Ashely P. O. V
After I left out of Jayson’s truck, I wanted to kick it, open the door again, and then slam it.
I wanted to hurt him just like he just broke me. I can’t believe he asked me to meet him and then he was rude to me when he thought I slept with Robert.
I know for a fact I have not been around that asshole. I don’t understand why he keeps saying about him and me?
If he paid attention around him. He would know Robert not here anymore. He was the one who tried to hurt Avery because of Camilia. He was one of her follows/ bodyguards.
I started walking up towards my house. I didn’t want to look behind me. But, if I did, I don’t know what I would do. Maybe flip the finger or pick up something and throw it at his truck or go back to him and drive somewhere we can finish what we did in the school parking lot.
But I didn’t do any of that. I just kept walking up my yard.
Once I got to my front door. I jumped when I heard him gun it out of my driveway.
I looked back, and he was driving away down the street. So I opened my front door, and I walked in. That was when I shut the door, and I lost it. I started crying my eyes out. I tried to be quiet, but I heard someone in the living room.
“Ashely sweetie, is that you”? I heard my name when I looked over my shoulder to the living room.
I saw my dad sitting at his desk drinking some brown liquid? I have an idea what he is drinking. But I didn’t want to tell him. So, I told him.
“Yes, it’s me, daddy,” I told him when I walked toward the doorway. I stopped. I was staring at him.
“Hey! sweetheart, what are you doing up?” He asked me with a slur in his voice. I wonder if he drunk. He probably is. He has been drinking a lot since we found out mom got second-stage cancer.
I sighed, and I walked over to my dad. It’s like this every night since that awful news we got at the doctor’s office with Dr. Hoopers.
“Hey, daddy,” come on,” I told him when I bent down and started grabbing his arm and helping him up out of his seat.
Oh, baby girl, when you get here,” he started to say. I cut him off. I didn’t say anything to him.
“Oh, my bad. I am so sorry, baby girl.” I forgot.” He tells me he starts to cry. When my dad starts to drink, he forgets everything. I guess it helps him.
Until I remind him of his home and I am his daughter.
He starts to remember what’s going on around again.
Damn it, why do I have to open up my stupid fat mouth!
“Umm, I am sorry, daddy-”
“Ashely, I got this,” I heard my mom behind us. I turn around. I saw her fragile body in the doorway, and my mother never was a big woman. But I saw her so fragile and more petite than she was before. She lost a lot more weight than how tiny my mom was before.
“Amy!” I heard my dad say.
That’s was when he turned his head. I step back. That was when my dad got up and walked towards my mom. He grabbed her, and he started crying in her arms.
“Oh, Richard, what are you doing, honey.” I heard my mom ask my dad with a worried look on her face.
You need to stop this!” I don’t want to see you like this!” I heard my mom say with tears in her eyes.
She was shaking from crying so much because of my dad’s drinking. Since we all found out about my mom’s cancer, he has been drinking.
“I am so sorry, Amy,” I am such a loser,” I heard my dad say, crying in my tiny mom’s arms. She can barely stand up because of how strong my dad is. I am so shocked at how my mom stands up. Just because mom has cancer doesn’t mean she is not strong anymore? I heard my inner voice say.
So, I stood there and watched my mom comforting my dad when she was the one my dad should be comforting her.
But this wonderful lady I call my mom is holding and comforting my dad and not falling apart.
She is my hero, and I pray to God I have enough money to get her surgery in two weeks.
That reminds me, I need to get a hold of my trainer. Then, I need to get in the ring and practice for the next fight.
“I am so sorry, Amy,” Please don’t leave me! I promise you, I will stop drinking,” I heard my dad saying over and over again.
“It’s okay, Richard,” I am not mad at you,” But you got to stop this drinking so much.” So she told him and kissed his forehead when they were rocking in each other’s arms.
“Please don’t leave me! I need you, Amy.”
” We both do, Ashely and Me.” I heard my dad. I choked up, and I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I took my hand and wiped it under my eyes.
I see the love in my parent’s eyes for each other. I knew they had been best friends since before they were mates, so I always heard them talking about how they were in school. Appealing, my dad teased my mom in middle school. But, they were best friends after that, and you know the rest.
I sighed, and I didn’t want to interrupt them. So, I walked over to the other door quietly.
I stopped and turned my head. I smiled when I saw it.
They were still in each other arms. So I looked that was when I saw them.
That was when I saw my dad and mom kissing in the doorway. I widened my eyes when I saw my dad pick up my beautiful mom in his arms. I heard her gasp and yelp when she started walking towards the couch.
“Richard! Put me down,” I heard her say with a smile on her face.
That was when I saw my dad sitting on the couch. Then, I saw my mom trying to get away from him.
I let out a chuckle, but I covered my mouth, so they didn’t hear me.
“Oh, no, you don’t!” I heard my dad say with a chuckle.
“Richard, stop it. Ashely still in here,”
I smiled with tears in my eyes.
I opened my mouth and told them.
“Eww, dad and mom, go get a room,” I said, joking with a fake disgusting look on my face.
I heard them chuckle, and I shook my head. Then, I walked out, but my mom hit my dad before I heard.
Ouch! What’s was that for!”. Dad said with pain and a laugh in his voice.
“You are being a pervert!” my mom said with a laugh.
“Yeah, but I am your pervert,” my dad said with a chuckle.
I shook my head and walked away, and I walked upstairs.
I was smiling, and then my smile dropped when I forgot what happened tonight with Jayson.
Damn it! Tomorrow is going to be a nightmare. I just know it.
“Maybe not,” I heard Envy.
“Or now you show up! Where were you,” I asked her. She didn’t say anything, but I could hear her mind.
“Oh, gee wee, really tonight? You had to run off with him!” I said with an annoying voice.
“Yess, she said with a smug attitude.
I rolled my eyes.
“Well, I am glad someone had fun and a good time,” I told her with a jealous expression. I yelled inside my mind. I didn’t want to hear anymore. So, I told her.
“I don’t want to hear it,” I just want to go to bed and go to sleep and forget about today. But I knew I wouldn’t. I will be thinking about what happened today and tonight. I sighed.
I walked inside my bedroom door, and I changed and got my sleep clothes on. Once I got that done, I found my phone on the floor, and I picked it up and plugged it into the wall.
I checked to see anyone sent me a message or call? But I saw one message.
An unknown number- “Be ready before 8 am tomorrow!” I didn’t need to know who that was.
Because I already knew to send me that message.
I rolled my eyes. I sat it down on my nightstand.
Whatever asshole! I am not going to be here, so how about that. I thought with a smug attitude, and I stuck my tongue out as if he was here in the room.
I huffed, and I turned my back away from my phone. I started to pull down my covers, and I sighed when I got in and pulled the covers over my head.
I was lying in bed when I heard my phone go off. I am not going to see the message. I am going to ignore it and go to sleep.
So, that’s precisely what I did. I fell in a deep sleep thinking about one sexy and dangerous crystal blue eyes.