Elena sat outside the restaurant, studying the night sky. She was sitting on an old chair
which she had dragged out of the restaurant. The night breeze felt like a cold caress on her skin,
softly blowing her hair as it built up an atmosphere for reminiscing.
The Duke, his son and Beau Rage had left earlier. According to Mac, they had left a huge
tip behind. Mac was so happy about their achievement he didn’t notice that something was wrong
with her. Elena didn’t even have the heart to tell him how she felt. She knew that there would
come a day when she would have to tell them her real identity, but she wanted to enjoy life as a
normal citizen, even for a little bit.
All their customers finally left when they had eaten their fill. Just like their normal
routine after work, they all gathered at a table and counted out their earnings for the day. Thanks
to the VIP guests, they made three times more than they normally made in a day, and that was by
far a lot. Elena tried to be as happy as they felt, but she couldn’t stop the melancholy that
overcame her when she thought of why they could make that amount.
Their presence caused her to think back about her life before she came to the Kingdom of
Neba. She was happy there, more than she had ever been since her mother died. She remembered
when she found out about the true cause of her mother’s death. She instantly felt guilty, silently
berating herself for forgetting her goal to avenge her mother. She supposed it was good that Beau
Rage came to the Red Queen’s restaurant. Something had to spark up her need to draw blood,
and her dear step-cousin did that perfectly.
She sighed. Still facing the sky, she envied how serene it was. She wished she had a
normal life, wished that there could be a day someone could truly love her for who she was and
assist her with her goal. But she also wouldn’t give up her current life. She enjoyed her job,
cooking and making money. She could now afford simple things she never had before. She
placed her hands on her neck, reaching for her mother’s locket, which rested atop her breast. She
normally didn’t wear it out in public, but she decided to, just for that day.
She brought it to her lips and kissed it. That was the only link she had to her mother. She
softly caressed it, thinking back to the days her mother was alive. She never knew the dangers of
the world then. How innocent she was. Now that her mother was dead and she was finally
experiencing life, she could only imagine what her mother had to suffer just so that her daughter
would live a peaceful life.
“Mother, I miss you so much,” Elena whispered, still studying the locket. She opened it
and couldn’t prevent the tear that fell from her eyes. That was the first time Elena had seen her
mother’s face since she left the kingdom of Pres. She pressed her hand to her mouth, trying to
drown out the sounds of her cries.
She sat there for what felt like hours, emptying her heart under the night sky.
“I’m sorry, mom. I’m so sorry.” She whispered, choking on her tears. She felt guilty
whenever she thought of the perfect life she was living when she was supposed to avenge her
mother, who suffered for her.
“I’m so sorry.” She repeated. She began to hiccup, and her tears suddenly became
overflowing. Feeling like she had cried enough, she wiped her tears off with the back of her
hands and took in a deep breath. Her back and shoulders slouched over in defeat, regret and
longing radiating around her. The night crickets mourned with her, almost as if they could
understand her sadness.
“Food for thought?” A voice called out of the night. Elena turned to face the visitor and
smiled when she saw who it was.
“Good evening, Wazir.” She said. He came over to her, studying her face. His face
scrunched up when he noticed she had been crying.
“Your eyes are red and partly swollen. You were crying. What happened? Is anything
wrong?” He asked worriedly. Elena laughed and wiped her eyes.
“Everything is okay.” She said, sniffing. “I’m just thinking.”
“Want to talk about it?” Wazir asked her, dragging forward the stool outside the
restaurant. Elena smiled, turning her face upward to study the sky once more.
“I feel bad. That’s all.” Wazir remained silent, waiting for her to continue.
“So, where I came from, I wasn’t as happy as I am now.” She sniffed, wiping the back of
her hands across her eyes.
“I was a pauper. My family abandoned me, and the only person who stood by me since I
was little, well… she died.” The night cricket continued their cries in the background. A soft
breeze blew again, caressing their bodies.
“I ran to Neba for a better life. But before I could escape, I found out an important secret.
Everyone knew about it except me.” She turned to face Wazir.
“Aren’t I a joke?” She smiled at herself mockingly.
“They hurt someone close to me, and I didn’t know for years, but everyone did. Ha!
Worst of it all, I came here and was enjoying my life, totally forgetting about the one who
practically gave up her life for me. I swore to get vengeance, but I haven’t even done anything to
make up on my promise” She faced the sky again, letting out a loud breath.
“But I just can’t help thinking, can you blame me though? All the things I never had back
home, I have them here. Does it make me a bad person that I wanted to at least feel life no matter
how little it is before I carry out my quest of vengeance?” She asked, not knowing deep down
whether that question was meant for her or Wazir.
Wazir looked at her strangely. His eyes were clouded in thoughtfulness as he slowly
faced the sky.
“I’m not strong enough,” Elena continued. “I’m not capable of defeating my fears, let
alone avenging my loved one. I’m a failure aren’t I?”
“You are not a failure, Elena.” Wazir finally replied. He let out a loud sigh and dragged
his hands through his hair.
“In all honesty, I can’t act like I understand what you are going through. But what I do
know is, it’s not too late to learn how to be strong. You keep on saying you want to avenge
someone, well I can help you with that.” Elena turned to face him, the dilemma shining through
her eyes.
“I can train you in sword fighting, that’s better than doing nothing, right?”
“You can fight? With swords?” Elena asked, a shocked expression on her face.
“Why do you look like you are surprised by that information?” Wazir questioned, his
eyes raised.
“Well, considering how we first found you, one would not be able to make that
connection quickly.” She said teasingly.
