“I must have slept for long,” I yawned with closed eyes before my vision slowly revealed where I was. ‘Mr. Clinton’s bedroom, I actually slept on his bed.’ I placed my hands on my lips in disbelief; that was fast, way too fast, but I liked the speed. I laid back on his bed grinning, things were working out for me. It had only been a day since I arrived, and we were already getting along really well, just as I always wanted.
I sat up when my mind flashed back to our earlier conversation. I’ve got preparations to make, and I was still in bed. I got up immediately to get things ready.
I went to my room and grabbed my purse, put on some lipstick, and tied my hair into a ponytail. I really like ponytails because it makes me look cute and full of spirit, that’s what I think. I didn’t forget to take some cash; I had shopping to do. As I was about to exit the duplex, I saw Erin approaching.
“Hi.” She smiled again, and I smiled back as I did before. “You’re going out,” she asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be back soon,” I said, and I scampered away. I halted when I thought of something. I glanced at the fancy sports car, the name I don’t know, don’t really care about names of cars and latest blah, blah, blah. ‘It wouldn’t hurt to go for a ride, would it?’ My lips curled up and my eyes gleamed, ready for action. I went back inside to meet Erin.
“Erin, do you know where Xavier keeps his keys?”
“His bedroom, I think,” Erin replied, and I scurried to his bedroom to get the key. It didn’t take long to find it, and I scampered back outside. I was ready to get the car started before I paused to reflect if I was doing the right thing. So, for the sake of ‘doing the right thing,’ I called Mr. Clinton to ask for his permission.
I dialed his number, but there was no answer. I shrugged and happily got the baby moving. I learned how to drive two years ago, and since then, I never had my own car; I only had to drive my father sometimes for fun and Helen if she wanted to take a break. And now, seeing a lone fancy car, why wouldn’t I make good use of this perfect opportunity?
I arrived at the same mall that Helen and I visited not long ago, bought some new pajamas. I didn’t bother Helen; she might be busy with her boyfriend.
At the mall exit, I sighted my best friend from a distance, her hands hooked up with a guy I hadn’t seen before. I sighed, ‘the poor guy has been dumped,’ as predicted. Her relationships never last more than six months.
I stood waiting for the couples to approach me. Helen was surprised to see me. “What are you doing here?” She frowned. “You came without me.”
I responded with a snort, why would I disturb her date. “You seem to have a new partner.” That was a hint, and she understood.
She smiled before stroking the guy’s arm and spoke like a typical Coquet. “Sarah, meet my new prince charming, the love of my life, Vincent, and Vincent, meet my best friend Sarah.”
Vincent smiled and extended his hand for a handshake. I noticed his eyes were exploring me; he bit his lips seductively and shifted his gaze to my… oh yuck, what is wrong with this guy? I felt disgusted. He was looking at my boobs!
I cleared my throat and dropped my smile. He, too, understood the hidden meaning behind my attitude, so he averted his eyes away from me.
“I should get going; have fun,” I said before walking away, but not without Helen shooting glares at me. I placed my hands on my ears, extending my pinky and thumbs as a signal for her to call me.
I got into my borrowed car, looking in their direction. I knew Helen didn’t notice me inside the car, as she was too preoccupied with her latest boyfriend that would be dumped in the next six months’ time.
I spent the rest of the day, dawdling around the house, looking at some photos. The photos I saw were his and no one else’s. I wondered how he lived alone without a companion all these years. His wife is sure ruthless; how could she divorce such a man? I feel he is the most perfect man on earth. No offense to other lovers though.
He seems to still love her; that could be the reason he refused to remarry, just like my father. I really don’t know the details of his life; all I knew was that he was divorced by his wife and for his child… does he even have a child?
My phone alarm chimed, “6 pm.” I hurried to the kitchen to start the evening’s duty. In an hour’s time, I was done preparing dinner for Mr. Clinton and me.
“I hope he’ll also like this one.”
“Sarah, did you spare me some?” I turned to look at who just said that. It was Erin, standing behind me with a smile.
I was slightly speechless. “Oh, um…”
“I was just kidding; Mr. Clinton usually eats out, so I’m quite surprised…” She chuckled.
“Oh,” I nodded. “Well, I’m changing that.” I turned away from her and continued setting the dining.
“Well, good luck with that; I’m going home.” She waved goodbye to me and left the duplex.
I sat at the dinner table, tapping my foot while fumbling with my fingers. “Why is he taking so long?” I looked at the time; it was 8 pm, and still, he hadn’t arrived.
Then I received a text. My head spun with anticipation when I saw he was the sender.
“I’m sorry; we won’t be playing games tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow. Don’t worry; I’ll make it up to you.”
My heart sank in disappointment; I would have to be all on my own. Not to mention the food I would have to eat all by myself without him beside me.
I bit my lips and carried my sluggish body to my room and moped on my pillow. He did say he would make it up to me, but I couldn’t help but feel morose.
Lying on my bed, my phone ringing tone chimed in my ear.
I did tell her to call me; why now of all times when I’m not in the mood for jokes.
“SARAH!” Her squeaky, boisterous voice sounded into my ears.
“Ugh!” I stroked my ears violently as I stared at my phone incredulously. “What the hell! Do you want to burst eardrums?”
“I would if I could do it through the phone,” she shouted; she was really agitating me.
“What did I do?”
“You’ll find out tomorrow.” She hung up. I hissed and tossed my phone aside. Whatever it was, we’ll see in class the next morning. I would have to spend the night the usual way, relying on my wet dreams.