23. Taken
Kim had been lying on the bed willing her body to shut down though it was taking her a lot of time and turning and sitting and using her phone to finally have a shut eye though it wasn’t all that and then she was awaked when Macy called and she couldn’t go to sleep after that.
In that big bed, she was used to sleeping beside a tall guy being spooned and loved but this night, he was nowhere to be found and she didn’t call.
She knew that he might be out working and didn’t want to appear needy and she also wanted to lie to her heart for a little bit longer that she wasn’t in love and that she could walk away from this as long as she needed to.
To convince herself that she could do it, she decided to run away before Ely came back and maybe take her life back.
Ever since that man came into her life, he had uprooted her life and made her disoriented and now that she was alone, she had time to think.
She had to leave her condo, she rarely went to her shop and when she did, it was for a few minutes each time and then she would go back home (if she could call Ely’s house that) and then, worst of all, it had been months since she had last seen her old folks and it was time she did.
She decided that it was time she took her life back.
Other than knowing that Ely was in the mafia, she didn’t know anything else about him.
Yes, the sex was good. No. It was great but why would she stay just because of that? She knew that with her looks, she could get a man whenever she was horny.
So, without taking anything except her phone, she waited until everyone had rested and they all thought that she was asleep.
Since she could not use the front gate, she was sure that the guards there didn’t sleep, after getting out of the bank door (she couldn’t use the way she had gone out the first time since the railings had been boarded up) she went to the other side of the house where she knew there was a small gate and being a motor engineer herself, picking a padlock was easy peazy.
Within five minutes of sneaking from the bedroom to the back of the house, she was out and in the sparse woods and within another ten minutes, she was on the main road and the taxi she had called arrived.
She called her mom and told her that she was on the way and then relaxed.
She closed her eyes after giving the driver the address and she smiled thinking of Ely’s reaction when he came and she wasn’t there.
Ely wasn’t tired.
Being awake for a night wasn’t a big deal because there were times when he went even for three days without sleep when business called for it.
It was hard but it came with years of training the body and making sure that he was always in top form health wise.
When the guards at the gate saw his car, they opened and as usual, he didn’t say anything.
He was eager to get to his room and see and hug the woman he missed.
“Is everything okay?” Jamal asked the guards as he drove in and they said that all was well.
The boss was out of the car and inside the house in a minute and he took three stairs at a time as he rushed upstairs.
He then opened the door slowly and was careful not to make a sound so as not to wake Kim and when he was in, he smiled but the smile froze on his lips when he saw the well made bed as if no one had slept on it.
“Kim?” He called as he walked towards the bathroom but it was dark and cold there. There was also no one in the walk in closet, no one in the secret room and he was starting to get worried.
When he looked at the balcony and there wasn’t anyone, he walked downstairs and the first person he saw was Jamal.
Jamal was looking for something to eat when he saw his boss coming downstairs looking as if he was about to release a hurricane in the house.
“What’s wrong boss? Is everything okay?” He asked, wondering what could have happened since the boss was in a good mood when they returned and it hadn’t even been five minutes.
“Kim is missing. Is she here? In the kitchen?” Ely asked, hoping against hopes that she was in the compound.
Jamal got into action as he awoke the others and search parties were formed and within ten minutes, it was confirmed that she wasn’t in the compound and the camera guys confirmed that she had left through the back gate.
“Get her back Jamal. Find her! And you,” be pointed at the guards who had been sleeping knowing that he wasn’t around and he was staring murder at them, “you better pray that I find her well. If she hurts as much as a hair on her head, you are dead!” He finished and they trembled.
They knew that their boss never made empty promises.
They all started filling out when his phone dinged and he took it out.
A message: short and to the point.
We have your girl.
Pier. Boat Angelica 102.
“I know where she is,” he bellowed and they followed him in large steps and within minutes, six vehicles were filing out of the compound.
He then placed a call.
“Take the Cobra Squad. The pier, boat Angelica 102. Make sure you save Kim alive and then torch the boat,” he ordered and hung up.
The person he had called was closer to the pier than he was and he knew that even if they moved at the highest speed they could, they would need at least thirty minutes to get there and anything could happen within thirty minutes.
“Claire, I thought you and your family have learnt their lesson,” he thought as he accelerated.
He didn’t need a driver as he wanted to rush there himself and make those who thought that they could take Kim pay.