“I keep on telling you to forget about that.” Wazir retorted, rolling his eyes.
“You guys found me at a bad time. On a normal day, there is no way someone would
have beat me as bad as that.”
“Mac mentioned that you told him that wasn’t your first time getting beaten- ”
“All those times were all bad times! That doesn’t mean I am not good at fighting!” Wazir
replied, gesticulating exasperatedly.
Elena looked at him and suddenly let out a giggle. She covered her mouth, making a
futile attempt to hide her humour at his bad luck.
“You can laugh all you want, but trust me when I say I am the best and your only chance
of getting to know how to fight.” He replied, crossing his arms on his chest. Elena couldn’t stop
the huge smile that brightened her face.
“Thank you then. I humbly accept your teachings… sire.” She said.
“I like that. ‘Sire’ does have a nice ring, doesn’t it?” He said, his chest puffed out in pride.
Elena burst out, laughing.
Finally, she stopped, and the environment regained its peaceful calmness. The night
crickets had long since stopped their cries. Elena could no more feel the heavyweight of guilt and
melancholy radiating off her.
“Thank you, Wazir.” She said, grateful. “I appreciate your coming out here tonight and
talking with me. Plus also offering to teach me how to defend myself. You have no idea how
much it means to me. Thanks so much!” She stood up from her seat and suddenly hugged Wazir.
Wazir’s eyes widened in shock, but he returned her hug.
“You are welcome.” He replied after a while. Elena finally let go of him and stretched as
she stood.
“Well, that took a lot out of me. I best be going to bed. Good night.” She said, waving to
Wazir as she dragged her seat with her back into the restaurant.
Wazir smiled and returned her wave, looking at her departure until she was totally inside
the restaurant. Once she shut the restaurant door, his smile fell immediately, and a deep frown
was etched on his face.
He faced the sky and studied it for a while, mysterious energy radiating off him.
Suddenly, his face transformed into a devious look.
“Elena, you are famous. Do you know how many people are looking for you?”
The next day came swiftly, carrying with it a day of hope for Elena’s future. She smiled
and stretched as she got out of bed, then carried out the usual care of her hygiene. When she was
done, she left her room for the restaurant area to do her chores. She met Forest there, who was
already cleaning the tables and chairs.
“Couldn’t sleep again?” She called out as she headed for the hidden closet to fetch her
broom and dustpan.
Forest nodded his head and sighed loudly.
“One day, I’m going to send him out of that room.” He mumbled. Elena smiled and
closed the closet door after bringing out her tools.
“What is stopping you from doing it now?”
“I have a soft heart Elena, in case you haven’t noticed,” Forest said dramatically.
Elena laughed at him and went for the restaurant entrance.
“You’re just afraid that he would bully you out of the room.”
“I am not!” Forest exclaimed, mock indignation illuminating his face.
Elena laughed loudly and closed the restaurant door from outside. She began to sweep the
entrance and clean the slates, and finally, when she was done, she went back inside to prepare the
ingredients they would cook for that day.
Later that morning, when the restaurant opened, they had twice the number of people
who came to ballot for reservations. They had heard that important people had dined in the red
Queen’s restaurant, so they automatically deemed it the best restaurant.
Elena swallowed down her feelings and forced herself to work. She won’t be doing
anything forever. She had finally found a way to start on her journey of vengeance.
The evening came, and all their customers had left. They were all balanced together on a
table, counting out their earnings for that day.
“Wow, we have made so much in such a week!” Forest exclaimed. Mac nodded his head,
pride and excitement radiating off him.
“With this, we can finally hire more help, and who knows, open several branches of the
red Queen around the Kingdom!”
“I was also thinking of the same thing.” Elena let out. Mac turned to her and gave her a
blinding smile.
“I always knew you were my angel in disguise. Let’s work hard towards achieving that
goal, Hmm?” He said. Elena nodded her head in response. She turned to face Wazir and saw that
he was already giving her a signal, reminding her that it was time to train.
“Well, if you would excuse me, Wazir and I are going out.” She said, standing up from
her seat. Forest looked at them both with a curious expression.
“Where are you guys going?”
“Wazir agreed to teach me sword fighting.” Mac and Forest looked at them strangely.
“What?” Elena asked.
“Wazir can use a sword?”
“You suddenly want to learn how to fight?” Forest and Mac asked, respectively.
“What do you mean by if I can use a sword?” Wazir retorted.
“Well, considering how we found you- “Forest began.
“Oh, God!” Wazir exclaimed, raising both his hands exasperatedly. Elena laughed loudly.
She looked at Mac and noticed his worry.
“I’m fine. I’m okay really. It is something I have always wanted to learn.” She said, trying
to assure him. Mac sighed deeply and said,
“Whatever works for you.” He smiled faintly. Turning to face Wazir, his face suddenly
became serious.
“If you know what’s good for you, you would not harm her.” He said gravely. Wazir
silently shivered as he gave out a fake laugh.
“Come on you know I won’t hurt her, she is like a younger sister to me.”
“Well, she is like a daughter to me. You better be careful.”
“Yeah!” Forest also called out. “I’m also like a brother to her. So that’s two of us against
you if anything should happen to her.”
“Okay, I’ll take good care of her,” Wazir said, waving his hands dramatically. Elena’s
heart melted as she felt the love everyone had for her. A tear fell down her eyes, and she wiped it
“Are you okay?” Wazir whispered to her. She nodded her head.
“Yes, I am. Let’s be going.” She replied.