25. Insanely obsessed

Book:Bought By My Brother's Best friend Published:2025-2-8

I already made the decision to escape this place and I don’t want to take my steps back because even if I stayed here, my fate would be as cruel as if I got caught.
Running away is giving me at least some hope and I believe it is an opportunity that I don’t think I am going to get again.
With trembling feet, I stepped up the stairs and paused for a moment to catch my breath when I reached the second floor.
My eyes moved around to scan the surroundings but I could not see anything clearly because it was dilmy lit, casting long shadows along the corridor. I could see my own shadow, which was my only companion.
The anticipation of what was to come weighed heavily on me, yet it was a burden I was willing to bear in exchange for the change to reclaim my freedom. The first thing I am going to do after getting out of this hell is meet my parents and find out of this hell is meet my parents and find out the whole story of my brother’s murder.
Even if he has committed that heinous crime, I still want to know everything from the start to the end.
Drawing a deep breath, I reminded myself that time is of the essence and I need to take action quickly.
My eyes darted around and I sighed heavily when they spotted a large door that looked ancient. With each step that I took towards it, my heart beat louder in my ear.
My fingers curled around the cold metal knob, my grip steady despite the nervous energy that coursed through my veins. And as if luck were on my side, the door creaked open, breaking the deadly silence that surrounded me
As I entered, I was again met by the darkness, the only source of light was the sun’s rays, which were making their way from the large Windows.
What surprised me was the size of the library. I thought that it would be a small room but it seems to be spread over almost the whole floor. I realised this whole floor was probably just for books. It seemed like the kind of place someone who loved reading would enjoy. Maybe Ansell and desy’s parents were into books
The library seemed to stretch on forever, filled with an overwhelming number of books and shelves that reached up to the ceiling. My heart shrank when I thought that I had to look at each shelf to know which one led to the path of my escaped.
Beside one of the bookshelves, there was a huge table and a mahogany chair. It may look ancient but the library was clean without any dust. It was clear that someone was maintaining this place, even if it was only on rare occasions.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward and ran my fingers along the book spines. Each shelf was like a puzzle piece, and I had to find the right one. I knew the task was daunting and going to take more time than I expected but I didn’t have any other option. I have to do this.
Suddenly, my back collided with the table and something fell on the floor, which grabbed my attention. I quickly turned around to see what it was. I found a small box had tipped over, and its contents were scattered around.
As much as I was in a hurry to find the way to escape, I could not leave behind any trace that could tell him from where I had escaped. I decided to first put the things back into the cartoon and place them where they were.
Sitting down, I carefully picked up the items and put them back into the box, making sure everything was in place. I was surprised to find that they were artificial girlish elements like rubber bands, hair pins, bracelets, necklaces, etc. And the thing that caught my attention was the baby pink-colored handkerchief, which felt so familiar.
My fingers hesitated for a moment before slowly reaching out for the baby pink handkerchief. As I picked it up, my eyes widened when I saw a small teddy bear stitched onto it. The sight of the teddy bear sent a rush of memories flooding back.
I remembered how much I used to adore teddy Bears. I had a strong belief that they brought luck, so I wanted them everywhere, even on my clothes. Since I couldn’t stitch them onto my school uniform I had seen a little teddy bear onto my favourite handkerchief. I used to carry it with me whenever I went.
One day, while playing volleyball, Ansell had hurt his wrist. I couldn’t stand seeing him in pain, so I wrapped my beloved handkerchief around his wrist to support it. I hadn’t thought twice about it back then. I just wanted to help him feel better. But he never returned the handkerchief to me. I worried that he might think I couldn’t even keep hold of a simple handkerchief.
I didn’t know that he kept it to himself with so much care.
My fingers closed around the baby pink handkerchief, clutching it tightly in my fist. As I looked down, my other hand reached for the necklace that lay beside it. I gasped in disbelief as I held it up, it was my pendant.
So this was why my things kept disappearing from the table in the living room. He had been stealing them, taking them away, and keeping them with him.
But why?
Why would he do something like that?
In any other circumstances, a girl might have felt a flutter of happiness, discovering that the boy she liked was secretly keeping her belongings. But for me, this revelation was unsettling. It sent shivers down my spine, and I felt a sense of unease wash over me.
I could feel goosebumps rising on my my skin at the mere thought. It felt so creepy.
I didn’t know that he was so obsessed with me.
My thoughts were abruptly broken by the cheerful chirping of birds outside the window. Glancing up, I noticed that the sun was almost completely set.
I had to hurry if I wanted to escape tonight. The shock of the discovery had momentarily diverted my attention, but I couldn’t afford to lose any more time.
Quickly, I placed everything back into the cartoon and put it in previous places. Shrugging off the lingering feeling, I went back to work and started looking for a way out of this.
As I continued my search, the minutes slipped away. My heart raced as I neared another shelf. Could this be the one?
The anticipation was almost overwhelming.
Finally, my fingers brushed against a certain book spine, and a surge of hope rushed through me.
This could be it.
With the trembling hands, I pulled the book out and held my breath. The shelf shuddered, and I gasped as I realised it was sliding open, revealing a hidden passage.
A genuine smile made its way to my lips when I could see the path that could lead me to the freedom I had been craving for such a long time.
Without a moment’s hesitation, I moved around the bookshelf and entered the concealed tunnel. The soft, gentle light that filtered through the passage guided my way. Every step I took was deliberate and silent, a cautious effort to avoid suspicion in case anyone was nearby.
I could see the greenery at the end of the tunnel. Desy told me that I would find a garden In the end.
I was about to step out when I saw a shadow that halted me at my place. My heart came to my throat as I saw guard passing through.
Instinctively, I pressed my body against the tunnel wall, my breath held in my chest. I couldn’t afford to make a sound, to draw any attention to myself. My heart raced, the seconds stretching into agonizing minutes as I watched the guard move past.
I released the deep breath that I had been holding for so long. My mind raced to think about the way to bypass any other guard who may come across my path.
The main door was only a few steps away and I needed a mere two seconds to reach it but in my haste, I could not risk it.
My gaze Landed on a small, lush green plant, its leaves providing just enough cover for me to conceal myself.
Peeping out, my eyes moved around and when I was sure that the guard was not facing me, I quickly hid behind it. I knew that he would soon turn around so I quickly grabbed a stone and threw it ahead of him. As expected it grabbed his attention and he walked to see the movement.
Seizing the moment, I darted from my hiding place, my heart in my throat as I leaped the distance between the plant and the door. Adrenaline surged through me as I ran, the world a blur around me. It felt like I was being chased by a ghost.
I felt so good to breathe fresh air and he free after so many days.
Crossing my fingers, I decided to move ahead and disappear before he could catch me again.
But little did I know that I was making my life even more miserable.