I arrange the messy strands of hair back in proper order before I enter the cozy cocktail bar. It is all styled with wooden elements, making it especially homey.
Derek is waving at me from a table for two in the corner and I put on a big smile, reaching him. I felt a bit childish, putting on a pleated skirt with big golden buttons at its side and a creamy blouse to show off just a bit of my green bra, but I wanted to feel sexy for meeting such a handsome man.
Also, I plan to get a certain someone out of my head after another indecent dream I had of him last night.
“Derek, hi.”
“Hey, Amber. You… You look stunning.” Like the gentleman he is, he gets up to greet me and assist me into my seat.
“You look very handsome yourself.”
And he does. Wearing a green polo-shirt and white pants, just matching his sunny personality.
I wrinkle my nose and he takes my hand to kiss my knuckles and I actually like the innocent interaction.
“So, here we are.”
“Yes.” He chuckles as we both feel a bit awkward.
To be honest, it has been kind a bit since I have been on an actual date. And I guess Derek is just the right guy to start on it again.
“With what would you like to start?”
“Why don’t we start with something bitter and transition into some sweeter tasting cocktails?”
His smile is indeed mesmerizing, but I curse myself as I’m already comparing it to the one of my gorgeous hulk that would already hold me captive by now.
We soon find ourselves chatting lightly and I’m quite happy about not even a moment of awkward silence coming up. Also, because he talks as much as me and has the incredible talent to keep the conversation going without trying too hard. I get around talking about my actual job and telling him that I’m an accountant.
About two hours into the date, as we are literally just joking about how fast the time flies, I hear one of the waitresses welcoming new clients coming in and something has me feeling giddy in my seat.
I try my best to concentrate back on the conversation with Derek as the two new arrivals sit down next to us and the air shifts.
Risking a quick look, my heart sinks into my stomach and I have to suppress an actual groan as I forcefully regain my smile for Derek.
You have to be fucking kidding me.
From the moment the audacious Mr. Rodberg sits down next to me, everything goes downwards. Derek doesn’t seem to notice, or he is just awfully patient. Also, I have to say that I put a lot of effort into acting unbothered and keeping up my flirtatious self, as he deserves a respectable date.
As he stands up to go to the toilet, I nod burying myself in the menu for the drinks even if it feels like the heart beating into my throat is suffocating me.
Apparently, this behavior does not please our new arrivals as he gets hold of my arm rest, pulling me to his side. I turn around shocked but see that nearly nobody is looking our way, startled by the screech.
Gotta love New York.
“Let go of me. How dare you?” I say through clenched teeth.
“He is making you laugh an awful lot.” Rodberg just says deeply, making my skin rise in goose bumps.
Damn it.
“Because he is being funny!” I hiss and he chuckles.
“You said he wasn’t your type.”
I shake my head, wanting him to get him out from under my skin. “You paid me. I was being a good whore.”
His eyes darken, and I curse myself how much it turns me on.
Come and get me, big boy.
“Also, you have no business in stalking me and crashing my date.” I whisper yell against his stoic demeanor.
“You said that if I had the right credit score I could.”
“Oh, my God. I was drunk and, again, I was flirting. You are a good paying client and that’s my job.”
“Aren’t you drunk now, Rachel?” He growls and I have to fight down the urge to jump him.
“Stop interfering with my life. This is private, you can’t just-”
As if stung by an adder, he pushes me back to my original place and before I can shoot him an angry glare, I see Derek reemerging from the washrooms.
Such an idiot.
“Wimp.” I whisper, wanting to provoke him, and I hold in a chuckle as he growls back.
I’m just in time to gulp down my gasp as Derek sits back down in front of me.
“Which one are we going to try next?” He rubs his hands and I laugh again.
Oh, bless his soul.
As the night goes on with light-hearted chatter with Derek and I nearly get burned by the brooding guy next to me, it is getting more and more difficult for me to concentrate on the conversations.
Suddenly, Rodberg gets up from his chair and tells the dark-haired guy sitting in front of him that he is going to step out for a smoke.
I stay, smiling at Derek for another couple of seconds before I get up as well. Before turning into the washrooms, I check that Derek is not watching me and I slip out of the door. Hugging myself, I walk into the street, going in the opposite direction from the illuminated window that Derek is sitting in. As soon as I reach the first alley, I find my gorgeous hulk, smoking leaned against a wall of the alley.
He looks right through me as he pushes out the smoke he just inhaled slowly and I step closer, lowering my eyes to my feet.
“For what?”
I scoff, hugging myself closer. “For calling me a slag.”
“Tsk,” is the only thing he says, taking another puff.
“You know what, I’m tired of you not talking properly to me. I’m fed up!”
“Are you drunk, Rachel?”
“No!” I look to my side, shrugging. “Maybe a little bit.”
“Then I’m not talking to you. As nothing you say can be trusted.”
“Ah! What did you expect, you idiot? I’m a paid sex worker.” I start to shout, lowering my voice mid-sentence. “I literally get paid to tell you these things. Make you feel good.”
“Aren’t you cold?” He puts out his cigarette under his shoes, putting his hands into his pockets.
“No!” I say defiantly.
“I just came to tell you that I’m having a good time with my date, and you should go home.”
He laughs, taking another step back into the alley, making me take a step forward. “Yet here you are. Yearning for me.”
“Idiot,” I murmur and he chuckles.
“Come here, Rachel.”
I let my arm slump as I look into his smug face. “Are you going to tell me your name?”
“No! Now, be a good whore and come here.”
“God.” I groan but step into the alley anyway.
As soon as I have reached him, he gets hold of me, pushing me against the cold wall of the alley. I gasp and he smirks. “How many condoms did you take with you on this date?”
I gulp, staring up at him. “One.”
“Didn’t you tell me you never came prepared to outings? How come you brought a condom?”
“This isn’t clubbing. It’s a date.”
He tilts his head at me as he frowns down at me. “Open your blouse for me.”
“What? No. I have to get back in, he must be already waiting.” He pulls me back onto the wall and I mewl, biting my tongue.
Opening my blouse to show him my bra, he lowers one of the cups to have my breast spilling free. “Give me the condom you took with you, Rachel.”
Opening my bag, I take out the protection and hold it up to him. He takes it with a smirk, before he pinches my nibble, making me suppress a moan.
“Are you drunk enough to tell me that you are mine, Rachel?”
As he twists it between his fingers, I jerk up, clenching his shirt. “Yes.”
“Tell me, whore!”
I bite my tongue until he increases his pressure, making me inhale sharply.
“I’m yours. I’m yours!”