I blush from Mr smith’s comment not to mention the knowing look on his face. While I am all embarrassed an almost running away, Mark seems unaffected. It’s like his father’s comment has nothing to do with him.
” I’m so hungry. How can I miss dinner. ” Mark replies and I almost roll my eyes at how nonchalant he sounds. One wouldn’t believe he is the person who was suggesting skipping dinner and staying in bed.
” You like my cooking, but I bet your girlfriend cooks even better than your old man.” Mr Smith remarks but why do I feel like he isn’t referring to the food we both know about? I don’t voice my thoughts out , choosing to be the perfect girlfriend in front of Mark’s father.
” I am not good at cooking. Actually, Mark wouldn’t let me in the kitchen, afraid that I’ll burn the place down. ” I reply and Mr Smith chuckles.
” That’s what my son is always like, overprotective and overly cautious. I am sure you’re an angel and Mark is just exaggerating. ” Mr Smith comments as Mark rolls his eyes and I laugh.
” No, really. He even banned me from the kitchen.” I protest as Mark looks at me in shock.
” Lila! ” Mark whines and his dad laughs again. ” I just can’t bear seeing her chopping her hands everytime she holds a knife. ” Mark Comments then turns to look at me. ” Tell him how terrible you are at handling sharp objects. You always end up with a bandage or two. ” Mark chides and I look away, embarrassed. I don’t know why everytime I try being a chef, I end up with burnt food or smoke filling the room and a wound. Growing up, my mother never allowed me in the kitchen and what did that bring? Looking bad before my father-in- law.
“Now that’s not right. I’ll support my son on this. Don’t step foot in the kitchen. He is your man, let him do the cooking. As for you, just relax and leave him to serve you. A woman ought to be pampered and loved. That’s our duty as men.” Mr Smith states and Mark smiles.
” I agree, father. Thank you.”
” So, are we going to stand here and chat or should we head to the dining room?” Mr Smith asks and we follow him.
As soon as we enter the dining room, the food is served. Mark and his dad discuss his job while I sit silently, enjoying the food. I have to agree, the man sure is a good cook. Mark must have learnt from him.
” So Lila, how long do you plan on staying here? Summer is around the corner. Why don’t you spend the whole summer here? ” Mr Smith suggests and I choke on my food. Mark hurriedly pours me a glass of water which I drink in one go.
” Father, can you take it slow?” Mark comments as Mr Smith looks at him in surprise.
” Son, is this some sort of joke? Are you trying to say you’re not getting married to Lila?” He probes with a narrowed gaze.
” No, it’s not about Mark. It’s just that summer ends in three months. Won’t that be too long? I don’t want to impose… ” I try to explain but Mr Smith cuts me off.
” Are you serious? I don’t mind even if you decide to move in here. ” The man cuts me off and turns to look at Mark.
” You know I’ll never get tired of having you around, love. ” Mark confides, kissing my cheeks. The two of them then stare at me expectantly, waiting for my answer.
” If you don’t mind, I wouldn’t mind staying.” I state, feeling shy. I don’t have anything to do in the next few months. I can take this time to explore this side of the country and spend time with Mark before I start the new phase of my life.
” Good. That settles it.” Mark’s father says and claps his hands happily.
” What about your mother? Will she be fine with this? ” He adds and I smile.
” I think she might be more excited to hear I am with Mark than me.” I reply. My mother likes Mark. I don’t know what about the guy who drew her to him considering she would be unfriendly to my past boyfriends. Any time she calls, she Inquires about him. Sometimes, I am tempted to ask her if Mark is her son and not me, her daughter.
” That’s good to hear. I’m sure summer will be more fun this time round. ” Mr Smith comments.
After dinner, Mark excuses himself to his room to handle some paperwork he came with from the office.
” Let me help you clean the dishes. ” I offer and although Mr Smith refuses at first, he finally gives in when I insist.
” So, tell me, Lila. ” He starts as I wash the dishes and he dries them. ” When are you getting married?” He asks, taking me by surprise.
” Mark and I… ” I start then stop. I don’t know what to say. I am still confused about our relationship and the possibility of getting married to him. I don’t understand. While Mark thinks about getting married as soon as he is stable enough to support his family, I don’t share the same dream with him. As a woman, I have dreams I want to achieve and marriage can come later. I also don’t want to depend on Mark for everything. I have seen my mother be too dependent on my dad and what does it get her? An emotionally stunted husband. I am not like that.
” You’re not getting married any time soon?” He finishes and I nod. ” What are you scared of?” He questions.
” What makes you think I am scared? ” I ask, wondering why he thinks I am scared.
” Lila, I am old. I have lived a long life and seen a lot of things. So when I say you’re scared, trust me, it’s the truth.” He comments.
” I’m not scared, Mr Smith. It’s just that we are young. I don’t know if I have what it takes to be a committed wife and mother. ” I reply. I hope that Mr Smith won’t misunderstand my reasons as excuses of not wanting to be committed to his son.
” You don’t have any other concerns?” Mr Smith inquires, his gaze boring into mine.
” What do you mean? ”
” Mark is a good boy. He is responsible, hardworking and loyal. Not to mention the fact that he loves you. I can see it but I can also see your hesitation has more than just being young for marriage. ” Mr Smith questions, looking at me like a father would at his daughter.
” I.. I…” I stutter, feeling lost and embarrassed.
” You don’t have to be scared or embarrassed to voice your concerns. If you don’t mind, you can tell me as a friend and not your father-in-law.” Mr Smith offers.
” And don’t be too formal with me. You can call me Davin.” He adds, smiling . I contemplate telling him about Mark’s frustrating sexual routine and how he leaves me unsatisfied in bed but decide against it. After how well he serviced my aching cunt earlier, it’s only right to hold back any confession and even any attempt of confronting Mark about it.
I know that’s the reason I came here in advance. Ofcourse, under Kata’s insistence but earlier, Mark made me rethink my decision.
Facing his father who seems to secretly read my mind, I don’t know what to say anymore.
” Let’s just say that we are good, for now. If I need someone to confide later, I will remember your offer.” I reply, forcing a smile.
” Anytime, love. You’re part of the family. ” Mr Smith, or Davin as he says, remarks.
I nod and we resume our tasks.
We are done soon and I head to Mark’s room.
I am surprised to see him asleep.
As I approach him, he turns and opens his eyes.
” I fell asleep while waiting for you.” He explains, his voice groggy. I did chat with Davin for a few minutes after I finished doing the dishes. I have to admit, the guy is hot and fun to be around.
” I am sorry, love.” I apologise, sitting beside him on the bed. I strip my shorts and get in bed
” How was your chat with my dad? ” He inquires, pulling me closer.
” He is such a gentleman. Not to mention a great cook. ” I compliment and he smiles.
” I’m glad the two of you are getting along well since you will be staying with him here while I go to work.”