Dean’s POV
Letting out a frustrated scream, I punch the rock wall hard. Hearing a cracking sound I stare at the wall. Watching as a huge crack goes up the wall and splinters out creating more cracks that go in different directions. Once the cracking stops I let out a sigh of relief, and look down at the floor.
Good it finally stopped.
The sound of small pebbles of rocks falling gets my attention. I stare back at the wall, and watch in shock as the wall completely collapse.
My grandfather is going to be pissed that I punched another hole into his wall.
” Dude, really….” Virgil says with irration in his voice.
” How was I suppose to know!” I snap at Virgil, as I turn around to glare at him.
” It is called using your common sense! We are surrounded by hybrids! So, you should know there would be more on the otherside of that wall!” Virgil snaps back at me.
Fuck! I completely forgot all about them.
Looking back at the hole I created. I see a bunch of hybrids on the otherside. I notice how huge a lot of them are. I even see the smaller hybrids hanging around in the back. They were all eating parts of flesh, and dead bodies were covering the floor.
” Both of you shut! up! We need to kill these things!” Damian snaps at both of us.
” Thanks a lot Dean.” Virgil says with his voice full of sarcasm.
” Fuck you too!” I snap back him.
” He didn’t cuss at you.” Damian tells me.
” He was thinking it. I just said it first.” I tell Damian.
I watch Damian roll his eyes.
Virgil has been a dick for the last few months. He has showed up to work three hours late. He had me working night shift by myself, because he was busy dealing with Kristin. Not to mention Kristin was been a cunt! She wouldn’t watch Luna for me, because she claimed that my daughter was too hard to handle. I wanted to slap the shit out of her, but I didn’t.
Kristen has talked so much shit about my daughter, or Willow. It has become completely ridiculous to deal with two shitty people! I don’t care what their excuses are. They have both been crappy friends and rude. For example four months ago we were at a neighboring clan to gain support, and allies over there. Virgil pissed off a group of men at a bar, and started a fight with them. He than left in the middle of that fight leaving me to deal with everything. We weren’t even suppose to be fighting. We were just there to gain support.
Which didn’t go well, because one of the men Virgil punched, was the clan leaders eighteen year old son. So, we lost there support.
Than, today they have the nerve to showed up at the hotel room with smiles and being nice, like they haven’t made life hell for everyone. I was about to ask him why he was happy, but the second Kristin walked by me. I can instantly smell her hormones level. After months of hearing him bitch, and her being a cry baby. They are finally having a baby.
Now he is back to being a dick head, because I put a huge hole in the wall.
Yes, I did forgot about being surrounded by hybrids, but I wasn’t expecting the wall to just collapse. I didn’t even think I hit the wall that hard.
Staring at all of the hybrids on the otherside. I get a glimpse of a hybrid in the far back. It has two legs and a body of a normal looking demon, but has a head of a lion.
I watch it step behind a giant monkey hybrid, before I hear Virgil speak. ” What the hell is she doing out here!” He says.
Who is he talking about?
Taking a sniffle of the air, I instantly smell Willow’s, Jasmine, Luna, and Kristin scent.
” Damian! Help us!” I hear Willow’s voice echoing from somewhere down the hallway.
If Willow is in danger that means my daughter is in danger too. If I have to stay here to keep these hybrids away from my kid. I will do that, and hold these hybrids off until, Damian can get her too safety.
Letting out a quiet sigh of frustration. I have all these questions running through my head.
Why would they even leave the hotel room? And where the fuck is Violet and Inosuke!?
” You guys go help them. I got this.” I tell them.
” Dean, there are too many for you to fight by yourself!” Damian tells me.
” I can handle it! Go help Willow and Kristin before it is too late.” I tell Damian in a stern tone.
” Damian please! They are coming!” I hear Willow’s scream out.
” Don’t die!” Damian says, before he takes off at full speed down the hallway.
I look back at the hole in the wall to find the hybrid with two legs is now standing just a few feet away from me.
I knew hybrids like this existed, but I never seen one. Hybrids like these are likely to try to mix with a normal demon. Instead of mixing with other demon animals. I don’t know if it is possible, but I have heard rumors of them kidnapping women to breed with them. Rather or not they have been successful in mixing their Animal DNA with us is unknown.
” Dean! I know your killing hybrids, so keep your eyes open for the rare hybrids. They look like normal demons from the neck down, but their heads are animal. They even smell just like the rest of the hybrids.” My dad says through a mindlink.
” I’m staring at a rare hybrid right now.” I mindlink back to my father.
” Tell Damian and Virgil to stay alert! The rare ones are a lot smarter, and travels in packs with other rare hybrids.” He informs me.
You got to be fucking kidding me! Not only do I have to deal with a normal pack of hybrids. You have these rare hybrids traveling in packs too.
Can this shit get any worse!
” Violet where are you?” I mindlink her, as I watch the rare hybrid start to slowly stalk towards me.
” I am on the ninth floor. I follow a giant kitty and sliced it into tiny pieces!” Violet says with happiness in her voice.
Of course she did….
” Keep your eyes open for rare hybrids. They have normal bodies from the neck down, but the head is some kind of animal. There scent should tell you that they are wild animals. ” I mindlink her.
” Yeah! I seen those! They are so cute!!! I just couldn’t help but to skin one of them!” She says with a giggle. ” Have you seen anymore? I think I cleared this floor.” She says with a loud huff.
” If you are bored move to a different floor! There are hybrids everywhere still!” I say a little harshly.
I dodge the rare hybrids fist, but get rammed in the stomach by a bull hybrids that has spikes going down the center of its back. Feeling my back hit the wall, I am pinned between the wall and the hybrid head. I can feel it’s horns piercings into my abdomen, as the bull hybrid continues to ram its head into me, causing its horns to go deeper and deeper into my abdomen.
Damn it!
This shit kinda hurts!
It isn’t enough to kill me, but healing is going to be a bitch.
I hate asking for help, but I don’t really have a choice. Hopefully Alex is free to give me a hand.
” Alex! Please tell me you are close by!” I mindlink him.
” Yeah, I am with dad helping him clear out the second floor.” Alex mindlinks me back.
” I could use a little help. I’ll do your chores for two weeks.” I tell him, as I start punching at the bulls head trying to get it to back up.
Only the hybrid will not back up. It keeps adding pressure digging its horn deeper into me. Hearing a cracking sound, I look above me to see the wall is starting to crack from all the pressure.
I ball my right hand into a fist, and slam my fist hard against the wall. I can feel the horns being pulled out, as start to fall backwards, from the wall finally collapsing. I hit the floor with a thud, and see the rare hybrid is standing over me.
I watch the rare hybrid lift up a metal pipe, and swing it in a downward motion. I catch ahold of the metal pipe with my bare hands.
” Damn, they fucked you up.” I Alex say, as he kicks the rare hybrid away from me.
” Shut up! I would have killed it. If that fucking bull didn’t get in the way.” I tell him.
It is almost like the bull was helping its master.
I slowly stand up to my feet to see six more rare hybrids standing infront of us.
This is going to take a few minutes to clear them out.