“Are you okay?”
Arawn’s voice gets me to calm down immediately, my shoulders slumping automatically.
“Yeah. Yeah.” I say, playing with my necklace. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
He barks out a laugh, and I can see him lift his eyebrows at me. “This bad, huh?”
“Uh-huh. She is doing better every day. But with her two left legs, you know how aunty Maria is. Never laying down.”
“For goodness’ sake, Nerthus.” He chuckles deeply before he just hangs up.
What the fuck?!
That asshole.
Feeling absolutely shocked at him not getting my message, I’m about to send him a text with a few nice words to make him regret when they find me in some ugly ditch.
With my torso cracked open and emptied.
Just as I’m about to type, a text appears on my phone.
Mr. Entitled Asshole: Your favorite band?
Amber: Are you fucking kidding me? What are you doing? Are you updating your playlist?
Mr. Entitled Asshole: Do you like Metallica?
I lift my arms, pushing out a single laugh.
I can’t believe this guy.
And how old is he?
Amber: I’m more of a Kylie Minogue kind of girl.
I scoff, rolling my eyes as I hug myself.
Hearing the train nearing through the underground tunnels, I caress my hair out of my face as the generated wind blows through the station.
I can see the reflection of the two thugs in the windows just as the other tucks away his phone.
“I really like the band Metallica.” One of the men says suddenly, as the door opens. My eyes widen while they step onto the train after me.
“I don’t know man,” the other says, contrasting the other’s deep voice laced with a strong East European accent with his clear one. “I’m more into Kylie Minogue if you know what I mean.”
I nearly burst out laughing as the happy guy pronounces her name totally wrong, but I catch myself just in time and hide my big smile while turning my back to them.
“Oh my God,” I whisper, acting like I don’t care about their conversation.
As the subway train starts rolling, the two fall silent again.
And just until I reach my home, they follow me in silence.
Always too far away to be part of my entourage.
But close enough to be able to get to me if I need help.
They stop right before I enter the building, staying behind a few feet. Greeting the young man who just took over the night shift, I take the elevator up to my apartment.
As the doors close, and the car begins to rise, I shoot him a text.
I retype it several times as everything seems to sound stupid or leads to me being too much.
So, I go with the easiest version.
Amber: Thank you!
I have barely entered my apartment as I’m already smiling.
Throwing my keys on the sideboard next to the door, I get out of my coat and slip out of my heels before I walk to the fresh flowers standing on my counter.
“These are so lovely,” I say, touching the blueish little flowers with my fingers.
The many small petals smell heavenly, making my smile grow even more.
With a deep sigh, I put my small brown bag on the table and take out the small gadget.
I turn the small thing that looks like a radio in my hands and take another deep breath before I motivate myself. “Let’s get those bugs out.”
Going through my entire apartment like a CIA Agent on crack, I scan my entire walls and use a ladder I got from facility management to get to the ceilings.
As after an hour, I’m still just halfway done, I cuss myself out for buying such a spacious apartment for myself.
But on the other hand, I’m scanning everything twice as I’m getting paranoid about not finding anything.
“Are you sure this thing works, Mikey-boy?” I whisper as I’m checking my bathroom walls.
If it wasn’t for me being absolutely sure of his skills, and for him having saved my life multiple times, I would already be calling him.
Arriving in my bedroom feeling frustrated, I start hovering the little appliance over the walls.
It should make out cameras, but also any bugging device.
As I’m finished with the walls but also with the furniture, I let myself slump onto the bed.
“Argh!” I groan as I throw the gadget on my pillows, putting my arm over my eyes. “All that money for nothing.”
So, it’s just the phone.
Sitting up with a sigh, I blow my cheeks as I look at my feet, thinking about what to do next.
Taking the device into my hands again and turning it around, I click my tongue.
“Maybe I did something wrong,” I whisper to myself while I repeatedly turn the bug detector on and off again.
“This is so stupid.” I groan as I sit up again and drag myself to the kitchen.
Just as I’m about to warm up a can of Ravioli, my phone vibrates on the kitchen island.
Spotting his name on the display, I force away my smile before I pick up his call. “You have reached Aria. How can I make your day better?”
“If you could pass me Nerthus, you did everything you possibly could.”
I laugh as Arawn growls, but I must be imagining the smirk I hear in his voice.
“Are you home?” He asks, and I stir my food as I hum.
“Uh-huh. Are you preponing our date?”
He chuckles, making me smile. “I know you are eager to see me, but no. I was just checking in quickly as you sounded worried. I’m at the airport and about to board my jet.”
“Firstly, you wish.” I sip a bit of sauce from my wooden spoon before I add, “And secondly, uuuh, a jet. Did you use the excuse of checking in on me to have me wish you a safe flight?”
“At least, I’m not the only one with strange wishes.” I hear a woman talking but can’t quite make out what she is saying.
Before I can say something, he groans. “Sorry, we are about to take off, and they seriously are making me turn off my phone.”
“The audacity!” I snicker, poking the wooden spoon back into my pan.
“Well… Just don’t forget to dress sexy when you leave the house tomorrow night.”
“Oh, sure. Bridget won’t let me go anywhere without wearing sexy holdups under a fancy skirt.”
Hearing him groaning again, I’m not sure if it’s because of my flirty retort or because he was reprimanded again.
“Sorry, would want to hear more about this, but I have to go. At least I know that Bridget will never get to see that.”
I laugh, shaking my head as he clears his throat. “And Nerthus…”
He stops mid-sentence, and I grin. “Have a safe flight, Arawn.”
“Thank you.” He says, before ending the call.