Lifting the fabric of my gown lightly, I get onto the terrace. I hug myself instantaneously as the cold breeze kisses my skin painfully.
While I step forward to the glass railing, I can hear the people around me chatting happily. The glasses clink, and the banquet staff serve small but still exclusive treats. I caress a strand of my hair behind my ear, fighting against the upcoming wind.
“What a view. Who the hell would leave such a beauty all by herself?”
I chuckle as I face the blonde sunny boy who is trying to hit on me. “My companion was just called for urgent business, so… there is no need to worry about me.”
“Aaah.” He flashes me his pearly whites, tilting his head at me. “What a lucky companion.”
Mirroring his smile, I turn to walk away, making him shout after me. “Hey, you didn’t even tell me your name.”
“I’m sure you will be fine, even without it.”
I step into the warm banquet hall and smile as I find Arawn standing in the corner. As soon as I have reached him with fast steps, he puts his hand on the small of my back and, with a polite smile, introduces me to the couple that he is conversing with.
Even though I’m trained for such events and I certainly master polite as well as intellectual conversations like a pro, I can’t help to feel nervous at Arwan’s side.
I’m rather surprised about how he gets through the evening, engaging in conversations, seeing that he hates to talk. Also, I get the impression that he uses me as some kind of protection shield, making me talk with the different people who approach us vividly about the artworks and the cause they are holding the gala for instead of using me as a shiny little decorative item.
“You are nervous.” Arawn’s whisper reaches me as I’m watching the two high-spirited ladies we just talked to walk away giggling. “Why?”
“I’m not nervous.” I purse my lips as I look up at him. “Argh, I don’t know.”
Taking a sip from my champagne, I draw a deep breath. “Maybe because we are usually alone, and I know that you hate such parties. On top of that, you said that you never take some chick with you.”
“You aren’t some chick.” He chuckles, making me smirk against my glass.
“I’m glad that you are satisfied with my services through and through.”
I look up at him, finding him already watching me. “Oh, I’m really satisfied.” He states lowly, before he leans in to me slightly. “And I like it when you keep your hair styled up. Displaying your delectable neck.”
Gulping slowly, I feel myself getting spellbound by his dark eyes. “I had to cover all my marks, so I know just how tasty you have to find it.”
His husky laugh makes my nerves buzz, wanting desperately to feel it against my skin. As I turn away to take a sip of my champagne, I feel his grip on my side tighten, teasing me more. “You can’t even imagine the urge I feel to pull that ponytail of yours. Get you somewhere where there will be just the two of us.”
I gasp, my gaze falling onto his lips that are incredibly close. But before my lips can meet his, he straightens back up to scan the room with his eyes.
In my modest carrier, I had a lot of men do a lot of dirty talk. And I don’t particularly think that they were bad at it, but it just made me cringe. Therefore, as Arawn displays another one of his dirty fantasies about me, I have to realize that I am completely done for. I feel all shaky as I clamp on my glass to stabilize my breathing.
Not wanting to look like an inexperienced teenage girl who blushes while being flirted with, I try to come up with some sassy or alluring response.
But there is no avail.
My brain is blank.
Damn it.
Opening my mouth, I look back at him just in time to see him distorting his face barely recognizably as he takes a sip from his champagne.
I giggle as I step right in front of him, handing him my glass. He raises a brow at me, making me do another gesture with my glass, inciting him to take it.
“Would you hold that for a moment?” I ask, and he takes my glass reluctantly.
Snatching his glass out of his hand, I pass the hall with fast steps, leaving him behind. I deposit the glass on the tray of a passing banquet waiter, before I enter the busy kitchen.
A smiling waitress notices me instantly. “May I help you, madam?”
“Oh, yeah. My date endures only so much champagne. Maybe you could help me make a good impression and have me serve him a mouthful of the Henri IV Dudognon Cognac that you shelve in your cellars?”
“Oh, ma’am. I couldn’t… I’m extremely sorry, but I would lose my job.” She says with a worried expression.
“If you help a sister get laid by a dream stallion, you can ask Bridget for a favor. Tell her, Aria sends you. She owes me.” I try to convince her, grinning.
“Bridget?” She asks as her eyes begin to spark.
I flash her a hundred dollar note and push it into her neckline. She looks around quickly before she mirrors my grin.
“Just a moment, please.”
“Sure.” I say, clapping my hands in front of my body.
After a few minutes of waiting that I spend watching the staff scurrying around, I get approached by the waitress with a big smile.
“Thank you so much. Hug Bridget for me, will you?”
“Yes.” She nods excitedly, probably already fantasizing about what she could ask the famous model, residing in the hotel the venue is built on.
“Thank you so much, ma’am.”
I smile at her as I push through the doors backwards. “Oh, you are very welcome.”
Thank God she was a fan.
As I walk back to reach Arawn, I can see that he is already surrounded by a few people. I step up to his side nonchalantly, passing him the glass with the cognac.
“Spare me a sip if it’s good, will you?”
Taken aback by the shocked expression of the bystanders, I take back my glass of champagne with a forced smile.
Arawn clicks his tongue, shaking the glass before sniffing at it. “Good God, what is that?”
“The color is fantastic.” A beautiful woman with long blonde hair chimes in. She is standing next to the man who is still eying me up suspiciously and has quite a familiar face.
I just can’t remember where I saw him.
“This is Henry.” I chuckle, tapping his arm. “Try it. I want to know what it tastes like.”
Arawn snickers, holding the glass to me. “Take a sip then.”
“No, I can’t. Taking the first sip of a glass that belongs to someone else brings you bad luck.” I joke, and he takes a sip with a smirk.
My face lights up as he doesn’t distort his face and flashes me a broad smile after having taken another sip. “Henry is good.”
“I hope so. You just sipped about 5000 dollars.”
Shaking his head, he hands me the glass. After taking a small sip, I purse my lips. “Not bad.”
“This is Amber, by the way.” He says into the round, making my heart accelerate thinking about how he just preferred to interact with me so casually instead of showing me off.
“Hi.” I wave a little and pass the glass back to Arawn.
“Amber?” The tall man, dressed in an elegant suit, asks. His green eyes glinting maliciously mesh with the sharp high cheekbones perfectly. “Last time we were introduced, I was told your name was Gemma.”
Oh, no!