Chapter 115: Fall Of A King

Book:Taming My Mafia Stepbrother Published:2025-2-6

Cara’s pov
It was that day on the Salvatore patio all over again. Gunshots fired off all around me, likely killing whoever was the target. A full on war was going on but I was crouched in the dark space of a rusted mediumly large container, my hands pressed over my ears as I rocked myself in an attempt to fight off the dark memories threatening to resurface- me, locked in a closet as my father ducked around our tiny living room, trying to find cover from the bullets being shot at him.
He failed.
Now, so many years later I was in a similar situation and this time I’d tried to help the very man responsible for that fateful Sunday. It was a laughable situation.
A shot went off somewhere very close to where I was and I stiffened in fear. Was there even a chance that I might make it out alive? Was there a chance that any of us will? I thought about Luca and my pulse quickened. Was he okay? Hurt? Was he…
I snapped my eyes shut, refusing to complete the thought. I was scared out of my mind, for my life, for Luca’s, for Dominic and Santino’s and even for Manuel because Luca would be devastated if anything happened to him. I wished I had my gun with me, I wished I could have helped in some way but I couldn’t.
Another shot went off and another, each one drawing awfully closer and closer until I could hear footsteps. I braced myself, holding tightly to the thick crowbar I nearly tripped on on my way to the container, ready to swing fiercely at anyone that finds me. Whoever it was won’t be able to see me first because of the pitch black darkness of the container so I planned on using that to my advantage.
The steps stopped directly at the mouth of the container and I leapt into action, catching my target by the arm.
“Fucking hell!” A familiar voice hissed out angrily in pain.
I dropped my weapon. “Dominic?” The moonlight here was dim and it was a struggle to see.
“Didn’t stop to think it might be someone on your side, did you?”
Yeah it was Dominic alright.
My body went limp with relief and a deep breath whoosed out of my lungs. For a second I was calm then… “Where’s Luca? Is he okay? What about Manuel? Why are you not with him?”
He hushed me, pushing me back into the container. Few seconds later, a big dude walked by, looking around, his gun poised to shoot. Dominic tiptoed noiselessly to the entrance and when the Russian was close enough, he grabbed him and
Snapped his neck.
The big dude slumped to the floor. Dead. Just like that. I threw a wide-eyed look at Dominic, shocked and in fear.
He shrugged, “He would have killed us first.” Was his nonchalant response. He squeezed his right arm and cursed before shooting me a dirty look. At least that’s what I suspected he did. “Next time,” he bit out, “Fucking confirm if it’s the enemy before swinging a fucking crowbar.”
I put away the realization that he could kill at the drop of a hat and focused on what’s important. “Luca, is he okay?”
“I appreciate your apology, thank you.” Dominic murmured sarcastically but answered me. “Yes, he is. Now keep quiet.”
I ignored him. “What about Manuel? Why are you not with him?”
Silence. Except for the continuous gunshots going off.
“Did something…” I trailed off, suddenly afraid to know the answer.
“The Russians got him, I tried to fight them off but they just kept coming.” His voice sounded angry as if at himself.
My shoulders dropped. Our efforts was in vain. We didn’t save Manuel and to top that, we were currently losing a lot of men to Russian bullets. Alexei’s evil smirk popped up in my head, he wasn’t going to let the old Don live. That was clear. I could barely imagine how much hurt that’d bring Luca.
Diego’s bizzare talk on our last phone call suddenly made sense. Manuel getting kidnapped must be what he’d meant by “rocky ride”. However, how he knew was another mystery to be solved for later.
I wanted to ask more questions but Dominic was slumping down to the floor of the container, his good hand pulling out his gun and cocking it, the process clumsy because I’d practically rendered his other arm useless. It made me realize how bad of a hit I gave him and I started to feel an overwhelming sense of remorse. He might be a colossal assh0le with no love lost for me, but he had done his best to protect me-thrice.
“I’m really sorry about your arm.” I blurted and it was awkward.
“Took you three business days.” He grumbled.
I sat down myself, at loss on how to answer that. More awkwardness filled the darkness.
I wanted to ask him if there was anything I could do to help even though he was definitely going to tell me off but he suddenly sat up, his gun aimed at the entrance. My body went rigid and I felt around for my crowbar.
Someone was coming.
Several heartbeats later, the form of a tall man appeared. I raised my crowbar higher, trying make out who it was with the low availability of the night light. Dominic, on the other hand, lowered his gun.
“Boss,” he acknowledged, tucking his gun back into his waistband.
Luca. My heart sang with joy.
He stepped into the container and I sprang at him and he caught me, holding me tight. “Cara? Thank God. Are you okay?”
My head bobbed up and down. “Yes. Are you?” I pulled away, pointlessly trying to check if he’s hurt anywhere. It was really dark.
“I’m fine, bambina.” Luca assured, pulling me back into him. “I’m fine now that I’ve found you safe and sound.” His body shifted to Dominic, “Are you good?”
Luca must have grabbed him where he hurt because Dominic suddenly grunted. “I was until your girlfriend.” He cursed under his breath then his voice turned apologetic. “I lost the old Don.”
Luca’s voice dropped. “I know.”
A gloom, disheartening silence clogged the darkness after that and it weighed down on me. I could FEEL the pain and regret wafting off both men. In the distance, the other Cosa Nostra soldiers fought for their lives. I saw no ending of this except…
“What if I go to Alexei and offer myself up? Beg him to let Manuel go?”
I felt Luca’s hard stare on me. “No, are you out of your mind?”
“Cara, no.”
I turned to Dominic for back up but apparently, he was on his Don’s side. Of course. “Too late for that,” he pointed out, “We’ve already crossed the fucker, if you go to him, there’s no guarantee he wouldn’t kill you.”
