Chapter 23

Book:The Mafia King’s Toy Published:2025-2-8


My surprise reaches a new high as I get to eat dessert with him alone. We even take a cab to get to a beautiful bar on the highest level of a skyscraper to share a chocolate cake and ice cream on a high table and bar stools with a breath-taking view.
To tell you that we were once again all alone and that I soon got to enjoy the breath-taking view by being fucked against the panoramic glass would be redundant. He surely doesn’t talk much, but when he does, he has me spinning. He even gets me off twice more as he keeps teasing me about how the people in the helicopter flying around us would see me get the best fuck in town.
God, how I love his dirty mouth.
Taking the elevator down from my personal heaven, I have my arms wrapped around his neck while he is nibbling on the skin of my neck.
“Come home with me.”
I have only so much strength to nod. I’m not sure how I would survive the other rounds he will have me go through but at least I’d die as the happiest woman on earth.
My feeble “I’d love to” gets me the most gorgeous smile ever.
I open my eyes groggily and stretch myself on the enormous king-size bed. Recognizing the dark grey bedsheets, I jerk up, clutching the black blanket to my chest. Just as my panic starts setting in, the door opens and Rodberg steps in frowning.
Oh, no!
Pushing my disheveled hair back, I stutter like an idiot.
“I’m so sorry. I fell asleep. I’ll get out of your way right away, Mr. Rodberg.”
It never happened to me that I fell asleep this deeply, that I actually stayed over at a client’s and did not go home after my deed was done.
This is getting more embarrassing by the minute.
Rodberg steps up to my bed, preventing me from getting out of it, and seems to be mustering me even more despairingly.
“Take this first.”
Passing my hand through my hair again, I take the steaming cup of coffee out of his hand.
“Thank you.” I whisper lowly, pulling my legs beneath me to let him sit on the mattress beside me.
He groans before taking a sip and I hide my smile behind my cup.
“I didn’t wake you on purpose.” He tilts his head back to look at me and my heart flips in my chest.
“You worked pretty hard yesterday.” He adds with a smirk and I laugh.
“Oh, God. I remember.” Burying my head into my hand, I hear him chuckle and I look up. “Can you do me a favor?”
“Please don’t pay for any extra rounds. My week was horrendous and by the end of the night, I practically begged for them.”
“Oh, yeah.” His smug expression has me take a cushion to throw at him. “Please!”
He shakes his head with a smile and puts his cup down. Scooping closer, he leans in to kiss my neck and I throw my head back instinctively, granting him all the access he needs. “No, can do. You begged but I took them gladly.”
Biting my bottom lip, I close my eyes to enjoy him kissing me up and down my neck. I feel him taking the cup out of my hand, before he gets on me, pushing me back into his bed.
“Why was your week horrendous?”
I let my index finger glide down his bare chest. Only now do I realize that he is wearing his shirt open for me to ogle him and only a pair of boxer briefs.
“I… I didn’t get booked and had no work, so it was kind of frustrating.” He hums as he caresses my hair, spread out on his cushion.
I laugh and before I can stop myself, I tell him what was making my heart heavy the entire time. “Also, I agreed to go on a date with some guy.”
I didn’t even know why I am saying that to him. Not that he would care.
“What guy?”
Tearing my gaze away from my fingers drawing circles on his chest, I lock my eyes with his dark ones.
“Some guy.” I shrug, concentrating back on my little drawings.
Grabbing my chin, he moves my gaze back to his face. And, boy, he doesn’t look amused.
“What. Guy?”
“A- A guy from my gym… He is an instructor there.” I gulp as he squints his eyes at me.
“Is it the guy that chocked you?”
“No. No!” I chuckle, shaking my head. “I wouldn’t go anywhere with that guy.”
He clenches his jaw and I feel the urge to speak again.
Can I never stay silent?
“He is a good guy but he kind of talked me into it, as he asked me like a hundred times already. So, I thought now that I have a bit of free time, I would go for it and, after the drinks, finally get to the awkward stadium of never talking to each other never again.” I snicker nervously, but he just glares at me.
“What if you meet and he is a good guy, and you like him?”
“Oh, no. That wouldn’t happen.”
“Why?” His deep question feels like it rumbles through me like electricity.
Wetting my lips, hypnotized by his gaze, I whisper. “I know his name…”
He laughs out loud, tearing himself away from me.
“Can I call you a driver?”
I would lie if I said that this question didn’t hurt me, but I remind myself quickly what my place is.
“No, thank you. I’ll take a cab.”
He nods before taking our cups and walking out of his bedroom again.
I wasn’t finished with that, but OK.
Dressing myself quickly, I get accompanied by him to the escalator.
“Thank you for the dinner and the good coffee, my mysterious man.”
He smiles as he presses the button to the ground floor and, even if I’m used to him not saying anything, my heart crushes slightly at him just sending me away without another word.
“OK.” I whisper to myself as I ride down the elevator, playing with my bracelet. Wrapping my coat tighter around me, I step out to the busy street, ignoring the prying eyes.
After getting into a cab, I push out a deep sigh.
I can’t wait to soak in my tube.