Christian turned towards the stairs and for a moment I thought he had forgotten about me, but when didn’t hear my footsteps following behind him, he halted and turned his head.
I couldn’t go, could I?
No, in my head I was wondering what all these people were going to say when I was out of ear shot, they would eventually talk, yes, but I wanted them to talk another day, not when I’m still in the house. My anxiety level rose higher and higher and I stood there, frozen.
And also, my heart was ramming in my chest as I imagined all the things they’ll say.
“Jenna” Christian’s deep voice shocked me from my thoughts and I almost trembled, almost.
My legs started working out of uneasiness and I ran to him and fucked my head so that the others wouldn’t have any more things to talk about. They wouldn’t say my face was ash as I walked towards him, they wouldn’t say my expression was sour or contented, I had no expression right now, except for that of anxiety.
Christian held my hand, it felt like the hand of a carved out marble statue.
“Are you leaving?” I heard Sandy asking from behind us, I didn’t if we were leaving, Sandy’s friends just witnessed Christian throw two punches that knocked the senses out of their friend, would they want to see us around?
“Sandy, not now” Kylee said holding him back.
“No, he can come if he wants to” Christian said, his voice sounded nothing but unfriendly, he opened the door and held it for me to walk through.
“Please don’t leave” Sandy begged, desperately.
Christian let go of my hand and walked to the window, he cracked his neck and then his fingers, somewhere on the line, his cap had fallen off leaving his thick dark hair in a messy frenzy, it was a beautiful mess.
There was stubble on his jaw leaving something darker than a five o’clock shade and he looked so sexy in his white shorts.
“We’re not leaving, not now” Christian said resting on the wall but he was still glancing outside, the sound of sirens wailing outside was louder than I expected.
“Thank goodness, I thought that what Kay had done would upset you enough to leave”
“What he had done had upset me enough to burn this entire but…” He shook his head refusing to continue his statement.
“How much do you want, let’s cut to the chase”
Kaylee was standing in the center of the room, I was sitting at the edge of the bed feeling super uneasy and Sandy was standing at the door.
The ambulance was stil outside, the siren had gone off but it made no different, I could hear people’s voice from downstairs.
“Seven hundred… About seven hundred ” Sandy said.
“Seven hundred what?” Kylee asked.
“Seven hundred million” Sandy said, he clasped his hand together and swallowed.
“Are we talking about dollars here or Euros” Kylee interjected.
Sandy swallowed hard, it made a soft gulp.
“Seven hundred million dollars”
There was short silence, about twenty seconds.
“Fine” Christian said, I heard Sandy release the breath he was holding.
“Thank you Mr C” Sandy said scratching his head. “Can I give you a hug?”
“Okey too close, a handshake, how about a handshake?”
Sandy turned to Kylee with open arm, she shook her head and turned to me but his body jerked the other way and he scratched his head and moved further away from me.
He mumbled a sorry under his breath.
“I’m sorry for what Kay, did, I apologize”
“What’s his last name” Christian asked Sandy.
He opened his mouth to talk but Kylee turned and gave him a frown, a warning glare.
“Uh, I don’t.. I can’t remember sir, I’m sorry, he wasn’t my friend, he just like my sister…”
Christian turned away from the window and stared at Sandy.
“You’re lying ” he said coolly.
Sandy swallowed.
“His last name is Anderson ”
“Christian please, leave him alone ” Klee said anxiously. Her voice sounded like cry.
“No, I’m not leaving him alone, not after what he did to my Jenna” Christian said opening the window and looking downstairs.
“Thank you Sandy, you can leave now” Christian said still looking out.
Sandy turned to me then to Klyee.
“Snitch” she whispered angrily.
He shrugged and turned away, the door clicked softly.
I looked down at the floor, how quickly can things change from being light to being throughly dark.
“Kaylee leave us” Christian said and for some reason, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine, everything was cold, my fingers, the pit in my guts, the hollow space in my ribcage.
“Christian if anything happens to Kay…”
“Kaylee, whose side are you on?”
“Your side of course, that’s why I….”
“Think about your next words twice before spitting it out. If you’re on my side then I expect complete and utter loyalty to me, you don’t question my decision or try to influence my actions, know your place, don’t make me remind you”
Kaylee nodded frantically, her hands were shaking at her sides.
“Yes sir”
She turned to me then left, the door clicked softly.
“I should have just killed that mother fucker last night, his body would fit in that trash can” Christian said, his eyes were fixed on the window, suddenly his head snapped towards my direction, he closed the window and he locked eye contact.
“Are you okay?”
I nodded, scared that he would tell the lie in my voice.
“Don’t lie to me”
I exhaled.
“My head hurts, and I think I hit my elbow somewhere”
He stared at me calmly for a few seconds, maybe five and he turned to the bathroom, he returned with a bottle of aspirin.
He opened the lid and dropped it on the bed, he went to bring a bottle of water and handed it to me.
“I don’t think it’s that serious, do I need to take pain killers?” I asked trying to put the medicine away but when I looked up at him, I put the drugs in my mouth and swallowed it without wasting a second.
“I bought you something”
I closed the bottle water and dropped it aside.
He went to the closet and came out with a tiny box.
I took it from his hand and pulled the bow strings, it came off easily.
Sitting inside were a pair of diamond earrings in the shape of gardenias, staring at it I could only imagine how much it cost… It was so beautiful I wondered if it would be a crime to wear it.
“Baby do you like it?”