My stomach sank, disheartened and Luca cupped my face. “Don’t worry about anything, bambina.”
But it the problem was I wanted to. His problems were mine. And I also wanted to do more than worrying.
“So what can we do now?” Dominic asked.
Luca considered the question in silence but whatever answer he was going to give was interrupted when loud voice called. “Salvatore!”
It was Alexei.
“You’ve fucked up big this time.” The laugh that came after was maniacal. “Did you think I came here unprepared for such a stunt? You should never have done that, now you’re going to lose your old man.”
Luca got out of the container. I started for him but Dominic grabbed me by my arm.
Dark and menacing, Luca shouted back, “If you do anything to my father, I’d fucking destroy you Mikhalov. Mark my words!”
Alexei barked a laugh. He threw Luca’s earlier words back at him,”You can’t say that while hiding in the shadows. Come out and face me.”
My protest came at once. “Luca, don’t.”
My protest went ignored. “Get her out of here safely.” Luca ordered Dominic.
“No!” I screamed, lunging at him but Dominic held me back and refused to let go even as Luca disappeared.
Alexei would kill him. I knew it. He’d sounded so mad when he called him out, like someone who had finally lost it. His men would probably shoot Luca as soon as he stepped into their line of sight.
I won’t allow that to happen. Over my dead body.
I stopped fighting Dominic off, going calm. “I’m sorry, I really am,” I said to him before ramming my fist into his injured arm, giving him no time to process my apology.
He cursed immediately, his grip on me tightening in pain. What’s with mafia men and not letting go even after getting hit? I hated that I had to do it again but I had no choice.
Dominic let go after the second hit, pressing the affected arm close to his chest. “God, I hate you.” He hissed.
I ignored him and scrambled away. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I’m sorry again.” I said before fleeing into the night.
It took me several minutes to make my way out of the maze of containers and luckily I was fortunate to not run into any trigger happy Russians.
I spotted Luca back where everything had blown out of control- the center of the port. It was just him and three of his men standing before Alexei who had a couple more men on his side, about eight, their guns up and aimed.
My heart galloped inside me, tripping over itself in fear.
The light above them shone bright and the look on Alexei’s face caused my blood to run cold. He signaled with a wave of his hand and his men gave way and another man was pushed out-Manuel.
Alexei grabbed him by the scruff and pressed a gun to his head.
I didn’t think, I jumped out of my hiding place and just as my luck will have it, Alexei was the first to notice me.
A sick smile slithered up his lips. “Look who decided to show up.”
Luca’s gaze snapped to me, his eyes going wild in alarm. “Cara, what the fuck are you doing here? Get back now!” He bellowed.
I ignored him, putting my hands up in surrender as I stepped in front of he and his men, a couple of feet separating us.
“Cara!” Luca yelled again and he must have taken a step because Alexei’s men cocked their guns.
“Please, don’t.” I begged. “You want me, here I am. Just let Luca leave with his father.” Tentatively, I took a step towards the Russians and another and another, determined to be the interceptor and keep more gunshots from going off. If Alexei taking me was the solution to ending this then so be it.
Thankfully, I spotted Santino lurking in the shadows behind them and it emboldened me. If things go wrong, I could trust him to take down Alexei.
Speak of the devil, he began laughing. “Well isn’t this sweet?” He drawled. “The little mistress plays the hero.”
Behind me Luca was yelling at me to get back but my focus was trained on Alexei and his wicked grin. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen.
I swallowed before speaking, “I’ll go with you but let Luca and his father leave, I beg you.”
The evil bastard pretended to consider my plea for a second, dramatically pursing his lips in thought. “It’s a tempting proposal.”
Then the most bizarre thing happened, his sick excitement died and his eyes glazed over with deadly seriousness. “One that I’d have been generous to accept if only your boyfriend didn’t fuck things up.” The muzzle of his gun left Manuel’s head and shifted over my head and my entire body froze. “I have a couple of dead soldiers lying about and I need to avenge them. Sorry princess, you’re coming with me but your boyfriend isn’t going to make it out of here alive.”
Three shots went off and my heart got caught in my throat but it was three of Alexei’s men that dropped to the ground.
The rest of the Russians began firing in his direction and he ran for cover. I whirled around, taking the opportunity to run towards Luca. He was already sprinting in my direction.
Alexei wanted me alive for some reason. If he didn’t I’d be dead by now but I wasn’t. I might not know why but I was going to take advantage of that. He or his men wouldn’t shoot at Luca if I shielded him with my body
“Stop! Or I’d kill the father right now.” Alexei’s daunting voice yelled behind me.
I halted and so did Luca who was just an arm stretch away.
“Mikhalov,” he warned, his voice hoarse from running.
“Turn around,” Alexei said to me.
I looked at Luca, caught the alarm in his eyes and I did as Alexei ordered. His gun was back on the side of Manuel’s head and the expression on the old Don’s face… well it was heartbreaking to see.
The older man appeared calm, resigned like he accepted what was coming next. “Luca,” he started softly, “make sure you save her and your”
Alexei didn’t even allow to finish.
Frozen cold with despair, I watched as Manuel dropped to the floor, blood oozing out of his head.
“Father!” Luca screamed. My body turned to lead and my head swirled heavy with deja vu. For a second, it was no longer Manuel on the ground but my own father.
Alexei’s gun went off again, pulling me out of it, Luca was grabbing me and just as I wrapped myself around him on order to protect him, he stepped in front of me, turned me away and
Another gunshot pierced the air.
And everything slowed.
I looked at Luca’s face and he was staring at me with a strange light. Then, I felt something wet seep through the fabric of my dress. My eyes trailed down his body and I saw it-blood, coating his white dress shirt with rapid speed.
And then he went limp in my arms.