This is what I felt when the woman took out the ring from my pocket, which I never stole.
I am sure my Jean’s pockets were empty. My eyes focused on the ring and I found that it was the same one that he always wore on his middle finger.
The eyes, which were earlier filled with sympathy, were now looking at me with hatred.
I was stunned to find that the person who has made my life a living hell has now made me a thief as well.
“See, I told you” Ansell said with confidence, shrugging and tucking his hand in the pocket.
I shuddered but still, I was not ready to give up. I wanted to be free at any cost and this was my last chance.
“No! This is not true, I haven’t done anything” I could feel tears forming in my eyes as my voice was filled with desperation.
I didn’t take it from him. How will I prove my innocence to them?
I was expecting any of them to come up in my support and finally, the driver asked but his words broke me even more.
“Shall we help you take this girl to the police?” He eyes me up and down as if I were not the man standing in front of me but I have committed the biggest crime.
“No need. I don’t want others to be late because of me. Do your work. Drop them at their destination. I will take care of her myself” Ansell said in a very serious tone.
My heart raced as Ansell held my wrist in a vice-like grip, his fingers digging into my skin.
“Please, I haven’t done anything” I cried but no one listened to me. It seems like my cries and pleas fell on deaf ears. They didn’t even move from their places.
His hold on my wrist intensified to the point that it started burning and the woman who checked me earlier sat back in her seat.
“He is monster. He has kidnapped me. Please save me” I cried and thrashed in his hold as he dragged me out of the bus.
My voice was raw and so loud that it seemed like I wanted to tell it to the whole world but no one came to my rescue. I even tried to glue my feet to the bus but his force was multiple times greater than mine.
People were seeing me but instead of sympathy, there was disgust in their eyes because they thought I was a thief. They don’t know that they are handing me over to a person who could do anything to me, he could even kill me, make me blind, handicap me, or anything else.
I never knew that my freedom would last for such a short time. I don’t want to go back to him. I want my parents, my brother, and my safe home.
This world is very to me.
He is very cruel to me.
Like every other time, he didn’t listen to any of my pleas as he kept on dragging me out if the bus and pushing me inside his car that was waiting outside. He was so rough as if I didn’t get hurt like I was an object.
I thrashed around to reach the other door but before I could struggle to get out of it he also came inside and pushed the child lock, blocking my way.
“Ansell you also know that I haven’t stolen anything from you”
I cried, turning to him, but the tears didn’t come out of my eyes. My chest clenched at every sob that echoed in the car as the driver started it. My sob was louder than the roar of the engine.
How could he make such a cheap allegation against me when he knows that I hate him so much that I don’t want even a single cloth from him, let alone such an expensive ring?
“Indeed, you have but it is not the ring”
He was looking straight with no emotions in his eyes.
“I kept it in your pocket when I went close to you” he revealed.
I blinked as that moment replayed in my head and reminded me of what I felt his fingers grazing my thighs.
“Why?” A sob escaped my lips but there were no tears in my eyes.
They have now dried or maybe my eyes were holding them because he was about to give me a lot of reasons that cry.
“It was just a way to get you back. I would have also dragged you out of that bus and one one could question me but I wanted you to feel the humiliation” there were no emotions on his face as he told me about his plan.
“Why?” My voice trembled as I tried to understand his motives, wanting to know everything about how low he could go.
“Why would you go to such lengths? What satisfaction do you gain from this?”
He turned his head to meet his gaze with mine, and I shivered at the intensity of his gaze. His eyes were blazing with raw anger.
“It was a means to an end, Tereso. A way to remind you of your place, to break whatever spirit you had left, and to make you realize that you are nothing without me and have nowhere to go except me” Each of his words came out loud and crisp as if he wanted to make these things clear in my head.
“Why are you doing all this to me? Whatever William did to Desy, it was his fault, not mine” a sob escaped my lips, “Let me go, please. I will not say anything to anyone. I will disappear from your sight and will never show you my face” I assured him.
“No!” He growled and suddenly he grabbed my jaw in a painful grip and said, “Understand that you cannot run away from me. Even death can’t pull us apart. Because even if you died, you will find my grave beside you. I can never let you go. You are mine!”
He growled at my face, the beast quite visible in his eyes, his breath heavy and harsh, fanning my face.
“Your action has made every man in the mafia world fascinated by you. If not me, then someone else would catch you, and I could never let this happen when I am alive” he seethed, his hot breath fanning my face, his words shivering me to the core “no one is allowed to see, touch, or feel you other than me! Got it?”
His hold on my jaw tightened as he was waiting for me to answer him. I could see myself in his eyes. I was terrified by his level of obsession with me. I felt so creepy and made my skin crawl.
“Did you get me?” He asked again, shaking my face when I didn’t say anything.
He was ready to break my jaw if I didn’t answer so just meekly nodded my head.
He left my jaw and I supposed my cries, which were now resonating in the car. His words were like a reminder of the darkness that had taken over his heart and mind, and the extent to which he was ready to go to maintain his control over me.
One thing was now clear to me, no matter what, I actually have nowhere to go until and unless he releases me with his own will, which I am not seeing in the near future.
His beast will not be satisfied until he hasn’t ruined me completely.
“You committed the biggest mistake of your life by escaping me” his palm rested on my thigh possessively which flinched me and made me look at him once again. “I will make sure you regret every moment and your soul shivers at the mere thought of escaping me”
His eyes were looking deadly as they bore into mine and his palm crawled up.
“Now get ready to pay for it”