105: Confession

Book:Bought By My Brother's Best friend Published:2025-2-8

I blinked twice to sweep in the tears that were welling my eyes, making my vision slightly blurry. Ansell disappeared from my sight when I opened my eyes and in place of him, I could see a manly figure there, which was definitely not Ansell.
With his hands shoved in his pockets, he walked to me, a gentle smile playing on his lips. I was glad that Ansell wiped my tears before he could see me.
“Is everything fine, Nara?” Marvin asked in his soothing voice.
I nodded.
“I didn’t mean to bother you. O apologise if, because of the dance, you”
“No, Marvin, it is completely fine. I actually felt good while dancing. It was my passion and I always used to forget about my worries. It happened today as well. In fact, you brought back that feeling ” I told him.
“Don’t get bothered by what people might think about you” he said. “They will still talk behind your back no matter what you do”
“I am not ” I told him with a small smile. “I just wanted to have some fresh air”
He cocked his head.
“Is there anything bothering you?”
O fell silent and looked down, fiddling with my finger when he was expecting me to answer him.
“Come with me” his words made me look up.
Without taking my reaction, he walked past me. I turned around and followed him.
“Remove your heels” he said while removing his shoes.
I turned around to look at the party, which was still going on. He must be there. It is his party and people must be expecting him to be there and he is wasting his time with me.
“Don’t worry about it. They are enjoying themselves ” he said.
Giving it some thought, I removed my heels. He sat on the raised platform, dipping his feet in the cold water of the pool.
“Sit here” he said, patting the area beside him, expecting me to sit with him.
My eyes flicked to his free for a second, which were dipped in the water.
“Believe me, it will give peace to your mind”
Releasing a breath, I slowly sat beside him and dipped my feet in the cold water.
We stayed like that, silence engulfed us. I looked around and found that we were at that spot where no one could see us because of the darkness. There was a very dim light. Leaning back, I placed my weight on my palms and closed my eyes. The cold wind caressed my skin, letting my hair freely flow in the air. I felt at peace, even if it was only for a few seconds.
When I was young, I had peace, which I took for granted but now all I yearned for is serenity, even if it is for a few minutes. I just want to let go of all the worries, but my past is not letting me do that.
“Nara” soft of Marvin made me open my eyes.
My head turned to look at him and I found him already staring at me. His face was not that far from mine. It wasn’t very close but we have never been so close before.
“I don’t know anything about your past, nor do I want to push you to Tel me about it. It is your personal space and choice. I don’t want to interfere in it but if there is something related to the present that’s bothering you, you can tell me that. You can trust me. It will stay with me. Believe me, you will feel light ” he murmured. The proximity and the silence around us allowed me to listen to his words.
I looked away.
“Is it anything related to Jayden?” He persisted.
My head hung low as soon as his questions reached my ear. The morning incident played in my head again.
“Did he put up a fight again?” He asked and I just shook my head.
My lips were still sealed when I felt his fingers resting over mine. My eyes flicked to our hands and I found our fingers connected.
“I would try my best to find a solution. You can’t win the world alone, Nara”
I gulped as emotions built up in me. Every time I think about Jayden’s demand, I start questioning my own upbringing and my love for him.
“Jayden has demand something” the words tumbled out of my mouth on their own before I could even stop them.
I didn’t want to tell this anyone, that’s why I shared it with mom but at the moment, it seems like this thing is still eating me from the inside.
“I don’t think that there is anything that you cannot provide him” he said.
“But I think the thing that he has asked for is against my wish ” I looked up for straight while his face was tilted to my side.
“What has he asked for?” He pressed.
“A father”
A long, dead silence followed my words. I am sure he is equally taken aback and doesn’t know how to react or what to say.
“He wants a father. My love is not enough for him”
I could hear him inhaling a deep breath.
“I believe even inhaling a deep breath.
“I believe even his own father could not love him more than you do” he said, and I blinked.
He took a moment before adding.
“But Nara, he is not wrong”
My head turned to his side.
“I have told you this earlier as well. It is time for you to move on from your past and find someone ”
I gulped.
“For once, even if I get ready to settle down with someone, how could I know that person could love my Jayden as his own son?” O asked him the question that was bothering me.
For the sake of Jayden, I am ready to marry but than doesn’t guarantee that he will be treated and loved the same way o do. That person will still have the thought in his head that Jayden is not his. He can’t give him the same love.
“I believe in the past you have met so many evils that you fail so see good” he murmured. “If a person truly loved you, he would understand that your happiness lies in Jayden. He would always keep Jayden loved and smiling to keep you happy” he told me.
“But it is not to find such a person” I said, looking away.
“May be you have found that person but you are just failing to see it”
My breath quickened up and my head snapped to him. My eyebrows squinted in confusion.
He tilted his head and slowly took my palm into his.
“I never thought of telling you about it like this, but it seems like I won’t be able to gather his courage again”
He gave me a smile and my heart sank in the pit of my stomach. Somewhere, I knew what was coming next.
“You must have seen me confident in the court room, fearless in front of the judge but I was always afraid of confession in front of you”
I gulped. I could see through his eyes what was coming next.
“From the very first day you joined my firm, I was attracted to you. I thought that maybe it was just a small infatuation which would go away with time but the more I got to know you, the more I fell for you”
His eyes were shining with pure love and honestly as he started deep into mine, looking for reactions.
“My past…” I tried to protest.
If he knew my past, he would have never felt that way, in fact, he would immediately distance himself from me.
“I don’t care about your past” he interpreted me before I could tell him anything. “I never did. In my thoughts, I never questioned the existence of Jayden. I liked you the way you are, it doesn’t matter to me who was your past”
I blinked up at him.
. “I just want your present to make your future happy. I want to see you smiling all the time ”
His words were followed by a long silence. He gave me ample to discern his words while I found myself speechless.
“I know how much you love Jayden, I also adore him. If you want, we won’t have any children”
My eyes widened slightly. I never expected anyone to say something like this. Even if for a percent, I thought of settling down, I was sure that the person would ask for his baby as well for which I am not ready. I don’t want any other child other than Jayden.
“Nara, I am not forcing you into this, nor I do I want to accept my feelings for my sake. It just the way I feel, which I wanted to confess for such a long time and I couldn’t stop myself at the moment. The final decision is yours. I am not pushing you to tell me your decision right now. You can take as much time as you want”
He lifted my right palm and planted a kiss on the back of my palm.
“I will wait for you and your decision”
He drop my hand.
“But I want one promise from your side ”
His hand reached out for the hair that was resting on my shoulders and had been earlier placed by Ansell. He pushed them back taking me by surprise.
Not only in nature but in actions as well, Marvin and Ansell are completely opposite.
“No matter what your decision is, there will be no effect on our friendship”
I could see the fear in his eyes. He was afraid of losing me and I am sure he was reluctant to confess his feelings because he was afraid I would end the friendship as well.
He stood up when he saw a man approaching us.
“Take your time and think about it. I am waiting for you inside for dinner”
My head spun even more with his confession.
Jayden wants a father and have seen with my eyes the way Marvin takes care of him, their bond and friendship and I. Sure Marvin would always keep Jayden happy but at the same time, Ansell is here, who would go crazy knowing this.
As he walked towards the party area, my eyes followed his back, and a question that rang in my head was.
Shall I accept his offer?