Looking at my reflection in the mirror I smile and run my fingers along the edges of the purple silk dress.
This has to be the softest fabric I have ever worn. I know Damian has been buying me more clothes lately without me asking or knowing. Each one is soft but this one has to be the softest out of all of them.
It rest loosely against my body and makes moving around more comfortable. It even helps my small baby bump pop out more and stops just a few inches above my knee.
Placing my hand on my hair I make a frown.
What am I am going to do about my hair? From what I over heard from the guards. It is going to be pretty hot outside but since we are having our date at night time it should be cooler out.
I don’t want to curl my hair I want to try something different for tonight. I want to keep my hair out of my face especially if it is going to be hot. I haven’t braided my hair in a long time I can try that.
I walk over to my dresser and begin digging around in my basket full of hair ties, clips, and pens.
I find a matching purple hair tie and give my hair a good brush before I start french braiding my hair into a ponytail. Once I tie it off at the end I use black hair pens to hide all the lose hairs.
Now I can start working on my makeup. I don’t want to use a lot incase I start sweating it off.
I open the drawer on the top right and start digging around for the right foundation I want to use.
Hearing the door open I speak thinking it is just Damian or Kristin.
” I am almost done.” I say without turning around.
” So, your the slut that took my man away from me.” A female voice says in a rude tone.
I stop digging in my drawer full of makeup and turn around to face a women in a maids uniform. ” I’m sorry?” I asked her in disbelief and confusions
She is wearing a maids uniform but I have never seen her before.
” You heard me bitch! Damian was mine until you came along!” She spits out in anger.
What the hell is she talking about? I have never seen her here before and I been living here for a few months now.
” Look I don’t know what you are talking about.” I tell her honestly as Damian steps into the room with Virgil and Kristin behind him.
I look at them and watch as the women turns to face Damian. ” I can be a better breeder than this pathetic human. I can give you strong children.” She tells him in a flirtatious tone.
Damian just stares at her in disgust, ” You have overstepped and shouldn’t be in here. We were never together.” He says to her in a harsh tone.
So, he does know this women?
I guess we are going to have a lot to talk about at dinner tonight.
I watch Damian whispers something to Virgil before he steps forwards and grabs the women by the arm.
” No! I’m not done yet!” She screams in anger as Virgil forcefully drags her out of the room.
Kristin walks up to me with a smile, ” Come on, I will help you finish getting ready. So you two get going on your date.” She tells me in a happy tone.
” Did you not just see what I saw?” I question her and look over in Damian direction. Only to see he isn’t standing by the door anymore.
He must of left with Virgil and that women.
” I wouldn’t worry about it Willow. She just some jealous female. After all Damian was a very popular single male in our area. Women were practically throwing themselves at him. Even I have had my fair share of jealous women coming up to me.” Kristin says grabbing foundation and opening it up.
I nod my head, ” Yeah, that is true.” I say agreeing with her.
Two weeks ago Kaiser threw Damian a birthday a party. Since Damian refused to leave the house because he didn’t want me getting hurt. His father had it here at the house instead. It was fun in the beginning but as it got late and people were getting more drunk. It kinda took a turn for the worse.
Sitting in the living room in a rocking chair on Damian’s lap. I let out a small yawn and watch Kristin down her ninth bottle of whiskey.
” We should probably get to bed. You are getting pretty tired.” Damian tells me and I give a slight nod. ” Yeah, I am pretty tired.”
I am so ready for bed and to relax in the comfort of mine and Damian bedroom.
” We should get going to bed too.” Virgil says getting up from the couch and holding his right hand out to help pull Kristin to her feet.
Kaiser nods and gets up from the recliner, ” You guys get to bed. I will have maids clean everything up and get people to go home.” He tells us before leaving the living room.
It was nice to sit down and have a conversation with Kaiser without Damian’s cousins eavesdropping or interrupting. I got to know him a lot better today and I feel a lot more comfortable being around him.
Damian’s cousins however are another story. Some seem nice and others are still kinda rude to me for no reason. Which is why we are all in the living room to separate from everyone and give me some breathing room.
Despite some rude family members today was pretty good, but being around everyone really made me exhausted.
” Can you carry me? I am too tired to walk?” I ask Damian as I rest my head against his chest.
Damian let’s out a chuckle, ” Yeah, I can do that.” He places one hand gently on my back. While his other hand slides under both my legs.
As Damian is standing up with me in his arms. I watch one of the guest in a light pink dress that barely covers her boobs walk into the living room and walk up to Virgil and Kristin.
She gives Kristin a dirty look and smiles politely at Virgil. ” So, is this your girlfriend?” She asked him.
Virgil looks at her in confusion as he pulls Kristin to her feet. ” Yeah?” The women stares at Kristin up and down before looking back at Virgil, ” Like your girlfriend, girlfriend?” She asked again.
Kristin rolls her eyes, ” Bitch, if I kill you are dead, dead or just not breathing!” She slurs out at her.
I hold back a giggle and feel Damian sit back down. I look at him confused and whispers, ” Why did you sit back down?” I asked him.
” I want to watch the fight that’s about to happen.” He whispers back.
