I push through the crowded and sticky halls filled with thundering music to reach the catacombs and reach Bernard, who is already waiting for me with a huge grin.
“Bernie,” I growl, making him laugh.
He points to a steel door with his thumb, being in the best mood ever. “We had a little incident in one of our dealer rooms.”
“What happened?” I ask annoyed.
Rubbing his hands, he seems to have the time of his life. “Two ladies were here to buy drugs. One of our dealers was about to settle the deal with one of them when he noticed the other moving strangely. He said they were having a good time, and the beauties were even partying with him. But fortunately, he is in the business long enough to not be scammed by a pair of boobs.”
I shake my head while his eyes continue to sparkle. “I still don’t know why I’m here.”
“Oh, I thought you would love to see the boobs. It’s quite spectacular.” He snickers as he lowers his voice. “They are VIPs.”
“VIPs?” I ask, making him nod.
“Yeah, I thought that you might be interested in what we caught here.” He answers, and gestures into the room as he opens the door. “Enjoy, old boy!”
His grin makes my blood boil, but I am used to it by now. He has this way of doing that wouldn’t be fitting for the king of entertainment to be missing.
“You are such an idiot,” I grumble, and he slaps my shoulder as I pass him.
His laughter overpowers the music as he jokes, “Believe me, it will be worth your time.”
Stepping into the room, I check out the emaciated figure sitting on a chair in the naked room as the door closing behind me locks out the blaring music.
I take a deep breath as I look at her sitting there defiantly while smoking a cigarette.
“Called in the heavy weapons on us now, Bernie?”
Of course she knows his name.
Her thin frame screams abuse from a mile away, even if she has a certain elegance to her which would hint to her being off the streets.
“What is VIP about you?” I ask, causing her eyes to widen.
She giggles, and I already want to have her escorted out of the room.
“I’m a model. I’m known all over the world. If you want money, I’ll give you my manager’s number. He is used to paying creeps like you out.”
I scoff, taking the ID Bernie is passing me. “I’m not up-to-date with the world of fashion. Not my field of business.”
Switching the leg to cross them anew, she simply shrugs. “I would say that I’m offended, but the stuff you sell here is too good to be true.”
Glancing at her ID, I have to admit that her name rings a bell. But I don’t know where I have seen it.
But Jensen used to mingle with those sad individuals, maybe he had her at some point and told me about her.
“Bridget, what about your friend?” I ask, slowly losing my patience.
“She isn’t a model. But she surely can give you something you would die for.” Her high-pitched voice transforms into a screech as she starts to laugh at that.
Grabbing the backrest of her chair, I pull her into the middle of the room, making her lose her balance. Lowering down to her, I clench my teeth as she smells sickeningly sweet. “The fact that I’m here doesn’t mean anything good for both of you. I usually don’t get involved in such matters, so tell me why I’m here.”
She stares up at me with wide eyes as she clasps the sitting surface of the chair. “As if someone like me would know!”
She still has some defiance in her voice, but I’m sure she has lost her fearless demeanor.
“What did you do?” I ask in a growl.
Gulping, she shakes her head, trying to play her beauty-privilege card. “I don’t know. We were having a good time and suddenly your dealer got mad. He started screaming and scared the shit out of us.”
“You stole, bitch.” Bernard chimes in, making her whimper.
“No!” She shouts panicky. “We didn’t do anything! You framed us.”
Pointing the finger into my face, she goes totally berserk. “I know people like you. That’s why someone of your caliber is surprisingly called to deal with two little thieves. It’s not the first time we are in such a situation.”
She continues to rant while doing air quotes with her fingers. “So, what is it? Is it money? Did some of your entourage recognize me and thought I would do well to be extorted? Or maybe you want to have shenanigans performed by us. It can’t be our organs. Also, we don’t have any people that would pay any ransom money to have us back. We are far from being that precious. What is it then?”
Tilting her head, she crosses her hands. “Sex or money?”
“How complacent of you to think that we are interested in your money,” I snort, and Bernard laughs with me.
“Or interested in your scrawny body,” he mocks her.
She narrows her eyes trying to cover her offended pride. “But my friend isn’t scrawny, isn’t she?!”
“Stop acting like you had something to sell us. Your friend doesn’t interest us either.” I say ready to have her disposed of.
Bernhard whistles, making me turn to him with furrowed brows. “What?”
“Oh, I would wait to say that. She is a beauty!” He jokes, and I’m about to ask what the hell he means by it as Bridget drags my attention back to her with another irritating laugh.
“See! What did I tell you? She is hard to resist.”
I clench my teeth as I feel like they have completely lost their minds. “What are you? Her pimp?”
“Oh, no.” She sways, waving her hand. “She doesn’t need that.”
Clicking my tongue, I straighten my spine, putting my hands into my pockets. “What are we doing with them, Bernie?”
“Whatever you want, boss. Thieves are usually to lose their limbs,” Bernard answers mockingly.
“You have to be kidding me!” Bridget scoffs.
As she looks back at me, she loses the damsel in distress act, her cocky behavior back on her face.
Leaning back into her chair with all the entitlement in the world, she moves her hand in the rhythm of her voice. “Like I said, I didn’t steal anything.”
“Who did then?” I ask, feeling sick of her.
She looks up at me and pouts. “Nerthus did.”
My blood freezes in my veins as she giggles once again. The shrilling sound pairing with the ringing in my ears.
“What did you say?”
“Nerthus!” She repeats with a duh expression.
“She always was the one with the nimble fingers.” She gestures to Bernard as she adds, “Your guys are good. Usually we were never caught.”
I ball my fists as I turn around, facing Bernard. “Where is she?”
His grin disappears from his face as he opens the door and instructs me to the door next to ours.
“You are a fucking idiot,” I grumble again as I swing the door open.