Elena and Wazir paved their way through the forest. The evening had come, as the sun
had come down from the sky. Elena surmised that the sky would become darker in a few hours,
and the stars would appear.
“How long would this training last?” She asked, pushing away a branch from her path.
“It depends on how fast you learn,” Wazir answered, walking in front of her.
They walked for a while, silence enveloping them. The crunching noise caused by their
footsteps in contact with dry grass and leaves was the only sound that could be heard in the
forest. Being in the forest reminded her of her first time in the kingdom of Neba.
“Where are we going to?” She asked.
“It’s kind of my haven,” Wazir replied after a while.
“I come here whenever I want to clear my head, or get away from, you know….
everything.” They both kept quiet, each to their thoughts as they continued down the path Wazir
was going to.
“Finally, here we are,” Wazir called out and paused his walk, standing akimbo. Elena
came from behind him to take a look at the environment. An area had been cleared out in the
forest, leaving a vast portion of it empty. She doubted the work was done by one man only.
“How did you find it?” She asked, curious.
“It wasn’t always like this. I was the one that cleared off this whole portion.” He replied.
Elena’s eyes widened in shock. She looked back at the field, then faced him again.
“You did this? How long did it take you to do this?” She asked, genuinely surprised.
“As long as you can imagine,” Wazir answered, blushing fairly.
“Wow,” Elena mumbled. The empty land was as big as a noble’s compound. One could
build a huge house with several rooms there, and there would still be enough space for a garden.
“So when you came to clear your mind, I assume it wasn’t just to sit down and think, was
it?” She said. Wazir laughed shyly, placing one of his hands behind his head and softly
scratching it.
“I think better when I’m occupied.”
Elena walked forward first into the field. She folded her arms behind her as she walked
around, taking in her environment. Wazir stood behind, watching her. When she had walked an
acceptable distance, she turned back to face Wazir and called out, spreading her arms wide.
“When do we start?”
Elena collapsed on the dusty earth, sweaty and fatigued. She was breathing hard as Wazir
stood over her, pointing a wooden stick to her throat.
“I am so tired. Can we take a break?” She asked in between breaths.
Wazir sighed and shook his head. He sat down next to her and brought up his thighs,
folding his arms around his knees.
“You improved fast, for someone who just started sword fighting. But you are still a long
way ahead if you hope to be an expert at it.” He told her. Elena remained quiet, trying to catch
her breath.
Night-time had arrived, and the moon shone brightly, illuminating their surroundings.
The stars twinkled softly, almost as if expressing their enjoyment in her defeat.
“You know what would make this easier for you?” Wazir suddenly said. Elena turned her
head to face him.
“What?” She breathed out. Wazir looked at her, his eyes strangely serious.
“Imagine those people you want to carry out your vengeance on. Imagine all the time
they would spend enjoying their lives if you take time in training yourself. Someone might even
end up carrying out your goal for you.” Elena frowned slightly.
“You would not want that, would you?” Wazir continued.
“Now put that in your head as you train. Your vision, your purpose. You would be who
they fear the most; their most evil fantasy. They would cower in fear just at the mention of your
name. Put this vision in your head as you train.” Elena’s eyes hardened in determination. Wazir
saw the look in her eyes and smiled. He stood up and dusted his behind. Then stretching his hand
out for Elena, he said.
“Why don’t we go again?” Elena turned and faced him. She nodded her head on the
ground and grabbed his outstretched hand, lifting herself with his help.
“Let’s go again.” She said once she found her balance. Wazir smiled and assumed a
fighting stance.
Elena struck an attack pose, her hands stretched out at her sides with one hand holding
tightly onto her wooden stick.
“Begin.” Wazir instructed. Elena ran towards him and jumped at him, raising her wooden
stick. Wazir blocked the attack with his, then forced her backward. Elena jumped and made her
attack again, making a fake turn to the right. Wazir saw through her deceit and attacked her.
Elena blocked it again, swiping her elbows to his actual right. Her attack strongly impacted him,
forcing Wazir to slide backward several steps.
He bent down to look at his wounded side then turned to face her, smiling.
“Now you’re getting it.” He ran towards her and swiped his stick at her. Elena dodged and
landed in a crouch, swiping her feet under his. Wazir fell over but quickly did a backflip before
landing on the ground. He came at her again, faking a blow to the left. Elena saw through it late
and blocked the attack with her wooden stick. She moved back several steps.
“You lasted longer than usual. You are finally getting the hang of the basic movements.”
Wazir commended. Elena’s face brightened excitedly.
