The long night came to an end, with a smile on my face, I stroked my ruffled hair, detangling the clumps in my hair. I heaved a heavy breath and sluggishly got off my bed. ‘Woah.’ my bedsheets were rumpled like a trashcan where raccoons fight for leftover cabbage. What was more amusing was the state of my long hair, ‘Man, I look like a witch’ the mirror revealed the hilarious view of my looks. If I were in an intoxicated state, I’m very sure I won’t be able to recognize myself. After laughing my *ss off, I strode into my bathroom. Then it suddenly struck me.
What time is it?
I bathed quickly and unlocked my phone.
BLOODY HELL! It’s Tuesday, I hate Tuesdays! Especially today.
That stern Professor Steve, I usually had his class on Tuesday at 9 AM. The annoying thing was that this particular Tuesday was for continuous assessment, 45 percent on the run… but the time…
Please tell me Mr. Time that you are teasing me…
The time leaped from 9:45 to 9:47. Slow down, will you! I frantically put on any piece of clothing my shaky hand touched first. I didn’t care what I wore; all I wanted was to get to campus as fast as I could. Why do I have to wake up late today of all days… But annoyingly the voice inside me corrected that thought, ‘you usually wake up late every time you had a wet night’. Just shut the heck up…
I didn’t bother having breakfast and rushed to the exit. Then it occurred to me that I wouldn’t get to campus in time if I took a cab. I scampered to Mr. Clinton’s room and grabbed his car keys. I hope he’d forgive me… I started the engine and squealed the car out of the compound.
The corridor to the lecturer hall was dead silent, and my fears began to taunt me, making me grow weary of what might happen if I stepped into the hall.
“Why did he have to place almost half of our total score into a freaking test..” I muttered under my breath, forcing my feet to approach the door… Finally, my foot landed on the entrance, but the beardy Professor Steve veered in my direction before I could place my other foot. It was like he had a lurking pair of eyes on the back of his head.
His face scrunched, creepy deep wrinkles appeared on his forehead.
Here it comes…
“You got guts coming in here at this time, young lady. Go back to wherever you came from because I won’t allow you to write my test.”
I stayed silent, allowing him to lash out at me. If that would bring him satisfaction, he should carry on. All I wanted was to write the test.
My ears picked whispers from the other students. I looked up, and I saw their lips wavering with disdain. At the corner of the hall, I saw my bestie, sending a message across with her moving lips…
“You are shrewd.” I read her lips and mouthed my answer “I know.”
“Young lady, didn’t you hear me…” His voice boomed around the whole place. I almost covered my ears, but I stopped when I remembered who this man really was…
A strict professor…
He might pick offense at that small motion.
“Sir, I’m sorry, really, really sorry… I…” I managed to reply, thinking of the right words to add, but I wasn’t given a chance to say more…
Oh boy, I’m finished. His loud burst of raspy voice dawned on me, shattering my remaining resolve to plead for mercy. Anatomy was a main course for the nursing department. And the total passing score for the test was forty-five. I would have to struggle for the remaining fifty-five during the examination. Fifty-five was a hell of a risky number. What if I mess up and end up with forty? That’s a slight escape from a carryover.
I puffed out the air of awaiting failure, with a sullen expression, mollifying my legs to start up the pace. I gave the professor one more look, my eyes pleading for a chance to sit with my classmates to write the test, but he shot daggers at me instead.
This is my punishment from above…
I left the hall and perched around nearby waiting for Helen to update on the test question. Since I missed the test, those questions might save my rear. I hope…
A few minutes later, I saw Helen leaving the hall, her eyes scanning the corridor in search of me.
“Helen, over here!” I called out to her, waving for her to see me.
I noticed her bleak face; even her feet sounded upset.
I smirked, “What happened, did your pen fail you again.”
“That would have been better.” She snorted after her reply, tossing her pen into her satchel.
“Then, if you were in my shoes, what would you have done then, break the ground and shove your face in it. You should be glad you wrote the test.” I grumbled, crossing my arms. Missing the rest really affected my mood…
She chuckled at me, seemingly aware of something I’m not…
“To be honest Sarah, you’re quite lucky.” I raised my eyebrow. “What, are you nuts?”
She sighed, “That man is a demon…” Her statement got me intrigued to know what happened at the test. “Spill it…”
She shook her head slowly as if in a miserable state… “He brought questions from the topic we were supposed to learn at the end of the semester. We were totally not prepared for that…”
I started with a snort. From that, I burst into hysterical laughter. Helen was still shaking her head deep in thought. I knew what she was thinking; I too had the same thought. We will all have to struggle for the remaining fifty-five percent at the end of the semester…
“We started the test as soon as you left the hall. When I saw the question, I wished to swap places with you… fifty-five percent, this is so unfair…” She moped on my shoulders, weighing the outcome of the examination.
“Calm down, baby doll, calm down. We can do this…” I patted her shoulders, then a light bulb appeared over my head.
“Mr. Clinton is a surgeon… What if…” I bit my lips as my mind wandered on the possibility of killing two birds with one stone…