The Kingdom of Pres
The King’s Palace
The king of Pres looked down at the dead body of the queen. He felt nothing. No hatred,
no anger, nothing. All the things he remembered had wiped out any iota of emotion from him.
This woman, she had made him an emotionless being.
He had learned his lesson, and he realized it the hard way. Her face was pale, and her
eyes wide in shock even in death. She had a long bloody wound marring her neck, and her blood
surrounded her where she lay.
A guard lay by the side and, not surprisingly, understood everything. Their so-called
queen was an evil witch. She had used her power on their king and the whole kingdom. Whoever
had killed her needed to be commended.
The king did not incline what was going on in his guard’s head, but even if he did, he
wouldn’t care.
Nothing was worth it.
“Throw her away.” The king ordered the guard. The guard bowed his head and did as
what told. He left the scene and started to head out when a small servant stood before him,
holding a letter.
“My Lord, this came for you.” The servant said, bowing. The king took the letter from his
hands and opened it.
It was addressed to him by his former brother-in-law, Wazir. Even if it had been years, he
remembered the young man that argued defiantly with his sister not to get married to him. The
king remembered thinking about what was so wrong with him that her family hated her that
Couldn’t blame them, though. They ended up being right.
The king was surprised, the first form of emotion that he had expressed since he regained
his memories as he scrolled through the letters. The kingdom of Neba had her sights in his
kingdom, after all. He wasn’t surprised.
He didn’t care.
The prince had written a detailed letter on how to defeat the Allikans. He wrote about
how they had beaten them in his kingdom, and he also said the only way possible of defeating
the ones in his kingdom is if everybody in his kingdom banded together to act. Their weakness
was any weapon dipped in ash and, if used well, would kill them. He stated that no matter how
strong they are against hundreds of people, they stand no chance. He ended the letter saying that
he wasn’t helping him because he had married his sister. He had his agenda. He wished him a
good life and success in his war.
“Spread the news.” The king said to the servant, folding the letter slowly.
“We are about to attack the Strangers who scourge our land. Their weakness is ash. Dip
your weapon in ash and attack them. Band up together. Attack as you like. Do whatever you
wish to do to them. They took your freedom. Have your revenge. Today, we have our revenge.”
The servant bowed, morale pouring out of him.
“My Lord, forgive me, but if I may ask, what about you? Who would protect you?”
“Do not worry about me.” The king said calmly. “I am perfectly able of avenging
The servant bowed one last time and quickly went to carry out his message.
The king watched as the servant went away. He had been right; he was perfectly able to
avenge himself. His brother-in-law, though, shouldn’t have wished him a good life. Heaven
knows he doesn’t deserve it. He knew what he had to do. Once he is done removing the scourge
in his kingdom, once he has fixed everything to a semi-normal state, he will join his precious
Anna wherever she was.
If the war doesn’t end up killing him, he will take his own life.
Elena watched as Forest and Elion slowly gained consciousness. Forest held his head,
flinching in pain, when he sat up.
“Ouch, my head hurts.” He said, trying to gain balance. Elion sat up also but didn’t have
the same experience.
Elena sat by the side of the bed, watching them quietly. She watched as they tried to
regain their balance and how they were slowly awake and remembering all that had happened.
Immediately, the both of them turned to look at her.
They all sat there for a while, staring at each other in silence. Elena with blank quietness,
and Elion and Forest with guilty fear.
“Don’t you guys have something to tell me?” She said after a while.
The siblings faced each other, then slowly bowed their heads.
“I’m sorry.” Forest started. “The first time we met was in the Forest. You were the one
who named me that.”
“I know,” Elena replied, keeping her voice blank. “I remember.”
Forest looked at her quickly, but he swallowed whatever he was going to say and
resumed bowing his head in apology.
“I have been travelling between Kingdoms. I couldn’t remember my past much. After we
first met in the Forest, I followed you to Neba Kingdom. I studied you for a while before I finally
gained the courage to meet you up close. To do that, I applied for a job as a waiter at the Red
Queen’s restaurant. You know the story after that.”
Elena faced Elion, who didn’t show much remorse despite being as guilty-looking as her
“I’m sorry also. I had thought that you might not be able to take it well if you found out
what we were.”
“What are you guys?” Elena asked.
“Balaksa,” Elion said, sighing as she dragged her hand over her features.
“The pet of the blood being.”
Forest looked at her, confused. “How do you know that?”