“Really?” Suddenly, Wazir turned over and placed her right arm on his shoulder. He
crouched slightly and flung her over, causing her to land heavily on the ground.
“Ouch!” Elena groaned loudly.
“My back is broken.” She called out in pain. Wazir stood over her, his hands placed on
both sides of his waist.
“But one thing you keep on forgetting is to never get distracted.” He concluded.
“Yeah. I learnt that the hard way. Thanks a lot.” She said, rolling her eyes.
“I acknowledge your gratitude,” Wazir said with an exaggerated amount of pride. The
moon had fully risen, and the night crickets had begun their late cries.
“That’s enough for today. Let’s go back.” He called out, grabbing her from the ground.
The following days for Elena became more eventful. While she worked at the Red
Queen’s restaurant during the day, at night, she went back to the field to train with Wazir. They
were still practicing the basic steps in sword fighting. Still, Wazir commended her always at the
end of their practice, saying that she can almost pass for someone who has had experience in
sword fighting. Elena was happy but didn’t relax, though. She made sure to keep her object of
vengeance in mind when she practiced; her father, his wife and all those who supported him.
Whenever she had free time at work, she made sure to practice the moves again in the kitchen,
with her spoon as her sword.
All these happened till the end of the King’s birthday week. In that short week, Elena’s
labour started to show on her body. She was once malnourished and small, then she became
plump while working at the Red Queen’s restaurant and also became tall and petite; her muscles
toned in all the right places. Her ice blonde hair had grown longer, almost reaching her bum,
which she always kept tied in a knot on her head.
On the night of the last day of the King’s birthday week, Wazir and Elena were battling
themselves ferociously. Wazir decided to test Elena to see if she would come out safely if she
were to find herself in a situation that required her to fight for it. They came at each other, each
of them holding on to a long wooden rod. The sounds of wood against wood took up the silence
of the peaceful field.
“You’re doing very well, Elena, in just one week. You have improved.” Wazir
commended. He swiped his rod at her, then turned around immediately, landing on a crouch and
swiping his sword under her. Elena jumped up and attacked him from the air, raising her rod at
him in an attempt to land a blow on his head.
Wazir quickly blocked that attack with his rod, making a perfect opening for Elena to
kick his abdomen. Wazir went back with a grunt, but he immediately recovered and came after
her again.
“Thank you, sir. It is because of you I could achieve this much. Surprisingly you are a
good teacher. Or perhaps I’m just a good student.” She teased.
“Please, like anyone would be able to teach you. You go left when I say go right.”
“Why do I not have any memory of that happening?” She smiled, dodging all his blows
and attacks.
“I can also see that you have improved in your concentration. That is also good.” Wazir
said. He went back a little and swiped his rod at Elena. She dodged the attack by bending
backward in a perfect arc, then she lifted both her feet and jumped back to assume an attack
pose. Wazir raised his brows at her action.
“Hmm. You have learnt a new trick I see.”
Elena shrugged proudly. She ran towards him and started attacking him again. This time
she was even more ferocious. It was like she had thrown caution to the wind. Wazir frowned a
bit but didn’t lose his concentration when attacking her.
“You have changed your attack steps. They have become more ferocious.” He said. Elena
danced along with him, their rods swishing and clashing against the other. After different series
of dodging and attacking, Elena finally saw a perfect opening to attack Wazir. She faked a left,
knowing that Wazir wouldn’t easily fall for it. He didn’t disappoint. Assuming that she would
attack at his right, he made his move, making it easier for Elena to land a hit on his left. He
grunted, losing his concentration for a split second. But that was all Elena needed. She swiped
her rod under him, hitting his legs and causing him to fall. Then she jumped at him and held her
rod horizontally on his neck, stopping him from making any other move to attack.
Wazir was shocked.
“You defeated me. In a week, you learned how to defeat me… in a week?” He said,
“Shouldn’t you be happy that I have finally beaten you?” Elena said, standing off him.
She dusted her practice pants, moving around him to sit down at a rock close to where they were.
Wazir still laid on the ground, shocked.
“Well, I assumed that is just the basic steps. Do you have any more moves to teach me?”
She asked.
“If you can defeat me with just basic steps, you are already more than okay in sword
fighting.” He answered from the ground.
“So that’s it?” Elena called out.
“Yeah,” Wazir answered. They both remained silent, trying to catch their breath. Elena
turned to face the sky. She admired the stars and the moon, noticing that they looked extra bright
that night.
“The moon is beautiful isn’t it?” She said.
Wazir, already looking at the moon, had a grave face on.
“Yes, yes it is.”
