
“I’m doing okay ISH, I’m kind of nervous”
First time here?”
“Yeah, I have an interview, I haven’t started yet although I know I’m going to get the job”
“Self confident, like it”
I grinned.
“Thank you. I like your outfit ”
“It’s just a little showcase darling ” he said with a wink and I chuckled.
“Good luck on your interview ” he said pushing a bow filled with candy.
“Would it be a crime if I get handfull?” I asked him.
“Please, help yourself ” he said.
I giggled.
I took just quarter of a hand full. “Is that what you call a handful?” He asked.
I took some more and he nodded in contentment.
“Great, see you later ”
I waved at him and left, I helped up te map he had given me and searched for the circled spot.
The map was filled with manuals, I was told that floor twenty two would be where the interview would hold.
The elevator opened and I stepped out. There were a few girls waiting in the hallway. Most were strawberry blondes, and platinum blondes honey blondes, the others were dark haired, then just a few had red hair.
I took the final seat, exchanged greetings with the two girls in front of me and I waited patiently.
After about an hour, my name is finally called.
I walked into the room, behind a black desk in the middle of the vast room is a woman I know all too well, she had been my freaking role model for years. Joja.
I cleared my throat and sit in front of her.
“You’re Jenna?” She asked staring at a file.
“Yes ma’am”
“Don’t call me ma’am, I would feel old”
“Oh sorry” I apologized.
She nodded and stared down at the file again.
“It says here that you’re already employed but I’ve been running the interviews for years, I remember everyone’s face… You have a unique face and I don’t recall you”
She dropped the file down on the table, I saw my picture at the top tght corner.
She was expecting an answer from me, something I couldn’t give.
My boyfriend bought the establishment and hired me because that’s why he bought the establishment.
“I don’t have an answer” I told her.
She picked up her phone and dialed someone.
“Come to the interview room, I have an urgent question”
She stared at me long and hard, the door opened distracting her, I finally took a breath.
“It says here that she’s employed, how come… When she never did an interview”
I gritted my teeth and turned to look at who she was talking to. It was man, he was tall, he was about forty five or so, he already had traces of silver gray hair and his lips were pressed into a thin line.
“Jenna” he said with a smile, a genuine I know you kind of smile.
“She’s a beauty isn’t she?” He asked Joja.
Joja turned from him to me, her eyes scrutinized every inch.
“She is. But, we can’t take her, she’s not what this establishment needs”
I felt despair wash through me first, then bitter pain.
“It’s not possible to not take her” the man behind me said, he walked to Joja and whispered something in her ear.
I see shock cross her eyes first, then embarrassment.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I… Welcome to Andreas Jenna” she said stretching her hand to me and shaking it.
I nodded at her and tried to force a smile, I felt as if my face was bloodless.
I dashed out of the interview room and reach outside.
Christian said I should text him when I’m done with the interview, he was certainly going to send a ride to get me since I didn’t bring my car, but the thought of walking home felt like the better option, to get the dread out of my system.
I felt my ohiy vibrate in my purse, I quickly pulled it out to see it’s a call from Christian.
“Good afternoon” I said, I couldn’t hear what he said next because a cyclist dashed past me.
“Howdy?” I asked taking a step backwards and moving along with the rest of the pedestrians.
“Why do I hear engine noises, is the interview over, where are you?” He asked three questions at once.
“I’m walking home” I said hoping to answer his questions.
“Why, I instructed you earlier and told you to text me because I was going to send a car to get you since you insisted that the driver shouldn’t wait”
“It’s been a long time since I walked and I have a thing about walking home after interviews, it’s gets the tension out”
“Have you decided on it yet. Should I go to your house and wait there, I’m thinking about closing from work early”
“Uh, larissy?” I asked Larissa entering into a coffee shop.
I want quickly trying to catch up to her, I stood in front of the door thinking whether or not I should enter.
“Jenna..” Christian’s voice called me from my thoughts.
I remember that I’m holding the phone to my ear.
“I just saw Larissa walk into a coffee shop” I told him.
“Did she see you?”
“Not yet”
There was silence.
“I’ll talk to you later Baby” he said.
I nodded my head.
“Later” I said and ended the call.
I walked into the shop, a bell rang over my head, some people looked in my direction and they turned to return back to what they were doing because I wasn’t of interest, Larissa kept her eyes on me.