I let out a sigh, ” Fine, but the second it gets bad. You are taking me straight to bed.” I tell him in a stern tone.
” Yes, mom.” Damian says his voice full of sarcasm.
I’m not really sure what was yelled out next. Since I was kinda busy talking to Damian but by the time I looked back in Kristin direction. She was on top of the women and punching her repeatedly in the face. While Virgil and two gaurds were trying to separate them.
Once they were finally separated from each other. They were just verbally insulting one another until the women threw a vase at Kristin head. Which resulted in Kristin throwing anything that wasn’t nailed down at the women head.
It took stuff flying through the air to have Damian call it a night. As he was carrying me away I saw a stapler smack right into the women forehead. That was the last thing I saw before we went around the corner.
” Hello!” Kristin says snapping her fingers in front of my face.
I stare at at her, ” What?” I asked with a raised brow.
” I said that I was done.” Kristin laughs and turns me around to face the mirror to see her handy work.
My makeup was light with some blush, eyeliner, and nude lipstick.
” Sorry I must have zoned out thinking about the fight you had at Damian’s birthday party.” Looking at my reflection I smile. ” You did an amazing job.” I tell her happily.
Kristin laughs, ” I almost forgot about that fight. I had her crying after throwing a few things at her.” She laughs some more as she puts away my makeup. ” I will do your makeup anytime you ask.” She says with a grin.
” I am sure you had her crying. I wouldn’t really know since Damian took me to bed. And I would love you to do my makeup again.” Looking down at my feet I sigh. ” Not sure what shoes to wear. I don’t think I have anything that will match this dress.”
Kristin laughs, ” Do you really think Damian would get you a dress without getting you matching shoes?”
I watch her walk over to my closet and pull out a nice pair of matching purple slip on flats. She walks back over and hands them to me. ” I will go downstairs and tell Damian you will be down in a few.” She says with a wink before leaving.
” Sounds good.” I tell her just before she shuts the door behind her.
I sit on the bed and slip on the shoes before standing up and walking over to my dresser. I pick up my perfume that smells like roses and give it two little sprays.
I think that is everything.
Looking over at my purse I give a little shrug.
I don’t think I need to take it. I normally just give my phone to Damian to carry anyway and I don’t have anything I need to take with me.
I give myself one more look over before heading down the hallway and down stairs. I can hear voices coming from the living room and head that way.
Stepping inside I see Kristin sitting in Virgil lap eating a cookie. While Damian is sitting on the couch wearing different clothes than he was earlier. He is wearing black jeans with a gray shirt and black shoes. His hair was combed back and slightly damped like he had just gotten out the shower.
” I am ready.” I tell them with a smile.
I watch the way Vigil’s and Damian’s eyes light up when they stare at me.
Virgil whistles, ” Now I am jealous.” He says as Kristin punches him in the chest. ” He is joking.” Kristin says to me.
I think she was really saying that to Damian and not me because Damian is giving Virgil a death glare at the moment.
” Come on.” I laugh out and hold my hand out to Damian.
I watch as he gets up off the couch and walks over to me. He takes my hand into his and gives my a small kiss on the forehead. ” You look beautiful.” He whispers to me.
I feel my face heat up as I blush, ” Thank you.” I whisper back.
” Aw! You two are so cute!” Kristin says and jumps to her feet. ” Don’t go yet! I want to take a picture!” She says running out of the room.
” Kristin, We can just use my phone!” Virgil yells out at her.
” Your phone sucks!” Kristin yells back as I can hear her running up the stairs.
I let out a laugh, ” We can wait a few minutes. Right Damian?” I ask him as I bat my eyelashes at him.
He let’s out a chuckle, ” Anything for you.”
” So, can I go back to work at the diner?” I ask with a grin.
” Anything but that.” Damian says with a smile.
It was worth a shot.
” Okay! I finally found my phone!” Kristin yells as I can hear her running back down the stairs. As she enters the living room she slides to a stop.
” Will you be careful.” Damian snaps at her.
” Relax, I wasn’t going to crash into Willow.” Kristin tells Damian as she looks down and starts tapping on her phone.
I place my hand on Damian’s chest, ” She slowed down and she wasn’t even close to crashing into us..” I tell him hoping he will relax.
He can sometimes overreact especially when it comes to me.
“Smile!” Kristin says happily to us as she holds her phone up.
I smile and give Damian a soft nudge, ” Stop sulking and smile. I do want our child to have pictures of us together.”
He smiles at me and I smile back.
” Got it! That was the most adorable thing I have ever seen!” Kristin says as she walks over showing us the picture.
” I thought you wanted us to smile at the camera.” Damian tells her in a irritated tone.
I giggle, ” Damian it is still a good picture of the two of us. You can even see both our faces perfectly fine.”
” Yeah, you can practically see the love.” Virgil tease peeking over Damian’s shoulder to look at the picture on Kristin phone.
” Shut up!” Damian says handing Kristin back her phone.
I let out a giggle and take Damian’s hand, ” Come on! Me and our child is starving.” I tell him leading him out the front door.
I really am starving but I also want to go on our date and not watch him agrue with Virgil. I also want to tell him about my past, but first we need to talk about the women from early.