Chapter Seventy Four

Book:The Blood King's bride Published:2025-2-8

After making sure that his parents were well attended to, Calhoun headed off into the
lower level of his Castle, where Elena’s room was. He still couldn’t believe that her friend was a
Balaksa, a being known for its supreme power. His father hadn’t told him much more than what
other people knew of them, that they were bloody, fearless creatures their first ancestor spoilt
enormously. They were almost also accorded the same respect given to their ancestors
themselves. He was sure to ask his father more about them when he woke up. No doubt that he
would have more to say.
As he walked the halls down to his lover’s room, he couldn’t stop the bout of excitement
that sprung in him of the powerful ally he now had. All thanks to his lover. He had a lot of work
to do. So many of the ministers by his side had been killed. Even if Elion was able to bring
people from the dead, he wasn’t sure she could do that much number. He didn’t want to risk it.
He was buried within his thoughts of improving security, fishing out those who worked with the
traitors, upping his army’s power, when he finally arrived at the door to his lover’s room.
He placed a knock on it. He was the king and could enter any time he liked, but he had
decency. The door opened, revealing the face of his lover. She was tired yet alert, and it seemed
like she had just found out a lot.
He deduced then that she didn’t know about her friends.
“Elena,” He called out softly, his heart-tugging. He felt guilty. He had been so wrapped
up in protecting his parents and kingdom that he forgot about his lover.
“Are you alright?” he said, dragging his gaze around her to check if she was hurt. She
managed a small smile.
“I’m fine.” Opening the door wider, she gestured him in. “Please come in.”
Calhoun saw Elion and her brother Forest sitting atop their bed. A blanket was thrown
around them, covering their waist to their feet. Their eyes were both tired and heavy, and when
they tried to sit up to give him the proper respect as deserved, he waved his hand, making them
Elena offered him a seat which he thankfully took, sitting down on it.
“I heard about what had happened.” He started, looking at them all intensely. They all
looked worn out.
“Are you okay?”
“We are, my Lord. Thank you for asking.” Elion replied.
“We should have moved past that by now. If you feel comfortable, when in private please
address me by my name.”
“Okay… Calhoun.” She said. He smiled, pleased.
“That’s better.”
“Where were you?” Elena asked him. She was strangely calm, and his danger radar told
him that something wasn’t right.
“I was… training.” He replied, looking at Elion and Forest. Elena took that to mean he
was in the Forest. Even though it surrounded his Castle, it was thick full of trees, and he wouldn’t
have been able to hear all the commotion. But that didn’t stop her from feeling the considerable
pressure of worry at his disappearance.
“I had been looking everywhere for you,” she started, unable to control herself. “I had
found out about Firoza’s plan. She was the one who had given those Minister’s their power.
Thinking of her, I haven’t seen her since the commotion. I looked everywhere for you, trying to
pass on the information, but I couldn’t find you. Just when I was about to go to your parents and
tell them what was happening, that whole spectacle began.”
“Elena,” Calhoun began, his heart hurting. “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you that
much.” He said. He wanted to drag her into his arms to comfort her, but he had a reason to come
over to her room. They needed to start preparations and fast. Firoza had disappeared. No one
knew when and when she would come back. He wanted to be prepared when she did.
“I wish I could find a way to make it all better for you, for us, but we have more
important things to talk about.” He said, his expression suddenly serious.
Curious, Elena asked. “What is it?”
He looked at them, then said slowly, his voice dangerously cold.
“Firoza is gone.” He went ahead to narrate all that had happened. How he caught her in
his parent’s room and attacked her, till when he was leaving and then noticed her body wasn’t in
the room anymore.
“She was able to recover from that?” Elion said, her voice filled with shock and her face
“Just what is she?”
“I wish I knew more about her,” Calhoun said, his voice grave. “Perhaps my father might
have more to tell us when he awakens. But this is all I have got for now.”
“Why do you tell us this?” Elion asked. Calhoun leaned forward.
“You are Balaksa. You have extraordinary powers, powers which I would need when
fighting the war if you would help me.” He sat back straight.
“I guess that Firoza went back to whoever had created her. We don’t know for how long
she would stay there until she recovers. One thing that I am sure of though, is that she would
return. I want to be prepared for that when it happens. I might be the blood king, but I would
need every help that I can get.”
Elion nodded her head, her face grave. “You can count on it.” she said. “I’ll need to start
my training again. But for now, I hope I can rest. I am still a little strung out from my last
“No problem. Take as much time as you need.” Calhoun said. Elion nodded.
“I wish I was the fighting type,” Forest started. “But if there is anywhere you might need
my help, I’ll be happy to lend you a hand.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Calhoun replied.
“I’d love to help too.” Elena’s soft voice said. “I might not be as strong as your warriors,
but I would love to help. As much as I can.”
“No.” Calhoun deadpanned, his voice strict. Elena frowned.
