Taboo Love 7

Book:DARK DESIRES: Forbidden Romance Stories Published:2025-2-8

Lila POV
It’s been a week since I arrived here at Mark’s hometown. The place is really cool and fun, not to mention Davin has been a sweetheart. However, things haven’t been good with Mark. Our sex life hasn’t been anything like I had hoped. When I first arrived here, he made me think that perhaps, things were getting better. He had me where I have always wanted and I even gushed about it to kata.
The following day, it was as though the last seven months in our relationship didn’t exist. I haven’t seen his dick once this past week and we haven’t done much else besides some cuddling and kissing. The most exciting thing that has happened to me was when I got to watch him masturbate while looking at porn, but even then, the way he was doing it, it seemed like I was an afterthought.
A week later, and I feel like I have been depraved for months. Don’t get me wrong, mark is very caring and makes sure that I am comfortable even when he is at work. He calls regularly to check on me and makes sure I have everything I need. But the problem is that the only thing I want from him, he’s not providing.
“I don’t know what the issue is.” I say to kata as I lay out on the lounge chair, letting the warm sun bathe my skin. “You were so good at giving him hints. I did everything you told me.” I complain on my phone.
With nothing to do, all I do during the day after helping Davin with the household chores is sunbath after taking a dip at the pool.
” I really thought that everything was working out well when I arrived. I don’t know anymore.” I whine.
” Maybe he arrives home tired.” Kata expresses but with her tone, I can tell she is unconvinced of her own explanation.
” Come on kata, it’s not like he is doing manual labour at the office. He even said it himself that he gets alot of freedom at the office.” I say, “I don’t know, maybe it’s me. Maybe I am not enough. Maybe there is something wrong with me.” I whine, my thoughts running through a thousand scenarios.
” Lila, there is nothing wrong with you. You are beautiful, sexy, confident. That man is an idiot.” Kata says, trying to boost my self esteem.
” Or he could be cheating on you.” Kata whispers the last part making me frown.
” No, mark is anything but definitely not a cheater. I know him, he will never do that to me.” I counter. The idea alone sounds so Un-mark like. From the time I have known him, he has always been a one woman man.
The sound of someone clearing their throat catches my attention. I turn my head sideways to see Davin standing a few metres away from me in his swimming trunks.
My eyes involuntarily glance at his crotch and my eyes grow big when I notice a massive bulge at the front. I immediately look up at him, embarrassed for checking out my boyfriend’s father.
Damn! Why does he have to have such a huge bulge?
He smirks, and I can feel myself blush as his eyes rake over my body, clad only in a tiny bikini.
” Well, I’ll have to go. I think someone is here.” I say in a hushed voice.
” Alright then. Call me if you need anything.” Kata replies before the line goes dead.
I place my phone besides me and face Davin.
” Sorry for walking up to you. I just figured out you might need some company. ” Davin says with a grin and I smile back.
” I don’t mind some company. The sun is perfect for tanning.” I reply, stretching my body on the chair.
” So, how are things with you and mark?” Davin asks, sitting down on a chair beside me.
” Things are good.” I reply with a small smile.
” You guys are not having issues?” He asks and I sit up on the lounge chair, pulling the towel around my body.
” Sorry but I couldn’t help but overhear bits of your conversation on the phone. Mark is cheating on you? ” Davin asks and I immediately shake my head.
” Not at all. I don’t think he can do that to me. ” I reply and Davin chuckles.
” It’s good you trust your man. So, what’s the issue? ” He insists and I look away, not knowing what to say or if I should reply at all.
” Lila, you know I consider you my daughter at this point. You can tell me if anything is wrong. I can offer you some advice. ” He says softly, his hand on mine. I look at him and smile.
” Thanks. We just haven’t been doing so well, you know. In bed.” I reply, biting my lips nervously.
” Hmm. How so? Is he not satisfying you?” Davin aasks and I blush from his straightforward he is. I stick a mental note to remind me that the man before me is my boyfriend’s father at the end of the day.
” Well, the thing is, we don’t do it.” I reply, feeling a bit embarrassed. I honestly don’t want him thinking that I am being too demanding or something. The look of shock on his face has me thinking that I should have kept the truth from him.
” That’s serious Lila. Make me understand, you guys spend a night together, in the same bed and do nothing? In your age? ” Davin asks, still shocked. I nod in acknowledgement.
His reaction tells me that he finds tje whole situation bizarre like I do.
” What has he been telling you about why he can’t?” Davin asks and I look down.
” That’s the thing. We never talk about it. I have tried sending him signals but he acts nonchalant so I don’t voice out my frustrations. ” I reply.
” Have you tried initiating sex? ” He asks and I shake my head.
” How? He will think I am a horny slut who can’t live without his dick.” I counter, blushing slightly.
” You obviously need a dick and as your boyfriend, it’s his duty to give it to you.” Davin counters and my eyes subconsciously travel below his navel where I saw a huge Christmas gift nestling earlier. With him seated, his large bump is clearly outlined by his swimming trunks, giving me a perfect view of his dick print.
Davin clears his throat and I look up, a slight blush covering my face.
” You are a beautiful young woman Lila. It’s normal to have a sexual urge. It’s even normal to want it with a hot stud.” Davin says, his eyes roaming over my body.
” You can’t continue living like this. Nothing frustrates like having a partner who doesn’t satisfy your urges. I mean, what’s the need? ” Davin continues. I don’t know if I am seeing my things but his gaze darkens and his eyes turn lusty.
” Do you know what I would do, if you were my woman?” Davin asks, leaning back on the lounge chair, his legs open. I shake my head, biting my lip nervously.
” If you were my woman, I would be the most jealous boyfriend there is. No other man can lay his hands on you, except me.” Davin states and I shiver from the tone of his voice.
” I would make sure you can’t leave the bed every morning from the amount if fucking I would subject you to.” Davin continues and I can’t help but let my eyes stray to his dick print, imagining how a monster dick like that would feel like inside of me.
I swallow as I imagine his huge dick stretching my walls and slamming till I feel his girth close to my womb.
” You would wake up to me between your legs, licking you pussy until you beg for mercy. After that, I would flip you around and pound my cock in and out of your tight hole.” Davin states, his voice husky.
I am sure the blush on my face must be so visible.
” Every day, I would fuck your brains out, make you cum over and over again until you have nothing left to give.” Davin says, his eyes on my breasts. I unconsciously push the towel off me, leaving my body bare for his hungry gaze.
” You have such a nice figure Lila. Your breasts are perfect, your ass is round and bouncy and those thighs…” Davin trails off, licking his lips.
” And when you have had enough, I would bend you over, slap your ass until it’s red and stuff my dick in your tight pussy and fuck you until your knees are weak.” Davin finishes, his breathing hard.
I can’t help the moan that escapes me at the picture he has painted in my head. My body is burning, the wetness from my pussy can probably be seen through my bikini bottoms.
” Lila.” Davin says softly and I look at him, my eyes pleading for something but I don’t know what.
” That’s what mark owes you.” He finishes before walking away and my heart drops in disbelief.