I take a step back, trying to create some distance between us, as Logan’s face inches closer to mine. He notices my movement and hesitates.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… you know,” he trails off, his eyes searching mine for understanding.
“I just wanted to say thank you… for choosing to have Shawn, despite everything between us before you left.”
“He’s my boy too, and I don’t regret… any of it,” I say
Logan nods, with a small smile on his lips. “Thank you anyway.”
I study Logan’s face, trying to read his intentions. I kinda like this new, softer side of him, but I wonder if it’s just an act for Shawn’s sake. Either way, it’s a welcome change.
“So…” I draw out the word, curious about what he’s going to say next.
Logan’s hand slips into his pocket, and he pulls out a small box. He holds it out to me, his eyes hopeful.
I shake my head, hesitant to accept whatever is inside. “No, Logan, I don’t want anything from you.”
He takes a step closer, his hand still extended. “Just take it, Nadine. Please, I made it specifically for you.”
His persistence piques my curiosity, and I wonder what could be inside. I look into his face, searching for answers, but he just nods again, encouraging me to take it.
“Okay,” I say finally, stretching out my hand to collect the box from him.
I finally open the box, and my eyes widen in wonder. Inside, I see a sparkling necklace with a tiny round diamond pendant. “Wow, this is beautiful!” I exclaim, looking up at Logan in surprise.
He beams with pride, his face lighting up at my reaction. “I’m glad you like it,” he says.
I admire the necklace some more, running my fingers over the delicate chain and tiny pendant. I realize that it’s made of pure gold, except for the diamond. “I can’t take this,” I say, trying to hand it back to him.
Logan scratches the back of his head, looking sheepish. “Consider it a push present,” he says, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
I roll my eyes, laughing. “Oh please, Logan. A push present after almost three years?” I tease, shaking my head.
Logan’s chuckles. “Hey, better late than never, right?” he says, in a persuasive tone, making me smile.
“And more so, I wasn’t allowed to give it to you back then, so I kept it till when I saw you again.”
I take the necklace back, It’s clear he’s trying to make up for lost time. I try to open the necklace to put it on, but Logan beats me to it. He gently takes the necklace from me and offers to help.
I slowly move my hair away, trying not to disrupt him as he fastens the necklace around my neck. His fingers brush against my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. It is as if time has stood still, and we’re back to when things were simpler between us.
I hold my breath, my heart pounding in rhythm with his proximity. His hand slightly grazes my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. Get a grip on yourself, I scold myself, trying to calm my racing thoughts.
He fixes the necklace perfectly, and I touch it slightly, holding it against my neck. I hurry to the mirror hanging on the wall and gasp, “Wow, Logan, this is…” I trail off, unable to find the right words to describe how beautiful it is.
Logan’s smile widens. “I’m glad you like it,” he says.
I turn to him, my eyes shining with gratitude. “I love it, Logan. Thanks so much.” I exclaim in joy, “I could kiss you right now!” But my words barely leave my lips before I slap my hand over my mouth, realizing who I’ve said them to. My face turns crimson red.
“I’m so sorry, Logan! I didn’t mean to,” I stammer.
But to my surprise, Logan’s face breaks into a warm smile. “Oh, no, don’t worry about that,” he says in a husky voice.
“I’m so glad I’m able to earn such a reaction from you, as he takes a step closer, his eyes lock on mine, and I feel my heart skip a beat. And I can’t help but wonder what he’ll do next. Will he take another step closer? Will he kiss me? My heart races with anticipation as I wait for his next move.
“Promise me you’ll wear it always,” he says “This should serve as a reminder of the life we share through our son.”
His words warm my heart, and I slowly nod my head, using my hand to trace the diamond pendant. The touch of the cool metal against my skin is comforting.
“Good,” he says with satisfaction. He slowly leans in, his lips brushing against my head in a gentle kiss.
He looks at me for a few seconds, his eyes searching mine. “Thank you for today; I’ll see you again,” he says with a smile before turning and making his way to the door.
I stand there, frozen in place, watching him through the mirror as he leaves. His figure disappears from view, and I’m left alone with my thoughts.
I sigh, with emotions swirling in me. I turn away from the mirror and make my way upstairs.
As I reach the top, I push open the door to Shawn’s room, and a warm smile spreads across my face. My boy is fast asleep, his tiny chest rising and falling with each breath.
I walk over to his bed, gently running my fingers through his soft hair. He stirs slightly but doesn’t wake up.
My mind starts to wander back to Logan, and the unexpected turn of events. I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I need to focus on my son and the life we’re building together.
Then made my way to the kitchen, realizing we were running low on some essentials. I need to go grocery shopping, So I take out a piece of paper and start making a list of what we need, checking off each item as I go.
Since I’m currently staying at my mom’s house, I decided to make the most of it and use her place as my base for now. No way am I going back to my apartment after what happened last time! I’m sure my mom won’t mind, she’s been living here alone anyway.
I head back to my room to get ready, slipping into a flowy gown and combing my hair. As I smooth out my locks, my eyes land on the necklace Logan gave me. I can’t help but smile as I trace the delicate chain and pendant. “Thanks for the push present,” I whisper.
I make my way downstairs, grabbing my credit card and other essentials on the way out. Time to tackle that grocery list!
I step outside into the warm sunlight, taking a deep breath as I begin my walk to the main road. My mom’s house is nestled in a quiet neighborhood, so I have to walk a bit before I can hail a cab.
As I stroll, my mind starts to wander back to Logan. I think about how he’s making an effort to be civil, and how he seems calmer now – not the cold-hearted Logan I’m used to. I ponder this change in him, wondering what’s behind it.
But as I walk, I start to feel a shiver run down my spine. Goosebumps rise on my skin, and I feel uneasy like danger is lurking nearby. I quicken my pace, looking around nervously, but there’s nothing out of the ordinary in sight – just people jogging on the walkway, enjoying the day.
I try to shake off the feeling, telling myself I’m just being paranoid. But the sensation persists, making me pick up my pace even more. I just want to get to the safety of a cab and head to the grocery store already!
I think back to Logan’s words, remembering he mentioned stationing bodyguards for my protection. Maybe it’s one of them trying to blend in, I tell myself, trying to shake off the unease. The thought gives me a bit of confidence, and I continue walking, my eyes scanning the surroundings.
As I spot a cab approaching, I raise my hand to flag it down. I hurry towards the curb, relieved to have found a ride. But just as I’m about to open the door and get in, something dark is suddenly pulled over my face, blocking my vision.