“But why?” I have been taking lessons, I have trained alongside Elion. I know how to
fight and defend myself. I can take on one of your warriors ”
“I said no, Elena. I am not changing my mind about it.” Calhoun said, his voice strict and
his expression cold. He kept on seeing his father on the floor, bleeding out. He was the past
blood king, for crying out loud. The man might be a henpecked husband, but he was no wimp.
Yet, Firoza could deal with him as if he was but a rag. He wouldn’t, couldn’t bear to imagine
Elena in the same position as his father. He just would not. He didn’t think he would be able to
take it.
“You can practice, Elena. Grow stronger. But I wouldn’t have you take on Firoza.”
“But why?” Elena asked, her voice tinged with hurt. Calhoun felt his heartbreak, but he
wouldn’t fall back on his word. Softening his voice, he said. “I know you are strong, Elena. More
so than so many others. But trust me when I say you are not strong enough to take on Firoza.
You just aren’t.”
Calhoun wanted to reach for her when he saw the hurt that flashed through her eyes.
Then he watched as her expression shut down, her eyes becoming blank. His heart squeezed
tightly against his chest, and he found it hard to breathe. He wanted to reach out to her but
decided against it. Instead, he stood up.
“I’ll send for you when you are stronger. So we can start our plans. Thanks again for your
Treating himself to one last glance at Elena, he left the room.
Elena had never felt as hurt as she did at that moment. She felt as if her heart was ripped
out of her chest. Her head hurt, and her eyes stung, but she wouldn’t cower and weep in front of
her friends.
“Are you okay, Elena?” Forest asked, his voice soft.
“Yeah. Yes, I am fine.” She paused, suddenly feeling uncomfortable and hyper.
“I need some air. I would be back.” Without waiting for their reply, she left their room
and headed to the warriors’ training ground.
The field was empty. After what had happened that day, she figured that most of them
spent their day resting or revving themselves, preparing to lash out at something. She knew that
as from the next day, the training ground would be filled with warriors training till they dropped,
though she doubted the latter part of her thought was likely to happen.
She was hurt.
She was beyond hurt.
What Calhoun has said to her had broken her morale more than she wished, or he knew.
She had always known that there was nothing special about her. She was a simple girl with a
simple mind for revenge. She had been training till she dropped, just for the day, she would
finally be able to defeat her father. She would not lie that she loved the praise hefted on her
whenever she improved. She had always thought she was strong and on her path to getting
But Calhoun had brought all her dreams crashing down.
She might have been able to defeat Elion before. But that was before she knew she was a
powerful being. Elion might have been reining in her strength to avoid causing her much injury.
All the power she had acquired was nil compared to what she thought she had. She wasn’t as
strong as she thought she was. Calhoun would have given her something to do to aid him in this
war if she had been.
He was the one who had proposed to her, heavens damn it. He was the one who went on
and on about how strong she had become since he last trained her, saw her. He was the one who
said he couldn’t wait till she fought next to him. Now, an opportunity had come up; he didn’t trust
her enough to include her in his plans.
He would call for Elion when she was stronger, he said.
Elena angrily wiped away the tear that had fallen on her face, thankful for the darkness
surrounding her and the Castle. She who had trained hard every day tried everything to be
powerful, to be at least on the same plane with him. She didn’t even get to be included in the
Was that how weak he thought her to be?
Was everything he told her a lie?
She was probably overthinking it, but she couldn’t get over it. She would have practiced
harder if Calhoun had told her earlier that she wasn’t strong enough. That was her dream, to be
stronger. Now she questioned if all he had been telling her were lies. Perhaps to make her feel
better about herself and not stress too much. But no matter what reason, she hated lies. It hurt
much because it was from someone she loved.
She felt herself trembling, her throat heavy with sobs. But she refused to break down. She
would not give him the proof that he has been right. Perhaps she wasn’t strong enough for him.
That was fine, that was okay. She wiped away the tears that were beginning to fall rapidly.
She would train hardly. She would train herself personally. And she would become
stronger. She would become stronger without anyone dictating it for her. And when she was
done, when she was done….
She couldn’t anymore. She broke down. What would she do? Calhoun still wouldn’t allow
her to work with him. It might take years before she could stand next to him, and they didn’t
know when next Firoza would attack. She could strike at any time. Calhoun believed that she
wasn’t strong enough, and no matter what she told herself, he was the one with more experience.
Elena wished she could return and have her revenge. Use that to prove to Calhoun that
she was strong. But she loved him. She couldn’t leave him alone to justify her pride when there
was potential danger lurking around him. She would stay, and even if he didn’t need her help, she
would watch when he fought. When he finally defeats their enemy, she will leave. She couldn’t
be next to someone as strong as he, much less agree to be his life partner.
The blood kingdom needed a strong queen, and as Calhoun had expressly stated, she
wasn’t one.