60. Ansell’s Princess

Book:Bought By My Brother's Best friend Published:2025-2-8

Since that day, I couldn’t step out of the room, even when he left the house. Usually, I prefer staying out of the room when he is not home but that day, my restlessness kept me confined. I was going crazy.
The situation I found myself in was overwhelming, pushing me to the brink. I realised I desperately needed help; the weight of it all threatened to drive me to the brink of madness.
It’s been more than two weeks since he kept the proposal of marriage in front of me and I haven’t accepted it yet. My head is busy thinking about it’s consequences. He hasn’t asked for it again because he wants me to accept it on my own without him forcing me to do so.
. I want my parents to meet William because this will not only them immense happiness but also a ray of hope with which they can live their lives. My mother believes that William is still alive and she would be most happy to see him in front of her eyes. I longed to witness that moment, to see my parents faces light up at the sight of their son, and to see my brother live a normal life. But the price was so unbelievably high.
My life.
I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing my brother suffer unjustly, nor could I digest the idea of marrying Ansell and allowing him to manipulate and control me for the rest of my life. The situation was an agonizing battle between my love for my family and my own life.
If none of us is guilty, then why is he making us suffer?
As I learn more and more truth, the world seems more cruel and unjust to me.
Why I grew up?
Just why?
I haven’t confronted Desy because I know that if I want directly to her to know the truth, she would never tell me., And I didn’t get a chance to search for the truth. Since that day, I have been looking for something that could prove that my brother is innocent and that a very clever plan has been executed against him.
My thoughts were cut short with a gentle knock on the door.
“Nara” it was Grace. “Come out for lunch” she said in a very soft tone.
My heart fluttered listening to her voice. There is at least someone in this hell to look upon me.
Slowly, I made my way to the door and found her standing out with a smile on her face.
“Are you fine?” She asked me.
I nodded.
“If you want I can bring your food here” she offered.
“No! I would like to have it with you” I told her.
Her smile widened even more. She is also alone in this world, bearing the responsibility of her grandchildren. I am sure she misses her family, that’s why she treats me like her own daughter.
As Grace led the way, I followed her into the hall. The place felt empty, lifeless, and devoid of the warmth that a real home held. This was just a structure of bricks and marble, devoid of feeling or emotion.
I miss my own home, which was small but comfortable and cozy, where you could find solace and peace.
My heart clenched at the mere thought of it. I desperately wanted everything to become normal so that I could go back to my happy days.
The only way to do that is by searching for the truth and I know that he would not let me meet my brother so easily so I would have to start with this house only. I would have to know the truth either from Desy or look for some evidence that could prove my brother innocent.
The biggest disadvantage in my situation is that I do not have access to my phone or I would have asked my team to help me out with this case.
“Come” her word broke the chain of my thoughts.
Turning my attention to her, I noticed that she had already set the meal on the table, patiently waiting for me to join her. Not wanting her to wait any longer, I walked over and took a seat beside her, grateful for her presence and the fleeting senses of normalcy her company provided.
We started having food together when my eyes were drawn to a bawl, which she usually uses to serve food to Desy.
“You didn’t give food to Desy?” I asked her out of curiosity.
Grace paused, setting aside her fork and swallowing her bite.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, a small smile gracing her lips. “”Actually, she’s out with her friends today, so she’s having lunch outside” she explained. Her gaze drifted momentarily, a fond expression crossing her features. “I am just glad to see her embracing life again. Having watched both Desy and Ansell grow up, I can’t bear to see them unhappy. Desy’s situation had been weighing on me, and now seeing her try to move forward brings me joy”
What an irony!
The one who is innocent is bearing all the torture, and the one who is behind all this is getting sympathy.
I always used to think that people showed us the way they were, but both Ansell and Desy broke his this delusion of mine.
The only confusion that I had was that if she truly wanted my brother and me to suffer then why did she help me not only in escaping but also in dungeon? She is the one who has always told me me sweet things about Ansell as if she was trying to make us done.
I could actually feel the nerves of my brain throbbing by thinking all of this.
