Checking my phone, I sigh as there is still no text from Nerthus.
Looks like someone wants to get a visit at all costs.
The usual hostess in an elegant skirt and blouse waits for my arrival on the floor and accompanies me into the room.
After years of going to the same room on the same floor, it gets kind of unnecessary in my opinion, but it is all part of the image, so I’ll ride with it.
As she opens the door and I enter the room, my gaze falls on her immediately.
Nerthus is sitting at the poker table wearing her hair collected in a high ponytail, showing off her delectable neck.
Hearing the door close behind me, I try to shut up my running thoughts sending indecent pictures into my mind at how beautiful she is.
“Where is everyone?” I ask, not able to contain my grin.
Nerthus shifts and crosses her legs seductively, her red dress with a deep neckline revealing her creamy skin. “Oh, I’m as surprised as you are, big boy. But everyone seems to have canceled.”
She shrugs as I laugh. Taking my hands out of my pockets, I take out a chair in front of her to sit at the poker table.
“James, if you please.” She says with her eyes still lying on me.
The dealer starts distributing the cards as she gestures to a young gentleman at the door to the adjoining room. He opens a box next to me, offering me a cigar.
I take one with a grin and watch him bring one to Nerthus.
He lights her cigar, and I’m just amazed about how everything she does seems to be alluring.
Never a movement too hastily.
Never a movement out of place.
Just beautifully perfect.
Watching her lulling me in is like observing a Geisha entertaining her guest with a higher art.
“I thought that instead of remaining alone, you would want to play with me.” She says nonchalantly while checking the cards in her hands.
I take up my cards with a chuckle. “I guess it is better than nothing.”
Taking two of her cards and laying them down on the table, she gestures to James, who gives her two other cards.
After sorting them in her hand, she rolls her cigar in the ashtray before her.
“I wanted to give you my answer. You know, after you… asked that nicely.” She grins, her gaze still directed to the ashes forming on the tip of her cigar.
Putting mine between my teeth, I only have to look at James once to have him bow slightly. “I’ll be in the bar room if you need me, sir.”
He leaves the room with the young waiter, and as I look back at Nerthus, she is already looking at me.
“Tell me!” I say, making her grin wider.
Her head is resting on the back of her hand as her eyes sparkle mischievously. “Oh, wouldn’t that be boring? Too easy!”
“What do you mean?” I laugh, leaning back into my chair.
She turns her hand as if she were to present me with her cards. “Beat me, and you’ll get it.”
“Something tells me you have a hidden talent you never told me about.”
She shrugs, lowering her gaze with a pout. “I might or might not had a few lessons.”
“I wanna see.” I lay my cards on the table, looking at her challenging.
Humming, she picks at her cards. “Oh, two pairs. Cute.”
“The first round is on me,” I smirk as she lays her royal flash on the table.
She snickers, squinting her eyes at me. “I choose… Your shirt. Lose it.”
Getting up, I start opening the buttons of my shirt, pulling it out of my pants. I watch her as she keeps her eyes on my chest, the tip of her tongue grazing her teeth.
“How is it that a bad boy like you has no tattoos?” She asks me as she starts shuffling the cards for a new hand.
I sit down with a sigh, throwing my shirt onto a chair next to me. “Never had anything tattoo-worthy. Why don’t you have any?”
“Argh,” she rolls her eyes as she starts dealing the cards. “Lowers the prize.”
Even if she looks like the question didn’t bother her, I regret having asked her.
Just because she made it seem so normal to talk about such a circumstance.
“I’ll gift you one if you want to,” I murmur, looking into my cards.
She smiles at me, tilting her head. “Aaw, you are cute. But no, thank you.”
We throw down the cards we want to exchange onto the table, picking up new ones. “What if I choose the motive and where you have to put it? I’ll pay you for it.”
“Oh, hell no!” She giggles cutely, moving her cards from one side to another in her hand.
We continue to play silently, and I must admit that she has a better poker face than I would have thought as I have to take off my pants after already losing my shoes and socks.
She is finally wearing her carefree expression I got used to before we had that stupid fight, and I can’t wait to see more of it.
Only sitting there in my boxer briefs, I realize that I am about to lose the game, as she is still fully dressed.
“I heard from Harvey about what you did for me.” She clears her throat as she plays with her necklace. “Thank you.”
“It’s nothing. I did it more for me than for you as I didn’t want to risk having to eliminate your family as well to keep you in the city.” I growl, making her laugh.
She blows her cheeks, her gaze still avoiding mine. “That would have been bad. As I would have owed you money for your good services in that case.”
Even if she laughs lowly at it, something keeps me from joining her.
A feeling that it isn’t only worry that would make an uncle put through a missing person report.
Throwing her cards down with a groan, she sighs. “I fold. Couldn’t save this one.”
“Are you for real?” I smirk, excitement bubbling up my chest. Throwing down my extremely unfortunate hand, she lifts her eyebrow at me expectantly. “Your dress. Lose it.”
I chuckle as I lean back in my chair, and she stands up slowly.
My chest tightens as she loops her fingers into her thin straps, lowering them. Her dress flows down along her curves, leaving her completely naked.
I must have frozen to stare at her as she has to take me out of my trance.
“Don’t you want to get your answer?”
I know exactly that she tricked me into making me believe that she lost.
But I don’t care a bit about it as I get up to lift her onto the poker table.