Willow’s POV
” So, has Damian told you were you are going for your date night?” Kristin asked.
I shake my head, ” No, I think we are just having date night here. I don’t see him making a reservation at a restaurant anytime soon. Especially since he still isn’t comfortable about letting me out of the house without body gaurds.” Taking a mug from the maid I bring it to my lips and take a sip.
The warm liquid was just what I needed to help wake me up. It’s not coffee but warm green tea does wonders.
” Yeah, sounds like you two are going to have a lot talk about at dinner.” Kristin says taking her mug from the maid.
I watch her take a sip and immediately spits it back into the mug. ” What the hell!” She says placing the mug down on the coffee table.
I can’t help but to laugh at her reaction.
” I am guessing you don’t like green tea?” I question with a smile on my face.
” That is disgusting!” She exclaims and stops a maid that was carrying bottles of wine. She takes a bottle from the maid’s hands and pops the bottle open.
I laugh watching her chug down half the bottle before she stops and gets back into the couch next to me. ” Your overreacting it’s not even that bad.” I tell her with laughter in my voice.
” I get that you are pregnant and shouldn’t drink certain things, but that is horrible!”
” Really? I think it taste delicious.” I say with a smile as I take another sip from my mug.
” I think being pregnant has messed with your taste buds.” She says taking another sip from the wine bottle.
” It is possible that being pregnant has messed with my taste buds. I have started eating and drinking things I never would normally do” I admit to her.
I have been craving blood like crazy lately. It has gotten so bad that I sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night and bite into raw meat. I will even suck on the meat to get the blood out of it. I haven’t told Damian about my weird cravings.
I know my baby isn’t going to be fully Haman, but is it normally for a human carrying a baby that will be part demon to have crave blood?
I let out a sigh, ” About my new cravings.” I don’t know if I should tell her.
Kristin gives me a questioning look,” Yeah?”
” Is it normally for me to crave blood? Not only that but drinking it doesn’t make me sick. In fact it actually makes me feel better.” I tell her.
I watch Kristin waiting for her to freak out or give me any kind of sign that I should be worried.
” Actually that is normal and I would be shocked if you didn’t crave blood. After all your baby isn’t completely human.” She finally says as she takes another sip of wine and set it down on the coffee table. ” How often do you drink blood and what kind is it?” She asked me.
” I been sucking blood out from the raw meat in the refrigerator. I do it every night when everyone is asleep, but today I been craving it since I woke up. I just haven’t went to get any because I find it embarrassing.” I tell her as I look down at the floor.
Feeling Kristin reaches out and gently take my hand into hers. I take my eyes off the floor and stare at her. She gives me a warm smile, ” Willow, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. You craving blood is just the baby way of telling you what it wants.” She says reassuringly.
” Yeah, but how is me drinking blood not making me sick?” I question her.
” I’m not really sure how to explain that to you. My Anatomy is a lot different from yours since I am a demon.” She says and stares at someone behind me. I turn around on the couch to see Virgil standing behind me with his hands in his pockets.
” I might have an explanation for that.” Virgil walks over to the recliner next to the couch and takes a seat.
” How much did you hear?” I asked him my face turning bright red.
Just great! Now Damian is going to know about my weird little secret I been having the last few weeks.
” I walked in just as you were talking to about it.” He tells me and gives me a soft smile. ” It’s nothing to be ashamed about and it’s not uncommon for a human carrying a baby that will be a half demon to start craving blood.”
” So, how do I make it stop?”
Virgil shakes his head, ” There isn’t away to make it stop. The reason it isn’t making you sick is because the baby is digesting it and not you. The second the baby has had enough blood the craving goes away.”
I nod my head, ” I guess that makes sense, but the cravings are getting more and more intense. I woke up this morning craving blood. I just ignored it and eat my pancakes.”
” Do you still have cravings even after you ate pancakes?” He asked with a raised brow.
” Yeah, I still do and it’s actually getting stronger by the second.”
It’s actually making me really thirsty but the more I drink my green tea. The worse the craving is making me feel.
Virgil gets up from the recliner and leaves the room. I give Kristin a questioning look but she just shrugs her shoulders. A second later Virgil comes back with a packet of blood. I watch as he pokes a hole in it with the tip of his nail.
He hands me the packet before taking a seat back in the recliner. I stare at the blood packet in my hands for a few minutes, before I bring it to my lips. As I began sucking blood out of the packet. The warm iron taste fills my mouth and slides down my throat.
