99. Helping hand

Book:Bought By My Brother's Best friend Published:2025-2-8

My eyes moved up to look at the intruder and I was surprised to find Mr. Marvin here. My eyes eyebrows shot up in surprise.
What is he doing here?
“You?” I asked, my voice reflecting my astonishment.
“Yeah, I thought you needed some help” he chuckled, glancing down at the bags I was carrying, Jayden’s keys and the car.
“Yeah, but what are you doing here?” I asked him.
“Well, I came for some shopping. My mother needed a few things. When I came out, I found that my car had ditched me. I was about to hire a cab when I saw you ” he explained with a warm smile on his lips, explaining everything to me.
“Ohhh” o nodded my head in understanding, “”That’s not a problem. I can give you lift ” I chuckled.
“No, it’s fine. I don’t want to bother you” he said.
“Bother? It’s completely fine sir” I replied, a bit surprised by his reluctance.
“Upps” he scrunched up his nose. “I can’t take a ride from you”
“Why? What happened?’ I asked, my eyebrows furrowing slightly as I tried to figure out if I had said something wrong.
“I have told you multiple times not to call me sir and even on holidays, you are calling me that. So now, when I am your ‘Sir’ I should maintain that line, right?” He teased, mimicking the title with his fingers.
I chuckled.
He had repeatedly asked me to refer to him by his first time, but I had always found it difficult to let go of the more formal address.
“I am sorry, I don’t mean to have any formality” I told him to make him comfortable by lifting Jayden up in my arms. It is getting difficult for me to hold him with one arm.
“I will accept the lift from you only when you take my name” he said with a mischievous glint in his eye, his fingers tapping against it and waiting for my response, a small smile gracing his lips.
“I…” I pursed my lips.
I don’t want to take his name but now that I have already offered him a lift home, it would be rude from my side if I didn’t drop him home, especially when he has dropped me home multiple times, even when he had important things to look at.
“Mr. Marvin Alexander”
One of his eyebrows was raised. I was not impressed with what I called him. Of course, I made it even more formal.
“Mr. Marvin” I said, pressing my lips together.
Both of these eyebrows were raised.
“Ma-marvin” I stumbled over his first name, attempting to become more comfortable with it.
A perfect smile curled on his lips, mad dimple appeared on his cheeks. This was typical of him, he was friendly and liked his juniors to call him by his name, except in a courtroom setting. Most of my colleagues addressed him by his first name or Mr. Alexander, but for some reason, I had always refrained from using it.
With a small chuckle, Marvin opened the car door for me. I began by placing the bags into the car, his head accidentally collided with the edge of the roof. He let out a hiss of pain, his eyes squeezing tightly.
My heart clenched in response. I didn’t want him to get hurt because of me, even if it was just an accident. I quickly rubbed the spot and gently pressed it to prevent any swelling.
“Don’t panic, Nara. It happens” Marvin said. “He is a big boy now ”
Jayden winced slightly as he slowly opened his eyes, looking at me with a mix of surprise and discomfort.
“I am sorry ” I murmured as he looked at me.
His palm reached out for his head as he rubbed it slightly with his tiny palm. He blinked his eyes open and a surprising gasp escaped his lips when he saw Marvin standing nearby.
“Mr. Marvel? Is that you?” Jayden asked, completely forgetting about the pain in his head, blinking his eyes multiple times to clear his vision.
“Yes, buddy” Marvin replied with a big, charming smile.
Jayden, fueled by excitement and joy, made a daring jump from my arm to Marvin’s. Marvin defly caught him, and Jayden was now giggling and beaming with happiness in his arms.
“Long time no see. Mr. Marvel!” Jayden exclaimed.
“Jayden, he is my boss ” I felt the need to remind him.
He always call him Mr. Marvel and gets comfortable with him as if he were his age. He needs to understand the age gap now. He must respect Marvin.
“But not Jayden’s” Jayden giggled.
