Cara’s pov
I looked to Luca and it took a while for his tight nod of approval to come. His body was rigid and I knew he was trying hard to not show that he cared. My reassuring smile was brief and passing, covert enough to not make Alexei read into it.
“Dominic,” Luca called and his right hand man stepped forward. He looked at me, gesturing me forward, already aware of what his boss wanted him to do. I fought the urge to look at Luca one last time and turned to the Russians.
I faced Alexei squarely, my hands balling at my side and I let hate take over me. I hated him for what he put Manuel through. I hated him for making those innocent teenagers die alongside their father. I hated him for every single time Luca was stressed because of him, for every single time I had to live in fear.
I channeled this hate, turning it to confidence, letting it strangle my fear. With this hate, I propelled forward. One step and another and another, feeling Luca’s unwavering presence behind me, edging me on. Dominic stayed really close like a loyal hound and that, too, encouraged me.
The man holding onto Manuel started to drag him toward us and with each step, each second we got closer to them, my heart swelled and my blood rushed in my veins.
This is it, the turning point of everything. Once we get a hold of Manuel, the plan is enacted and the battle sets off. My eyes narrowed on the man manhandling Manuel, ready to do what Luca had instructed me back at the penthouse.
“If he tries to grab you, kick him in the nuts.” And he’d shown me how. And with every rough push the Russian bastard gave Manuel, I itched to do just that and more.
We bridged half of the distance and I was just bursting with adrenaline to play my part. Alexei’s smirk was even more infuriating as we drew closer and I just couldn’t wait for it to wipe clean off when we began the attack.
All that smugness fading into confusion, oh it was a delight to imagine.
The bastard reached into his jacket and Dominic stopped me in my tracks. So did the man pulling Manuel.
He laughed, pulling his hand back out, something unrecognizable in his hold. It was when he stuck it between his lips I realized what it was-the was taking a smoke, right now, in the middle of it all.
“It’s just a cigarette, damn.” He said lighting the butt. “Why so jumpy?”
He blew out a long smoke, cocking his head at me, his piercing gaze boring into my soul. Whatever he saw made him smirk and his gaze shifted behind me, to Luca.
“You should be thanking me Salvatore,” He said loudly. “I could have made you lose your father to death like you made me lose mine to strife.”
“Should I?” Luca growled immediately, his tone flat.
Alexei was full on grinning now and I ached to see the smug confidence leave his face and be replaced with confusion and panic. He spread his arms in a beckoning manner, “I might not be the most merciful”
I stifled the urge to roll my eyes, hard.
“but most can say I’m being exceptionally kind here, giving you a choice and all. You weren’t that forgiving with me.”
This time, I fought a very vicious curse. The audacity of the bastard to think that he was doing Luca a huge favor after all he’s done. He’d tried to kill us all on Gina’s fucking wedding day but what? Luca should thank him for allowing him to trade Manuel for me? Who knew what would have been my fate if Luca had decided to let him take me. What ordeal I would go through in his hands. The bastard has done nothing but try to hurt us, yet he wanted a cookie for this one act of reasonability. I ached, really bad, to see him put down with a bullet.
“I’d disagree on that,” Luca said and I could hear the dark smile in his voice. “I could have spiced things up by letting your cousin know his beloved uncle was responsible for the death of his beloved but I didn’t.”
I had the ultimate privilege of seeing Alexei’s expression darken. It was even more satisfying than cold water on a hot, sweaty afternoon.
“You blame me for fucking up your father-son relationship but just know now that your relationship would have not been the only thing you lost. If I wasn’t “merciful”.”
Alexei, the psychopath, still had his smile but it was significantly tighter. He stared at Luca hard and I wondered what sick thoughts were going on in his head. Then his face relaxed and he was back to Joker mode as if nothing happened.
“I guess we can call it even then,” His smile broadened like he found the situation funny, like he hadn’t been shooting death rays at Luca only a few seconds ago. His unsettling eyes rested on me, “Besides, it seemed like I gave you quite an easy choice to make.”
I stiffened.
“I guess the pretty bitch must not mean much.” He chuckled. “Then again, it would be unwise of you to abandon your father, a powerful man with a lot of connections, for a piece of ass.”
Oh I hated him all the more. My stare grew more defiant as I glared at him and from the little scoff he did, it was clear that my anger was nothing more than a source of amusement for him. I wanted to claw his eyes out. He was just as vile as Diego.
“Has anyone told you you talk too much?” Luca snapped. “Let’s get this over with.”
Something unpleasant pricked at my chest and it was the dismissal in Luca’s words. I reminded myself that this was all a plan to trick Alexei but it didn’t stop my stupid heart from hurting a little bit.
Valentina’s words came rushing back to me but I shook it off. You’re here just to prove you’re more than a piece of ass, so prove it. I told myself.
I resumed walking.
My blood ran cold when we were just a couple of steps away from Manuel. Everything slowed and every sound fell silent leaving only the thumps of my wildly beating heart. The mean looking Russian shoved Manuel to Dominic and just when his chilly hand wrapped around my arm, something not too far off exploded, instantly grabbing the attention of every Russian.
In that brief second they were distracted.
Now! The voice was loud and clear in my head and I immediately acted. Swinging my leg back and holding for impact, I swung forward and connected with his groin, hard. Just like Luca had taught me.
But the bastard must be made of sterner stuff because he grabbed me even tighter hissing angrily. I fought against his hold.
“Stop struggling, bitch.” He hissed, his voice heavily accented. “You’re coming with” whatever he was going to say was cut off as a large fist flying in from the side, connected with his jaw.
Dominic punched him again and the guy’s hold on me loosened. He staggered back and Dominic pulled me away.
“You fucking Italian svoloch”
A little can with trailing smoke rolled to the space separating both mobs, the very spot between the mean Russian guy and us.
More smoke burst out with full force. And chaos exploded around us. Shots rang out, men scrambled away from the deadly smoke.
We, too, immediately ran for cover. I held my hand over my eyes and tried not to breathe in the gas. Dominic carted Manuel, lifting him when the old man struggled to keep up with his stride.
It was not long until he was tackled by another Russian. I stopped and tried to help.
“No!” Dominic hissed. “Keep going, Cara.”
I hesitated, wincing when the Russian guy punched him in the guts. I shifted my gaze to Manuel who’d been dropped to the floor. “Listen to him, go.” The old Don ordered weakly.
Could I just leave them and run away? When they were dealing with this?
“Fucking go, Cara!” Dominic reiterated.
I turned around and fled for the empty ship containers.