I felt like I was floating on a cloud of pure happiness, knowing that I had finally escaped from that dreadful place. My heart was light, and a wide grin played on my lips as I realised I was free from that devil’s clutches.
My feet seemed to have a mind of their own, carrying me forward with an unstoppable energy without caring about the way people around me were staring.
At the moment m, all that matters to me is to reach my parents as soon as possible and take them to a place where it is safe for all of us. The thought of embarrassing sent shivers of happiness throughout my body.
After a few minutes, my legs started to slow down, and my breath came in ragged gasps. The exhaustion started to set in my bones.
I cannot run forever. The bus stop isn’t near where I am even if I pushed myself to run continuously, it would take a good half an hour to reach there.
The thought of hiring a cab crossed my mind but then I realised that I hadn’t brought even a single penny with me. How am I supposed to pay the fare?
My head was spinning and I could see white dots dancing in front of my eyes. My throat was dry. I need water.
My eyes moved around to find something that could help me in this situation. And then, relief washed over me as I spotted public drinking water taps nearby. They weren’t something I had ever used before m, but in that moment, they seemed like a a lifeline. I need energy to reach my destination.
Without thinking much, I just went there, splashed water on my face, and had a few sips, which were enough to give me energy.
When I was satisfied, I started running once again but this time it was not as fast s before. I regret not bringing any cloth to hide my face.
As I reached the crowded area, I knew that I needed to act normally so not to raise any suspicion, so I walked. Slowing my steps to a casual walk, I moved along the bustling street, doing my best to appear like any other passerby.
In an attempt to hide myself, I made my way between a wall and a car when the door of the car abruptly opened, making me fall back.
I landed on my buttocks and winced in pain as a sharp jolt if pain shot through me. Running has exhausted me fully and I found it difficult to even stand up.
“Hey, sorry” a gentle voice said, and I blinked in surprise. The voice sounded oddly familiar, and my heart quickened as I looked up.
“Leonara?” I heard a surprise in his voice.
“Elijah!” My eyes widened as I looked up at him.
What is he doing here?
We have studied together at the college but as far as I know, he belongs to another city. He came here only to complete his studies.
He gave me his hand and I stood up with his support.
“Are you fine?” He asked, his eyes moving down my down body to make sure I hadn’t gotten hurt, “I’m sorry, I didn’t… ”
“It’s alright, Elijah. It was my fault for not watching where I was going. This side of the street isn’t ideal for walking”
“What happened to you? You are not looking well. You have become so paler and thinner than before. Is everything fine?” He asked out of concern.
He has always been a good friend of mine in college. And as much as I wanted to tell him, ask him to save me, I couldn’t. I have to keep things to myself.
“Yes, Elijah, don’t worry. It’s just the workload taking a toll on me” I replied with a casual shrug.
I could see that he didn’t accept what I said, as his eyes were looking at me with skepticism but instead of pressing me further on the topic, he changed it.
“Where is William? How is he doing?” He asked out of excitement.
“Ummm,” I looked down, “He is no more”
“What!!” He shouted so loudly that he drew the attention of many passerby.
I nodded, looking up at him.
“I am sorry for your loss. I didn’t know it” he said, his eyes softening a bit.
“It’s ok” I give him a tight-lipped smile.
I wanted to leave here as soon as possible before someone caught me. I was about to ask for a leave when he again interrupted me.
“If you don’t mind, can I ask you a question?”
I tilted my head.
“Do you need any help?”
His questions left me stunned for a minute and my eyes drew together in confusion.
“What do you mean?” I asked him back.
“I mean to say that looking at you, it seems like you are running from someone. The fear and anxiety are quite like the angel that I used to know. If something is going on, if there’s any way I can assist you, please let me know”
I gulped as my mind raced to think about any excuse.
“Oh, Elijah, it’s really kind of you, but it’s just that… I got a call from my parents. They’re in urgent need of my help. I was on my way to hire a cab when a thief snatched my purse. I lost my phone and my money. I need to get to the bus stop quickly, that’s why I was running.
“You are going through a really tough time, it seems”
More difficult than you can imagine. Instead of saying anything, I just nodded my head.
“Stay strong, Leonara. This time shall pass ” I knew he was saying all this to encourage me and I was grateful for that.
“Thanks for your kind words, Elijah, now I would like to take my leave” I said.
“If you don’t mind, I could drop you at the bus stop” he ordered.
“Uh.. but you must be having some work ”
“No, I was just wandering around, passing my time. I would be glad if I could help you”
A wide smile crept onto my lips as I nodded.
“Come ”
He opened the passenger side of the door like a gentleman and I sat in. He soon took the driver’s seat and started the engine.
“Thank you so much, Elijah. I won’t forget this favor” I expressed sincerely, my voice filled with appreciation.
“It’s no big deal. After all, you did plenty of favours for me back in college” he chuckled.
He turned on the light music as he drove the car. The cold wind hit my face, giving me hope of a new and better life, free from any shackles.
I couldn’t take my eyes off street, which was illuminated by street lights. It was after days that I was out of the four walls. And it felt too good to express in words.
“Want some?” His words caught my attention and I saw that he was offering me chocolate.
“No, thank you” I smiled.
“Come in, take it. No charge” he chuckled, his tone playful.
I stared at him without blinking.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt or offend you in any way” he apologized. “I just thought about lightening your mood”
“No, I didn’t mind”
I took the chocolate from him, not wanting to make him feel embarrassed. He has already helped me a lot.
As I unwrapped the chocolate, Elisha’s fingers danced over his phone’s screen, and I noticed he was typing something. I nibbled on the chocolate, savoring the sweetness as it melted on my tongue.
After a few minutes of having it, my head started spinning.
Was there something in the chocolate?
No! I am overthinking, it is just because of all the exhaustion that I have gone through in the afternoon.
The rest of the journey went silent and the car came to a halt in front of the bus stand.
“Thank you so much, Elijah” I thanked him form the bottom of my heart.
“Com’on” he waved off my thanks with a dismissive gesture. “No need for that. Here, take this” he said, extending a small amount of cash towards me.
My eyebrows knitted when I saw him giving me some cash.
“You told me that your purse got stolen; then how are you supposed to pay the fare of the bus?” He asked.
“Thanks once again ” I took the cash from him as he was sounding sensible: “I will return it to you soon”
“Oh, I would prefer a coffee” he chuckled.
“Sure” I smiled at him before stepping out of the car.
Waving goodbye, I searched for the bus that could take me to my parents city. Once aboard, I paid the fare and secured a vacant seat, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.
I chose a seat where both spots were empathy, granting me a little privacy, which I needed at the moment.
As the bus started, I leaned back in my seat, relishing the moment of my freedom. I was happy that I was free from him but somewhere deep in me was an indication that something bad was going to happen. My heart was thinking in my chest.
I shook my head and gulped down the last small piece of chocolate remaining in my hand to distract my mind.
I should think about my parents.
The buss was able to cover only a small distance when it came to a halt all of a sudden.
The passenger started whispering among themselves and I was equally confused but my eyes widened when I saw three men dressed in black suits stepping inside the bus.
My blood turned cold when the next person stepped up because it was none other than my nightmare.