Forest and Elena made their way to the market. It was a weekend, and Mac decided to
close down the shop, saying they all needed their deserved rest. Wazir had been in a mysterious
mood ever since the night before when she had defeated him. He refused to talk to anyone,
saying he just wanted to sleep. Elena was confused but decided not to disturb him.
She and Forest walked hand in hand on the street leading to the market. For a weekend, it
was pretty empty. A nagging feeling kept on disturbing Elena, but she put it off, assuming that it
was all just her imagination.
“Something feels weird,” Forest said, looking around their environment as if searching
for someone.
Elena turned to face him.
“Everywhere is too quiet. And there is not a single soul in sight. Isn’t that strange to
you?” He asked. Elena frowned.
“It did occur to me, but I thought it was just something that happened after the King’s
birthday. Everyone rests.” Forest was about to answer when they heard the sound of several
horses coming towards them. They turned towards the sound, just to see Joustin leading a band
of scary-looking men to their path.
“Well, if it isn’t Elena and her foul-mouthed friend.” Elena stepped back frowning,
holding Forest behind her.
“What do you want?” She asked.
“Well, I just came to carry out a favour for someone.” He said, dragging the reins of his
horse to a pause, causing the men with him to stop too.
“It turns out that our interests complement each other, and who would I be if I avoid such
an opportunity?” He smiled, his face the epitome of pure evil.
Elena looked around, noticing that the men had all come to surround her.
“Well then, I hope I do not disturb you in your endeavour.” Joustin laughed.
“Oh, not at all. You would be interested to know that you are involved in this endeavour
of mine.” Elena’s heart suddenly beat faster. Her face scrunched up deeply, and she understood
that Joustin was acting more than normal. One can’t just bring a band of thugs to attack a
common cook.
“Who sent you?” She asked.
“Oh, you would find out sooner.” He replied, smiling deviously.
“So just to attack me, you brought a whole gang?”
“Well, I was told that you would prove a little… difficult. Though I have no idea why.
Just carrying out orders.” Elena could feel her heart in her throat. Whoever sent him probably
knew of her training with Wazir. She wondered who that was. The only person who knew was
Wazir himself, then Mac and Forest. She doubted anyone of them had anything against her.
“Forest,” she whispered. “Once I give you the signal, you run from here and call Wazir.”
“What?” He whispered back. “You can’t expect me to do that!”
“Don’t worry, I would be able to hold them for some time. But not for long. That’s why I
need your help. You need to get Wazir for me. No questions asked.” Forest’s face was grave, but
he nodded his head. Facing Joustin, she put on a brave face and shouted,
“Well, you have to catch me first if you want me to follow you. Let’s go, Forest!”
Immediately, both of them started running back down the path they had come from. They ran as
fast as their legs could carry them, but unfortunately, they were not too fast for the men and
horses Joustin brought. One of them dragged Elena by the hair while atop his horse, and Elena
cried out in pain.
“Elena!” Forest cried out.
“Just go!” She shouted back. She twirled and struck out her foot, hitting the man in his
mid-area. The man grunted and let go of her, letting her land on the ground with a heavy thud.
She grunted in pain but attacked quickly. She had learned from Wazir during their training to
take advantage of every opportunity. While the man was still struggling to get his balance, Elena
kicked his horse’s legs, causing his horse to fling him from its back.
“I can see why I was asked to bring back up,” Joustin said, his mouth curved into a
frown. Elena wiped the dust off her face and attacked another man who was coming towards her.
This time, the fight took longer as the man wasn’t on his horse. He had a sword, and Elena didn’t
have anything to defend herself with. So she kept on dodging his attacks, landing blows with her
hands or feet where she saw an opening. The man became enraged and started attacking as if he
was mad. Elena had a hard time keeping up with him, so she ended up being sliced on her arm.
She screamed and went down, but not before attacking the man again. She tried to swipe the man
off his feet by striking her legs out, but the man jumped up, avoiding the attack. He landed a
heavy slap on her face causing Elena to fall. She crawled back, but not before seeing Forest
being dragged by two of the thugs. His hands were stretched out by his sides, held tightly by the
two men. He fought fiercely, shouting for them to let go of him.
“Let go of me, you dimwit! You piss-brained Outlaw slave! I promise you, that you will
regret what you’re doing to me.”
One of them kicked him angrily on the back of his knees, enraged.
“Shut your trap, you stupid hussy.” He hit Forest on his head, causing him to fall faint on
the floor.”
“Forest!” Elena screamed as she saw the forest being assaulted. Her eyes were wide open
in shock, and she struggled to crawl faster to where he was.
Suddenly, something heavy hit her head hard, and she fell down, instantly losing