“So, what would you like to have first? Ice or ride?” Marvin asked Jayden.
Jayden rubbed his chin playfully, as if thinking about both offers, before jumping in his arm happily.
“Ice cream” he giggled.
Marvin chuckled and we made our way towards the ice cream stall.
“One butterscotch and two vanilla, please” Marvin ordered.
He knows our preferences really well. Because of Jayden, we have hang out a few times and let him know what we like. Earlier, I was amazed that he always remembered our likes and dislikes but how it has become normal.
As I reached for my purse to pay for the Ice cream, Marvin stopped me in my tracks, a look of surprise on his face.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his eyebrows raised in astonishment.
My eyebrows knitted in confusion.
“Jayden was angry with me and it was me who brought you here to pay the penalty for ignoring Jayden for so many days so it is me who is going to pay for it”. He argued.
“It’s fine. It is the same thing ” I tried to reason.
“Exactly ” he said, pushing Jayden towards my side, who immediately happened onto my lap. “Let me pay for it. Today’s treat is on me”
Marvin didn’t give me any more room to protest, as he promptly paid for the Ice cream. Jayden’s eyes were locked on his butterscotch. He didn’t really care who paid, he just wanted to dig into his Ice cream.
The moment Marvin handed Jayden his ice cream, Jayden seized the cone with both hands and took his first big lick, the way he usually does. Marvin handed me mine as well while savoring his own ice cream .
As per usual, Jayden extended his Ice cream toward my side, offering me a taste to share his treat. I took a lick of his ice cream and shared mine with him in return.
Jayden seemed like the happiest kid in the world, savoring his ice cream while his eyes darted around, catching glimpses of various shops filled with enticing toys. I knew he wanted to buy all of them, but he didn’t say a word.
Carrying him for a while started to take a toll on my arm, and I was sure he could sense it. It wasn’t long before he expressed his desire to walk on his own.
“Momma, Jayden wants to walk on his own” he pouted.
Before I could even bend down to set him on the ground, he, being the energetic one, slid down from my arms, which, unfortunately, resulted in my sling bag tearing. The belt of the bag had been yanked away from the bag itself.
“Uppps, Jayden is sorry, momma” Jayden apologized, holding his ears in a cute gesture as he realised the blunder he had done.
“It’s okay” I reassured him, giving him a comforting smile. It certainly wasn’t his fault. I could see the regret in his eyes, but it was just one of those things that happened.
But my ears and cheeks turned red with embarrassment as Marvin saw all this. My purse already needed a replacement but I didn’t know that it would get at such a place.
What must be be thinking about me?
“It’s ok, Nara. This happens. There is no need to get embarrassed” Marvin’s words caught my attention.
I looked up and found an understanding look on his face.
“You know, once I was going to court and my pant tore away”
I wanted to laugh at it but I controlled myself.
“Just imagine how embarrassing it would be for me” he chuckled and I couldn’t stop myself. “We cannot trust people, these are things made up of cotton and thread. No worries”
I nodded. His words were both light-hearted and reassuring, which helped me shake off the embarrassment. I wrapped the torn belt around the purse, holding it in one hand, and we made our way toward the ride area.
“Momma” Jayden tapped my tight, drawing my gaze down to him. “shoe, ” he pointed down at his open shoelace.
I looked around and spotted a nearby bench. Marvin noticed it at the same time.
“Help him with the shoelace. I will be right back” Marvin said, his attention seemingly caught by something in the distance, which I wasn’t sure about.
I nodded and took Jayden to the bench. I had him sit down, and I knelt to tie his shoelace. Once I was done, he jumped off the bench, and I took a seat, waiting for Marvin’s return. Carrying Jayden for a long period had begun to take its toll on me. I was already feeling tired.
I held Jayden’s wrist securely because I couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t dart off in his excitement. Everything around him was new, and he was overjoyed by simply looking at it all. He jumped around and went as far he could with his hand still in my hold.
“Mr. Marvel is back!” Jayden exclaimed, his excitement evident in his voice. He could wait for his rides for sure.
Before I could turn to look Marvin, my eyes were drawn to a bag that suddenly came into my view. It was hanging down, and I surprise to find that Marvin was holding it.
Did he just buy a bag for me?
“Keep your things in this bag and throw away the previous one” he instructed.
“I am sorry, sir, but I can’t accept this” I protested.
“Sir?” One of his eyebrows was raised.
“I mean Marvin. I can’t accept this” I corrected myself.
“You can’t simply go around holding that torn bag like this” he said, pointing at the purse I was still clutching.
“I will buy a new..”
“Just keep this one” he interjected, his tone taking on a slightly cold edge. “And if you are concerned about the cost, I will deduct it from your next salary ”
It seems like my reluctance to accept a gift from him hurt his feelings. Hew as just trying to help me. I shouldn’t have talked to him like this. The embarrassment from earlier welled up again, making me feel even more self-conscious.
“I didn’t mean that” I gulped, “I am so…”
. “Come on, Nara ” he waved his hand. “I was kidding. I am not actually going to cut it from your salary ” he laughed. “If you want, you can buy me something ”
I smiled at his playful behaviour. He always makes sure that I smile whenever he is around.
“Let’s go on the ride, buddy” he said, lifting Jayden and playfully tossing him into the air, prompting giggles from my son.
He cradled Jayden in his arms and headed toward the nearby ride.
As I watched them walk away, my smile remained until my view was suddenly obstructed by a familiar face. The smile quickly vanished.
So, my intuition wasn’t wrong. Ansell had indeed been watching us all this time. His fists clenched in anger, his jaw tightened, and his eyes fell on the purse that had been gifted to me by Marvin.
I am sure he must be recalling the purse that he gifted me in the mall secretly and I am also sure he must be expecting me to throw away the purse gifted by Marvin.
Making sure that he was still watching me, I quickly transferred all my belongings from my old purse into the new one, discarding the previous purse. I did this without hesitation, wanting to send a clear message that I have move on in my life and I don’t want anything from him, not even his presence.
As I stood up, I found him still standing in the same place, looking at me in pure rage. He didn’t like the idea of me accepting a gift from some other male but he is no longer in my life, nor do I want him.
I would do as I please.
Ignoring him and his cold stares, I walked past him and went straight to Marvin, who was cheering Jayden as he giggled while having the ride. The happiness of my son and the presence of a true friend were far more important to me than Ansell’s disapproval.
“Momaaaa!” Jayden waved his tiny palm enthusiastically when he saw me approaching.
I waved back with a wide smile on my lips. Although my baby was usually a happy child, today his excitement and happiness seemed boundless.
It had been months since he had enjoyed himself to his extent. Previously, William used to take him to different places, but in the past few months, he has been quite busy with work.
I had been thinking about taking Jayden to a park one day, but this unexpected adventure with Marvin had brought immense joy to him.
“Thank you so much, Marvin” I expressed my gratitude as Jayden’s ride carried him to other side of the wheel.
“Ah, it wasn’t expensive. Don’t worry about it” he replied, referring to the bag.
I shook my head.
“I am thanking you for bringing that smile to Jayden’s face” I clarified.
“Oh, that’s priceless ” he chuckled. “And I equally enjoy his company. I was looking for someone to spend my Sunday with, and it seems like he is the perfect companion for that ”
I smiled, appreciating his kindness, and he pointed at the ride. Jayden’s car eventually reached out side. Jayden gave two flying kisses, one for each of us, and we reciprocated with flying kisses of our own.
I couldn’t help but hope that no evil eye would cast a shadow on my baby’s happiness and that he would continue to stay as joyful as ever.