I pull the packet away and stare at Virgil, ” Why is it warm?” I asked him.
” I put it in the microwave for a few seconds to warm it up. I figured it would be better than you drinking cold blood from raw meat.” He says and looks down a moment. ” Damian was also in the kitchen. I told him about your craving for blood.”
This isn’t how I wanted him to find out.
I guess Virgil can see the panic on my face cause he adds to his sentence. ” It’s nothing to worry about. We would honestly be a little worried if you didn’t have those craving. He isn’t mad at you or upset. He did want me to tell you to be ready at 9 for date night.”
I let out a sigh in relief, ” I will get ready once I finish this.” I say holding up the blood packet.
Virgil nods, ” Are you feeling any better?”
I nod, ” Yeah, I am starting to feel a lot better.” Placing my hand over my baby bump I give it a gently rub. ” I wonder if he or she will crave blood once born.”
” It is possible that your child will still crave blood every once in awhile. That doesn’t mean it will affect them in anyway.” He reassures me.
” I just want my child to have a normal life as possible. He or she will have a hard enough time trying to fit in.” Placing the blood packet back to my lips I take a few more sips.
” I know your worried about everyone bullying your child. Even Damian is worried about it even if he hasn’t mentioned anything to you.” Virgil says taking the wine bottle away from Kristin.
I laugh seeing Kristin pout and stare at the wine bottle in his hand. ” We are trying to have a serious conversation and your sitting next to her getting drunk.” Kristin rolls her eyes, ” I’m not drunk and I know it is a serious conversation. I am listening I promise.” She says taking my hand into hers.
” I have mentioned to Damian about putting your child into intense training. So he or she can defend themselves against bullying.” She tell me.
As much as I don’t like violence and don’t agree with it. My child is going to need to learn how to fight to protect themselves against this cruel world.
” I think that is a good idea.” I admit to her.
” Really? You aren’t mad at me?” Kristin asked with a confused expression.
I can see why she is confused about my response. I wasn’t exactly happy or open about having these type of conversation.
” No, I am not mad. You are right about my child needing training to be able to protect themselves. The world is going to be hard enough for him or her. If I can make life a little easier for my child I will.”
I don’t want my child to struggle like I had when I was child.
Finishing off the blood packet I get to my feet. ” I should go get ready for date night.” I tell them and throw the empty blood packet away into the trash can on my way out.
I think it is also time for me to tell Damian about my childhood to explain why I am so scared for my baby.
I walk up the stairs and head to my room. Once inside I shut the door. I still have a few hours before I have to get ready for mine and Damian date night.
A bath is just what I need.
After taking an hour long bath I get out and wrap a towel around my body. I stare at myself in the mirror and look at my baby bump in the reflection. I place my hand over it and give it a gently rub.
You are growing and I can’t wait to see you for the first time.
Walking out of the bathroom I check the time using my cellphone. I notice a text message from Damian and open up the message.
Damian: I will be home in a few minutes.
Me: I know this is from twenty minutes ago, but where are you now?
” I am right here.” Damian says entering the bedroom in blue jeans and a black t-shirt with his phone in his hand.
He smiles looking at me, ” You look beautiful as always.” He tells me as his eyes wonder my body.
” Since you are here and haven’t told me where we are going for dinner. Maybe you can pick out my clothes for me.” I tell him.
He nods and walks over to my closet. I watch as he reaches in and pulls out a light purple dress that I have ever seen before.
” That isn’t mine.” I tell him walking over to him.
Damian chuckles, ” Yes it is. I brought it for you yesterday and it was delivered today. I placed it in the closet before I left. When you were down stairs with Kristin and Virgil.”
Taking the dress out of Damian hands I feel the soft silk fabric. I smile up at him, ” This is really beautiful! Too beautiful to just be wearing it at the house.” I tell them with a lifted brow.
” We aren’t having dinner here. We are going to have dinner down by a lake. I have everything set up. I figured you wanted to get out of the house for date night.”
I can feel my smile widening as I jump into his arms and hug him tightly.
” Thank you!” I say giving him kisses on the lips.
Damian chuckles and gives me kisses back. ” I will wait downstairs. So you can get dressed without me distracting you.” He says with a wink before leaving.
I have a feeling he actually means , he is leaving to keep himself from bending me over the bed. I like sex just like any normal person, but I want to get dressed and get out of this house for a little bit.