Chapter 14

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV
It was now three in the morning and and the tv was turned off.
As I go to move I feel someone’s arm wrap tightly around me.
I look down to see the familiar tattoos on the forearm.
I carefully remove the arm off of me and start to get off the bed.
only to have arms wrap around me again. As I am pulled into a hard chest, ” Where are you going?” A husky voice whispers in my ear.
” L-let go Damian!” I say knowing it’s him.
” No, I am not.” He says in a calm tone.
” Now tell me where you are going?” He asked again.
I struggle helplessly in his hold, ” I have to pee!” I blurt out as he chuckles and kisses my neck.
” S-stop! We aren’t together!” I says as I am suddenly on my back and he is on top of me.
” You are mine. So I will do what I want with you.” He says as he leans down kissing my neck again.
” I will pee on the bed!” I snap causing him to laugh and finally move.
I get off the bed and run to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.
What a jerk! I need to think of away to get out of here!
walking over to the toilet I sit down to do my business.
After I few minutes I am just sitting in the floor my back against glass shower doors deep in thought.
I glance up at the door as I hear it open and Damian walks In, ” Why are you in the floor?” He asked grabbing a towel from the cubby hole behind the door.
How did he open the door? I was sure I locked it.
” Is that how you got my apartment door unlocked?” I asked him
He stares down at me, ” It’s not that hard to pick a lock, but if your asking if I picked your lock the night we came back from the club. The answer is no. Old building like the one you were renting are easy to get into. Just add enough pressure and the door unlocks itself.” He informs me.
I stand up only for him to block my path, ” Leaving so soon?” He asking with a sly smile. ” Please move.” I say trying my to go around him.
“You can’t escape from me. Make it easier for yourself and just give in.” He tells me as he ceases my cheek softly.
Slapping his hand away, ” You are not my boss! And I don’t belong to you!” I snap.
He mood suddenly changes, “Okay, you can leave.” He tells me as he steps into the shower and turns the water on.
I stand there in surprise, ” You are allowing me to leave?”
” You want to go. You can go.” He replies as he starts to strip.
I quickly cover my eyes and leave bathroom.
Walking out into the hallway I wonder around for a few hours before finally finding the exit.
I walk for what felt like hours wondering around town.
I am regretting leaving without finding a pair of shoes. The bottoms of my feet are killing me.
I walk the streets tiredly before deciding to walk to the diner. At the front door I could see Jake was inside. Knocked on the glass and getting his attention.
He tosses the screwdriver into his tool box as he walks over, and unlocks the front door allowing me inside.
” We are closed today didn’t Kristin tell you? and are you even well enough to be out of bed?” He questioned me.
” Yes, she told me in a text, but I didn’t know where else to go. Since I am now homeless.”
That’s right I was so worried about trying to get away that I completely forgot that Damian sold my house.
What I don’t understand is why would he sell my apartment and pack up all my stuff. If he was just going to let me go.
” Why would do be homeless?” Jake asked me as he picks up the screwdriver and goes back to taking the coffee maker apart.
” Because Damian sold my apartment and took all my stuff. Not to mention he said I was to start living with him.”
I tell Jake as I watch him tinker with the coffee maker.
” I see.” He says taking a part from the coffee maker out.
” Are you even listening to me?”
I hear him scoff,” Yeah, I heard you. Just go back.”
Seriously! I am not going back.
” I am not going back! I came here for help! Instead of helping me! Your more worried about a stupid coffee maker!” I snap with tears starting to form in my eyes.
” Willow, I am listening to you, but if Damian is involved there is nothing anyone can do.” He says making eye contact with me.
” Fine! If no one can help me. I might as well leave town!” I snap out of anger and frustration.
Running out of the diner before Jake could say anything to me.
I had been walking the last hour. My feet were killing me and the sun was starting to rise.
I could see the checkpoint in the distances. The checkpoint was the only entrance and exit out of town. At least it was the legal way to get in and out of town.
As I approach I watch a guard with thick muscles wearing a black shirt with army green pants. He walk up to me, ” What is your business here?”
I feel nervous and smile faintly at him, ” I am wanting to leave town.”
He stares down at me a moment and holds out his hand, ” I need your towns citizen pass first.”
I go to reach for my purse and remember I don’t have it.
This is embarrassing, ” I don’t have it. I forgot it. Is there away for you to just look me up? I am a citizen.” I tell him honestly.
He stares at me as if he is thinking about it, ” Come on, If your a citizen like you say. We can find you in the system using your fingerprint.”
I follow him into the small security building.
Inside I see there are six other guards.
Three of them were playing poker and the other three were just hanging around drinking.
” Have a sit. I will be right back.” The guard says as he heads to the back room.
Sitting down in the wooden chair and look around. I notice the walls were a light gray and the floor was a marble white. There were a few metal tables with laptops on top of them.
The guard from earlier walks back up to me holding a tablet in his left hand and a small fingerprints scanner in his right.
” Just place your finger on this.” Holding the fingerprint scanner in front of me.
I place my finger on the scanner and the tablet makes a small ding sound.
The gaurd stares at tablet before looking at me.
He doesn’t say anything as he walks over to the other guards that are playing poker.
They whisper to each other and keep looking in my direction.
Something tells me I am not going to be able to leave town.
After a few moments the guard from earlier walks over with another guard.
” Is something wrong?”
I don’t think I broke any rules while living here.
” We can’t allow you to leave the town. You citizenship has been placed on hold.”
I look at them confused.
” But I haven’t broken any rules, and I always paid things on time. I even donated to the blood bank like I was suppose too.”
They both look at each other as if having a conversation inside their heads.
” We don’t actually know the reason why you have a hold. It would normally list the reason. However yours seem to have came from the very top.” The one guard informs me.
This is Damian’s doing he is keeping me trapped in this town.
So, him letting me go wasn’t him actually setting me free.
I sigh, ” It’s fine, I know you are just doing your job. I will go.” I say standing up.
” You can’t leave here either. You are under arrest for the time being.”
I stare at them in disbelief as my lips part in shock.
I shake my head, ” There has to be a mistake! I haven’t done anything wrong!”
The guard grabs me by my arm and roughly drags me across the room and starts dragging me towards the back.
I struggle and try to pull away, ” Let go!” I cry out.
The hallway has dim lighting. He stops in front of a huge metal door and enters a code into a keypad.
The light above the door goes from red to green as it’s makes a loud buzzing sound and the door swings open revealing gray marble flooring.
Along the walls were a bunch of jail cells.
I am dragged inside and taken to an empty jail cell.
The guard uses his key to open the door and shoves me inside.
I stumble and fall on the floor.
I hear the door slam shut behind me.
Followed by the sound of the guards footsteps fade away as he walks off without a word.
looking around at my surroundings I see a small bed with one white sheet, a pillow, and a thin shit green blanket.
In the corner was a toilet that had a small sink and a mirror above it.
pulling my knees to my chest a small tear streams down my face.
This sucks! I haven’t even done anything wrong. I just want to leave!