Leaning against the cold wall of the elevator, I ponder over whether I should have a talk with him. This isn’t possible, and not a thing that I want to keep up with. Even if I don’t think that he would let go of me that easily, I will be damned if he gets my pride without a fight.
After getting another good night from the night guard on the ground floor that can’t make up for the one I didn’t get from Arawn, I exit onto the busy street and hail another cab.
I get into the cab with a deep sigh and even if I want to get home desperately, I give him the address of the club.
Amber: I’m not going to do this anymore. You can’t treat me this way!
By the time his answer reaches me, I’m already walking into the club, having my phone vibrating in my hand.
Mr. Best-Fuck: As if anybody cares about what you want.
Biting my lip, I stare at the text with a void gaze.
He isn’t wrong, though.
Mr. Best-Fuck: You signed a contract. Act like it!
As I’m thinking about lowering myself to his level of pettiness, and start cashing in my part of the agreement, I feel a hand on my waist. My head snaps around, having me staring straight into Jensen’s green eyes.
Oh, no!
“Hello, sexy!”
My face distorts into a disgusted grimace, and I step away from him to get his hand off me. Taking my phone, I start calling Gigi up, but he doesn’t answer.
“Hey, hey?! Why are you in such a hurry?” He stands in my way as I’m still holding my phone to my ear.
“Just get out of my way!”
“Come on, baby.” He gets hold of my arm, but I snatch it away just in time.
“Don’t you dare touch me!”
“Oh, oh, oh!” He mocks, walking into me, and wrapping his arms around me.
Raising my eyes to the ceiling, I push against his chest, but his grip on me is stronger than I thought. “Come on, sexy. Don’t you want to have a bit of fun?”
“Oh, I had enough of fun already. Now let me go!”
He snickers, even my broken danger radar getting off at this. With a bit more trashing, I finally get him to let me go, and I storm out of the club, having him follow me.
“Oh, come on! Why are you so stuck up tonight?!”
“I’m always stuck up for you!” I say over my shoulder before I stand into the street to call my umpteen taxi this evening. But Jensen laughs, apparently far away from giving up.
“Amber!” He calls me, as he snatches my wrist, dragging me back onto the walkway.
“I said do not touch me!” I scream, tearing my wrist out of his grip.
Taking my phone back out, I call Jenna as the psycho is still grinning at me. “Who are you calling, baby?”
“Jenna,” I breathe out, as she finally takes the call. “Can you give me Dario’s number please?”
I hear her stuttering on the other end while Jensen cracks up. “Oh, I have that too. Do you want the number? I can give it to you.”
As panic expands into my chest, I suddenly doubt that he would let me call anyone to help me for a second time. “I changed my mind, Jen. Could you please call him and tell him to come to the Sin Palace. I need help. Arawn has the costs covered.”
Jensen laughs again, and I turn around to walk another few steps away from him. “Please tell him to hurry up!”
I realize that turning my back was a bad idea as Jensen hugs me from behind, burying his face into the crook of my neck. “You can’t run from me. And what do you think the idiot could do about it?”
“Are you tired of life?” I ask, fighting against his embrace. “I will tell Arawn about this!”
I, myself, realize how idiotic that sentence sounds because he already acts as if he was untouchable even if bouncers and partygoers are looking at us, nobody even caring to look like they would want to intervene.
And Arawn is surely even more uninterested in all this than all those people combined.
He chuckles, having me stop trashing with a painful pull. “And whom would you think he will believe?”
“Huh?” I stay quiet as he continues to mock me. “Me, or a low whore?”
Swallowing a sob, I claw at his hands, having him release me with a hiss.
I turn around, facing him, and find him still grinning at me.
What a psycho!
“I just had sex with your boss, I’m really not in the mood for you.” I hiss, before sprinting back in front of the club, seeing Dario getting out of a dark car.
Oh, my God! Thank you!
Sprinting towards him, I leave Jensen behind who is already chuckling again.
“Amber, are you okay?”
“Uh-huh!” I answer, trying to seem unbothered. “Could you drive me home, please?”
He squints his eyes at Jensen, who waves at him. “Does Arawn know about this?”
“No.” I shake my head, smiling shyly. “Maybe we can keep it a secret?”
He hums, as he opens the back door for me, and I sigh relieved as I get into the car. I see him staring at Jensen for another second before getting into the driver’s seat and starting the car.
Looking over my shoulder, I see Jensen walk into the street with a look that would have me worrying. The ringing of my phone distracts me and my mood switches instantly as I see Gigi’s name flash up.
“Babe, where are you?”
“Sorry, hun. I went home as well. I thought you would be staying with your stallion so, I took up on an invitation.”
I lean back into the backseat with a chuckle. “Oh, well done. I’m going home too then. Have a good night, love.”
“Good night, babes.”
Hanging up with a smile still playing on my lips, I lose myself in my thoughts.
“He is dangerous. I’ll give you my number in case something like this happens again.”
Dario tears me out of my thoughts, his gaze still directed onto the street before us. “Thank you so much, Dario.”
“No worries.”
He continues to drive silently but breaks his silence just as we turn into my street. “I will have to inform Arawn about this.”
“Is there a way you won’t have to?” I breathe out before I add, “I don’t even think that he will care about it anyway.”
“Why are you saying that?” He asks me, and I start recognizing a pattern with these guys.
Shaking my head, I inhale deeply. “Look, it is Jensen. Do you really want to have them bickering over such a silly thing?”
“Silly thing…” He murmurs, and I clear my voice.
“Leave him be. Just tell him that I needed a ride home and didn’t want to take a taxi. I’ll handle the rest.”
He doesn’t seem convinced but doesn’t protest against it either.
As he parks in front of my building, I sigh exhaustedly before I get out.
“Thank you! You really saved me there.”