The case is too much complicated and everything is taking its toll on my mental and physical health.
“Where are you lost?” Grace great asked, bringing me back, “have your food”
I nodded and concentrated on my lunch.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yes” she smiled, more than willing to answer my questions.
“Do you know anyone whom by chance Desy hates or….”
“Hate?” She interrupted me before I could ask my question. “The only thing that she has learned is to spread love. After the death of her mother, she was the one who was most affected. Ansell is ten minutes older than her but he has always acted like an elder brother. He used to protect and console her. With their father not being around much, Ansell assumed that role. Desy understood that by giving love, she could receive it in return, and that’s what she strives for. She’s kind-hearted and helpful. While circumstances may have made her more reserved, hating someone is simply not in her nature” Grace explained with confidence.
I offered a simple, “Oh” in response, absorbing her words.
She smiled and nodded.
We finished our lunch in silence. Grace took the dishes to the kitchen once we were done. When she was inside the kitchen, my eyes moved to the closed door of Desy’s room.
With both Desy and Ansell absent and Grace soon to leave, this could be the opportunity I had been waiting for. This could be a good chance that I might find evidence in Desy’s room. My heart raced at the prospect, the adrenaline pushing me toward the edge of decision.
After around fifteen minutes, which felt like an eternity, Grace came out with her purse and lunch, which she usually takes for her grandchildren.
“I ma going home” she said.
I nodded. I was waiting for her to leave so that I could execute my plan.
“You are alone today, Id you want, I can stay back for a few hours till Desy reruns” she said.
I shook my head instinctively, and my response was quick.
“Oh no, thank you. I am planning to rest, so you should head back home and take care of the kids” I replied.
She nodded, giving me a warm smile as she stepped out.
As soon as she was out of my sight, I seized the opportunity.
My steps carried me to Desy’s room, and with bated breath, I gently pushed open the door. Despite being certain that no one was home, I was cautious not to make any noise, my heart pounding loudly in my chest as I entered the room.
I am not sure how long it has been since Desy left the house and she could return anytime so I have to be quick with my plan. I simply cannot let this golden opportunity slip from my fingers.
Rushing towards Desy’s cupboard, I swung it open only to be met with an overwhelming arrays of dresses, purses, shoes, and sandals. From the outside, it appeared like a standard closet, but within, it resembled a miniature mall.
Pushing aside the allure of the wardrobe’s contents, I shifted my focus and began rummaging through it, my hands desperately seeking any clue or evidence that might be hidden within. Drawer after drawer, I explored, my hopes rising and falling with each futile attempt.
The drawers were filled with a wide array of makeup brands, which many girls dream of. She is unsightly getting the treatment of a princess. There is no doubt that he has been acting as his mother and father at the same time all his life and this is why he loves and trusts her blindly.
I still couldn’t believe that she was doing all this. How could someone so seemingly innocent be involved in something so dark and cruel?
Exhaling a frustrated sigh, I closed the last drawer, feeling defeated as my search yielded no results.
But I was not yet ready to give up. My eyes flicked to the small table beside the bed and I walked to to it. I looked at its items one by one but nothing was there that could help me.
Slowly, I was giving up on finding anything here when my eyes caught a small drawer that was attached to the bed.
Sitting on my knees, I tried to open it, only to know that it was locked.
My heart started thumping in my chest.
I am sure I could find something here. I need to look for its keys.
My eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of the keys to unlock the drawer. I began scouring the tabletop, hoping against hope that the keys might be lying there.
As I moved items around, my fingers brushed against a small, folded piece of paper tucked beneath a book. My heart leaped with excitement as I picked it up, unfolding it to reveal a set of keys.
The keys seem like a small victory in the chaos that has taken hold of my life, turning it upside down.
With a sense of urgency, I stood up and approached the locked drawer. My hands trembled slightly as inserted the key into the lock, my breath held in anticipation.
There were three keys and I decided to try each one. The first one didn’t work but this didn’t stop me from trying other keys. I tried the second key.
With a click, the drawer opened, I didn’t wasted time pulling it out and was surprised to find out the content inside it.