Chapter 104: Death Threats and Setbacks

Book:Taming My Mafia Stepbrother Published:2025-2-6

Cara’s pov
If I was to be honest with myself, I was really regretting turning down Manuel’s money. And that was because taking it wouldn’t have been as bad as what would happen if I didn’t meet Diego’s deadline.
My current situation has brought me to the realization that sometimes, integrity was overrated.
I blew a hot breath against the squeaky clean pane of my bedroom window then mindlessly traced a heart on the steamed haze, my teeth sawing ruthlessly on my bottom lip. Below me, Chicago city went on, just as always. It never cared if your new life was about to be uprooted just as soon as it started, it didn’t care if you were going crazy just thinking about it. The city life must go on and the business never ceases.
I wondered if any of the people below also had a dreadful ultimatum hanging over their heads like a rainy cloud.
I studied the heart I’d drawn, almost bursting into a hysterical fit of laughter at the jagged line which I had no memory of recalling at what point I added itsplitting it into halves. It was spot on, the correct graphical representation of the state my own heart would be in if I didn’t get Diego’s money. And that might likely happen. It was a freaking twenty five thousand dollars and I was just an academy student who used to be a waitress.
The state of my savings was pitiful, and I had nothing of value to pawn for the money.
Maybe I did, but those were precious gifts from Luca and I’d sooner sell my arm than give up any of them.
I banged my head against the window. Two days have already gone and I barely had a quarter of the amount. All I’ve been able to do was isolate myself in my room, watching Chicago city, and stress about my dilemma.
I was a lower class citizen for goodness sake, where the fuck was I going to get twenty five fucking thousand dollars from? From thin air?
It was obvious that Diego’s pressing demand had to do with my relationship with Luca. He’d never asked me for such a large sum before. The bastard probably thought that just because I was with Luca, I had access to his unlimited wealth.
He expected me to get the money from Luca but I would never. Luca would want to know why and I’d be terrible at lying to him. I always have been.
I got away from the window and began pacing. Should I ask Gina instead? Should I take out a loan? Do banks grant such a large amount and if they did, can it be processed under the short time I had left? I doubt I even checked off the requirements needed to be eligible.
My phone vibrated in my boy shorts, nearly sending me out of my skin. I aggressively reached for it, yanked it out and turned on the screen.
My body temperature dropped several degrees.
A call with an unsaved number blinked at me, buzzing for me to answer and even though I wasn’t familiar with the contact, I just knew who it belonged to.
Consumed by panic, I yeeted the phone out of my hand like it was on fire and it fell straight into my bed. I watched it vibrate into the mattress, biting ruthlessly on my nails, my pulse going through the roof.
After a couple more seconds, the phone finally quieted and I stood there, unmoving and heavy with apprehension. Another second later, it buzzed again, once.
Hesitantly, I went to retrieve it.
And it started ringing again.
Choking back tears of anxiety and anger, I shut my eyes and swiped right, pressing the phone to my ear. Then I drew in a long, shaky breath.
“What the hell do you want now, Diego?”
“Woah, woah, where are your phone manners girl?”
I started to pace again. “It’s only being two days, why the fuck are you calling me?”
“Do I need a reason? I just wanted to check on my dear little sister.”
What bullshit was he on?
I rubbed my brow, hard. “I find that fucking hard to believe. You gave me a week, until then, I don’t want you contacting me.” I pulled the phone away, intent on hitting the end button
“Don’t fucking hang up on me you little bitch.”
His dangerous tone stopped me midway, freezing my finger. But I was stressed enough as it is and didn’t need anymore of his shit. It might be the lack of his physical presence, it might be due to my frustration, whatever it was, I went ahead and did exactly just that.
And I was fucking proud of myself.
“You can’t tell me what to do any more.” I said into the silence, a renewed feeling of hope and confidence filling me.
But that feeling was short lived, because my phone buzzed again and this time, with a text.
DON’T YOU TEST ME WHORE, it said. And attached to it was a-
My stomach twisted. No.
Thumb shaky, I clicked on the video clip, my head ringing and my constricting. There was me in vulgar red lingerie, crying as Diego…
I exited the video really fast, taking a second to swallow deep chunks of air. I remember that day vividly, every detail fresh like it happened yesterday.
My phone started going off again and this time I answered promptly.
“I hope you’ve learned your lesson.” Diego’s sick voice traveled into my ear.
“You won’t get the money if you break our agreement.” I attempted to be level.
Diego chuckled darkly. “You really don’t see what’s happening here don’t you? There’s no “agreement”, baby. I alone call the shots.”
I stayed silent but mentally I was screaming and ripping my hair out. In plain words, what he meant was that he would mess with me as he saw fit and I should in no way challenge him, just take whatever he dished out.
I would never win.
Swallowing the bile rising up in my throat, I whispered, resigned and defeated. “I’d get your money but please, don’t share the videos.”
I couldn’t imagine what would happen if those reminders of shame got out. What it would mean for Luca. I know Diego wouldn’t stop at him, he was well capable of sharing them to everyone else in the mafia circle. Luca would be ridiculed, mocked for having a loose girlfriend. His authority would be trivialized, his position reduced. Simply put, he’d be a cuckold.
He made a hooting noise. “Now, you’re talking.” He clicked his tongue. “I can be pretty nice, you just have to stop being a bitch and your perfect boyfriend won’t have to deal with your whore videos. Not especially now that he’s in for a rocky ride.”
The last bit caused me to frown in confusion. What rocky ride? I was about to ask him what he meant by that but he cut in before I could speak.
“Anyways, as for the purpose of this call, I have another task for you. Get me an audience with your boyfriend, in his office. I need him to listen to my suggestions.”
I rubbed my temple, feeling a headache coming. “I can’t do that. I never meddle with Luca’s business.”
“Well, you’re going to do me this one favor or else…”
Or else… he didn’t have to complete the threat, it was clear what he was threatening and it was at that moment I realized how doomed I was.
“Fine.” I muttered with all the deep hatred I had for him.
“Good girl.” He growled then hung up.
I tossed the phone away then buried my face in my hands. Diego was never going to let me be, this I knew now. I was always going to be at his mercy and he was always going to blackmail me into doing whatever he wanted.
Hot, angry tears seeped out of my eyes. The past was repeating itself and this time I had Luca at stake.