“Right!” Marvin agreed, and both of them shared a high-five.
I shook my head in disbelief, watching the unlikely bond that had formed between them. The bond is as old as Jayden and it formed when I used to take him with me to work.
Jayden was a kid who don’t cry at strangers and this is what helped Marvin develop a bond with him. Marvin often used to spend his time with Jayden when he was small while I worked.
” But Jayden is angry with you” Jayden pouted and crossed his arms to his chest, calling angry as angry.
“Why? What I did?” Marvin asked him in the same playful tone.
“Do you remember the last time we met?” Jayden got even more serious, his little face scrunched up in thought.
Marvin rubbed his chin with his free hand, trying to think.
“I don’t remember” he told him.
“Exactly” Jayden said, he couldn’t pronounce exactly properly. “You forgot Jayden”
Small tears welled up in his eyes as he continued pouting . I don’t understand from where he is learning all these tactics. My mother says that I was exactly like him as a child. Used to make cute faces to make people agree to my terms and this is exactly what he does. He is a complete drama queen.
“Sorry, I got caught up with work” Marvin said apologetically, holding his ear in a playful gesture.
“Sorry won’t work” Jayden said, looking away.
“Ice cream?” Marvin, ever the good sport, tried a different approach.
Jayden couldn’t resist licking his lips, casting a side glance at Marvin, almost giving in to the temptation. But then he seemed to change his mind and looked away again.
“Hmmm, it seems like I have to pay a bigger penalty”
Marvin sighed, and Jayden nodded.
“Alright, there’s a fair nearby. What about going there, enjoying rides, eating ice cream, and having lots of fun and shenanigans?”
Jayden’s eyes lit up with excitement, and he turned his head slightly to face Marvin, hanging on to every word. I could see pure on his face.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Jayden squealed in excitement, and Marvin playfully tickled his stomach, eliciting delightful goggles from the little boy.
“Stop” I interjected, “Come back from your Lala land. You are not going anywhere”
“Why mom?” Sadness passed through Jayden’s eyes as his shoulders slumped.
“Before coming to the mall, you promised to complete your homework after returning home, remember?”
Though he is a fast learner, I had to practically run after him to make him complete his homework. I don’t know how my mother handles him at my back. I am sure he slept when I was paying the bill so that he could save himself from homework once we reached home.
“Momyy, please” Jayden pleaded with his most innocent expression, but I wasn’t about to relent. He even nudged Marvin when he noticed his tactics weren’t working on me.
“Momy, I mean, Nara, please” Marvin joined in, attempting the same pout and baby face.
I seriously can’t believe that he is the same confident and tough man that I see in courtroom. He becomes a lion there but whenever he is with Jayden, he behaves like a kid.
He has two completely different personalities.
“But… You must be having work” I tried to reason.
“No!” Marvin said, “I had nothing to do other than sleep” he blinked. “And that too alone”
“Momy, Jayden promised to complete the homework in the evening. Please Momy…”
Resigned to their enthusiasm, I sighed and gave in. Today is a holiday and Jayden hasn’t gone out for many days.
“Yayyy! ” Both of them squealed in pure joy, high-fiving once more.
“Mr. Marvel will drive car for us, mommy” Jayden said with a sheepish smile.
“Whatever you want, buddy ” Marvin replied with chuckle, ready to indulge in their little adventure.
Without giving me time to protest, Marvin opened the passenger seat door for me like the gentleman he is. It was quite clear from my face that I didn’t like the idea and I was still thinking about it but both of them left me with no other choice.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to your car” Marvin chuckled softly.
Sighing I sat inside and Jayden came on my lap. Marvin soon took the driver seat and started the engine. When he reversed the car, it felt like someone was watching us, which made me look outside but I found no one. I hope Ansell has made his way back and doesn’t show up again.
“What happened?” Marvin asked.
I just shook my head. I don’t want him to get annoyed because of my stupid thoughts.
He cocked his head and drove towards the destination.