Elion looked at her brother, understanding crossing her features. “It’s not your fault. You
were little when our village was destroyed. Even I didn’t know much. Through my journey
looking for you, I went back to our village and found some sacred books of our history and every
other thing about us. Though when I first saw the blood being written in one of them, I was
confused. I knew of a blood king, not a blood being.”
“The Blood being is the creator of the blood king and the kingdom.”
“Yeah, I figured when people started passing me reverent glances.” She sighed, slowly
stood up from the bed, and began to pace.
“I have a place where I kept all those sacred texts. I can take you to then when you are
interested.” Elion said to Forest. “Whoever had destroyed our village didn’t care more for our
text. And I am sure that there are so many of us who were able to survive. Not much, but enough
for us to start a village.” She placed, turned then sat back down on the bed.
“The Balaksa resided with the blood being. After his demise, our people left the blood
kingdom to build their own. According to our text, they would return to the blood kingdom when
they find someone as capable and strong as their blood king. For centuries, they never found and
instead, did well to steer clear from the people of the blood kingdom. Most of the blood been
shed was caused by their hands after all.” She paused.
“We do not know who destroyed our village, and why. The attack was sudden and
strange. No matter how much I think about it, I can’t remember what had happened.”
“How does your power work?” Elena asked, suddenly curious. “Do you guys have a
longer life span than us? Do you all have the ability to raise from the dead?” At that question,
Forest also looked at his sister curiously.
“We age just like normal people,” Elion said, her mouth twitching. “If we make a blood
bond with some as powerful as the blood being, we would be able to live a long life too. But
there is no blood being, so that is impossible. We die the same way humans do.” She paused
again, looking at them carefully.
“As for the ability to raise from the dead, only selected few are capable of doing that.”
“What do you mean?” Elena asked.
“Each of our people has a power of their own. My power is the power to heal, which is
my basic form of power. I practiced enough throughout my travels that I was able to reach my
intermediate form; the ability to heal, even the dead. The dead though must be a person who had
died not up to a full day. My advanced level would be to raise someone who has died several
days, weeks even. I would reach the master level when I can raise someone who had died any
time of the year.”
“Wow!” Elena replied, her eyes widened in shock. “That just cost you a lot!”
“Not really,” Elion said, chuckling. “If I practice much, it becomes like breathing. Today
was my first time trying out my advanced powers and that was why I fainted.”
Elena looked at Forest. “What about your power?”
Forest blushed. “I don’t know.”
Elion looked at him adoringly. “You wouldn’t know, but I would.”
“What is it?” Forest asked, and Elena looked at her curiously too.
“Forest’s basic form of power is the power to make people, especially women, admire
him immediately. His master’s level would no doubt be mind control. Once he increases his
power, he would have charisma, then unique control over people’s ability to make decisions,
before he finally reached his master level. His power only works on females though.”
Elena remembered the group of female kidnappers that had kidnapped Forest on their
journey and how they were fawning over him. This explained a lot.
“Are there people like him who can control men too?”
Elion nodded. “Possibly. There would also be some who can control both men and
Elena thought back to the men Elion had healed. “Those warriors you healed, what
happened to them?”
“They changed to one of us.” Elion deadpanned. Elena’s widened.
“I thought you healed them?”
“I did, yes.” Elion replied, nodding her head. “But my powers come with a price. Their
lives they would gain, but a new one under my control.”
“Wow.” Elena said. “Does the same go for Forest?”
“It depends. As time goes on, Forest would know which area. He just needs to practice
Elena took this all in. Since she came to the blood kingdom, she had learned of different
kinds of mythical beings. Now, finding out that her friends were one of them was still surprising
and a little hard to take in. She remembered something suddenly.
“Aaron said something about feeling a bond between you two. Can you feel it?”
Elion gave a shy nod. “Yes. I can feel it.”
“What difference is it between the men you made and Aaron?”
“Aaron cannot change into what I am. He is my other half. My protector. The others are
my soldiers.”
“I can’t wait to try out my new powers.” Forest said, suddenly excited. Elion and Elena
turned to face him. “I didn’t know that I had such powers!”
“You do. You always did.” Elion said, smiling.
Calhoun watched his parents as they lay together on the bed in the guest room on his
wing. He had called a physician who was attending to his parents.
“My Lord, the wound is serious, but it would not harm your father.” The physician said,
bowing. “Your mother is well, she just needs a little sleep.”
Calhoun nodded his head. He already knew what had happened, but he wanted to be sure.
He faced them, standing next to their bed and studying their features. Their faces were peaceful
and didn’t have any expression of pain. As he stood over them, he slowly turned to face the
“Now tell me what took place in my palace.”