57. No one else come close

Book:Sleeping With My Step Uncle Published:2025-2-8

I turned away from him and turned to look at Blue, her eyes were on her phone. I slipped out from under her arm and sat up from her laps.
I turned to glance at Kay and he was still staring, this time his eyes had grown colder, wtf did I do?
“He’s staring at me in a funny way” I told her and she turned to me but her eyes didn’t turn to his direction.
“He and my brother got into a fight this morning. I overheard…”
“What was it about?”
“Well, my brother wants to start up a new project, he wants to start up a software company that would program games and makes animation… That sort of thing and he needed someone to finance it, he already has a blue print though but those things would cost hundreds of millions to start up. Kay was supposed to be my brother’s number one investor, the interest return is huge but since you boyfriend is loaded, my brother decided to make him the top investor. In my opinion, Christian is a more stable option, this made Kay very mad and angry and he probably has beef for you too” she said with a sigh.
“That’s…. Childish, how old is he?”
“”About thirty”
“And how old are you?”
“Twenty four… Wait, are you trying to lecture me on age gaps?” Blue asked with a chuckle.
I raised my hands in the air in surrender mode.
“Don’t roast me, I see it in your eyes”
“Girl, you’re the one dating a man ten years older than you. You should be ashamed of yourself” her time held only humour, no bad vibes.
“There it is” I said covering my face with my palms in embarrassment, before I can even think I feel an elbow in my guts.
“Fuck” I said rolling around.
“What was that for?” I asked after the pain subsided.
“For trying to lecture me”
“Gosh, you’re too rough and toxic, I’m a soft girl. I don’t communicate with hist but bear in mind that I’ll have my revenge, brace yourself because I’ll come back stronger”
I thought I head Jenna’s voice” Christian said to Kylee, the both of them were entering the house, he was dressed for golf, he was even wearing a golf hat, while Kylee was just wearing a sundress. Damn he was cute as fuck.
And Kylee was also beautiful, I had never seen her in casual clothes.
“She’s here!” Blue shouted, he turned to us and immediately his eyes fell on me it lit up.
“Hi” I said waving at him.
Sandy ran through the door and one of this friends was chasing him, fast. He ran past Christian and climbed the stairs, he was so fast in just a few seconds he reached the landing and then he held the rails and jumped down.
I was impressed by the fact that he didn’t break his legs, he and Blue shared the same feline energy.
His friend was standing in the stairs staring at Sandy in wave as he slipped through the door as if he never came inside the living room at all, I chuckled and turned to see that Christian was still standing there, his eyes on me.
He stretched out two fingers and gestured for me to come over to him.
“You’ve been summoned” blue said and I turned to see that she had been watching with a testing smirk, I playfully elbowed her in her guts and she grabbed me and held me in a choke hold.
I tapped her arm to signal that I surrendered but she kept her arms locked tight.
“Blue” Christian said, his voice held warning and Blue’s hand came free.
“Fuck girl, where do you get your strength from?” I asked and she grinned.
“It runs in the blood”
“Yeah, my dad was pretty strong so I’ll have to see if I have it in my blood” I said.
Her eyebrows shot together and before she could react, I held her neck, shift it into the inside of my elbow, press her back into my chest and lock my fingers.
She tapped my arm.
“You might be strong and fast but I’m lethal ” I whispered in her ear.
“Jenna!” Kay snapped, un the blink of an eye he jumped from his chair and broke my arm from Blue’s neck.
“It’s just a joke ” I said but he was not smiling, he yanked me out of the couch and slammed me on the wall. Pain exploded through out my back and head, his hands were tight on my arm.
“What the fuck is your problem, you’re hurting me, let m…” I could not continue my statement because the only thing I saw was Christian pulling Kay off me and slamming him to the ground, his first came up and connected with Kay’s jaw.
There was silence because every body was shocked and certainly everybody in the room heard Kay’s jaw crack, if you were outside you could have heard it too. Christian’s hand was tight against Kay’s neck and his face turned purple, his jaw looked fine but in a minute or two, the damages done would begin to show.
“Someone should stop him” an unfamiliar voice whispered.
Everyone remained frozen. Christian fisted his fingers and punched Kay once again this time his nose took the hit, another crack.
“Christian please stop” Kylee’s broke through the silence.
“Don’t fucking come close to me” Christian warned her, she halted only for a few seconds before she began walking slowly as if she was approaching a savage lion.
“It was just an accident” Kylee said, she turned to me with expectant eyes. “Jenna do something”
What was I supposed to say, my tongue felt cold in my mouth and I felt all Thier stares on me. I looked at Kay, hew as stares on me. I looked at Kay, he was choking under Christian’s grip.
“What were you thinking?” Christian asked him. His entire body looked dangerous but his voice sounded lethal.
“Christian, it was an accident” Kylee said again.
“He laid his hands on her”
“But I’m fine, it was nothing” I managed to choke out even when I felt my head hammering. “Please let him go”
Christian’s hands came free and I exhaled sharply. Christian’s knuckles were bloody, as he stood up Kay started gasping for air like a fish.
“Miles, help him” I said to Miles who was standing just a few feets away from me.
He jolted back to life and ran towards Kay, Sandy was planted to the door watching everything that had happened with a plain with face.