Damian’s POV
I was sitting at the breakfast table just sipping my coffee. As everyone was starting to gather at the table to eat.
The last to show up was Virgil and Kristin.
Watching Virgil make Kristin a plate. I notice she is looking around.
” Where is Willow?” Kristin asked softly.
” Yeah, where is she?” Dean asked also looking around.
” She is somewhere I am sure.”
Not like she can go anywhere and she can’t leave my city even if she tried. I figured it was best for her to figure out the reality of her situation on her own.
I hear my phone vibrating on the table and Ray’s name was flashing across the screen.
Ray was the name of the man I have in charge of doing security detail at the checkpoint.
I answer the call and put the phone to my ear, ” What is it?”
” We have the women you put a hold on down here.” He informs me and a smirk spreads across my face.
So, she tried to leave the city without my permission.
” I will be right there.” I tell him and hang up, before he can say anything else.
Taking one last sip of my coffee I stand up.
” We have job?” Dean asked as he was munching on pancakes.
” No, I just have to go pick Willow up. She tried to leave the city.” I say and make eye contact with Kristin.
” Now she knows leaving isn’t an option.” I say as I exit the kitchen.
Walking up to the jail cell Willow is in. She had her knees pulled to her chest with her head between her knees.
” You ready to come home?”
I watch as she lifts her head and stare up at me. Her eyes puffy from crying, ” Yes.” She says in a soft tone.
Looks like she learned her lesson. Since she never been in jail before this was probably scary to her.
I signal the guard to unlock the cell to let her out. Willow gets to her feet as the cell door opens.
She walks up to me and I reach down grabbing her hand gently and lead her out of the building.
Walking outside to the car I open the passenger side door, ” Get in.” I order her. I watch as she gets in the car and I shut the door.
Climbing in the driver side I start the car and pull out into the street, ” I told you earlier it was pointless to try and escape.”
I hear her sniffle and wipe her eyes, ” So, you put my citizen ID on hold just to keep me from leaving!” She says upset.
I smirk, ” Yeah, I did because you aren’t leaving. You are mine.” I tell her.
I watch from the corner of my eye as she crosses her arms over her chest.
” You are a jerk! And I already told you I don’t belong to you! I barely know you!” She screams at me.
” Well, you will have plenty of time to get to know me.” I snap back at her.
I hear her let out a sigh and start look out the window.
This is going to be a long drive back to the house.
We ride the rest of the way in silence.
When I park the car in front of the mansion. I watch as Willow darts out of the car and rushes up the steps into the house.
This is going to be fun I already know.
Walking into the house I see the Virgil is sitting on the couch watching boxing.
” Where did Kristin go?” I asked him as I take a sit next to him.
” To talk to Willow. Who by the way looked very upset.” He says glancing over at me.
” She will get over it.”
Virgil smirks, ” Yeah, I suppose.” He says taking a drink of his whiskey.