Luca’s pov
“So where did you say she ran off to again?” I said to Cara’s chief bodyguard, pacing around the hallway like a man with hornets in his pants.
Sergio scratched at his nose before clasping his hands in front of him, his eyes everywhere but on mine. “The library, Don. A guard said he saw her run there while he was doing his rounds.”
I stopped and pierced him with a hard glare. “And nobody else knows of her whereabouts since then?”
I was so livid I could murder someone. Cara had disappeared since meeting her returned foster brother and according to my calculations that was about fifteen minutes ago. I was going out of my mind with worry and my blasted soldiers were feeding me everything but the news of her location.
The mansion was a big one, she could be anywhere. She could also be OFF the property and in a van stealing her away to the Bratva for all I know.
“You’d best find her in the next five minutes or this night would end up terribly for you,” I said in a neutral tone that didn’t match the lava gurgling in my veins, my eyes glaring across the rest of the men, “ALL of you.”
Sergio’s gaze dropped to the floor. “Yes, boss.” He replied with a hint of fear before marching off, the other soldiers following seconds later.
I went back to pacing and worrying, my chest tight with tension. Something had shifted in Cara, that I knew, and I couldn’t figure out what. But what was clear was that it had something to do with her slimy foster brother. Her mood had done a complete turn the moment he showed up. I suspected it had something to do with the mistreatment she suffered in his hands in the past. It was no secret to me that the Torellos never treated her well throughout her time with them.
I want nothing more than to have the dickwad punished accordingly for whatever he did to her but I needed to find her first. She was probably isolating into her shell wherever she was and if there was anything I hated more than funny business it was Cara locking me out.
It has taken a lot to get her to be a hundred percent authentic with me and I wouldn’t lose that for anything. Grigori can only provide a small percentage of facts about her life, the files on her can only scratch the surface.
If I wanted to learn everything that was real and raw about Cara, if I wanted to discover the reasons behind her every reaction to bits of her past, the answers can only come from her directly. No file or data could come close to hearing it from the horse’s mouth. And that’s why I couldn’t afford to see her revert back to the defensive and closed up person she used to be.
I whipped around faster than lightning and there she was, leaning against the wall not too far off from where I stood. “Where have you been, mio cuore? I’ve been looking for you.”
Her smile was wobbly. “I just needed some time to clear my head.”
I covered the distance between us in five long strides, crushing her against me, relieved to have her in my arms. “You disappeared with no warning, don’t do it again.”
Her arms wrapped around my waist and she burrowed deeper into my chest. “I’m sorry for making you worry.”
She sounded so tired, different from the firm tone she’d used when she spoke to my father. I pulled back, my eyes scanning her face.
“What happened back there, bambina?” I asked softly, noting her puffy eyes and pale countenance.
She started to saw on her bottom lip, doing that thing where she contemplated on what answer to give me. I hated it.
She looked away. “Nothing.”
I tried my best to quell my rising frustration. “There’s definitely something.”
She attempted a flippant shrug. “Let’s just say I’m just not very fond of my brother. The good old sibling rivalry.”
I didn’t buy that one bit. But I relented because she was beginning to look uncomfortable.
What she experienced was something most people were unable to get past and that was very understandable. She might not be ready to talk about all of it but she’d spoken about the most traumatic part and that makes her one of the strongest persons I know.
Whatever it was with her old foster family could wait, all I needed to focus on was finding Danilo’s accomplice and their buyers. I could always deal with Amanda and her sons later.
I wanted to compensate Cara for her suffering, take all of her fears and pain away and help her put her past behind her, completely.
“Let’s get you out of here.” I said, pulling her shoulder to my side and ushering her back to the party.
Diego or whatever he was called was still with my father when we returned.
“Ah, Luca! There you are,” my father boomed, transferring his glass from his dominant hand to the other so he can reach for me. He clapped me on the back, “Diego here was just telling some really good strategies that’d help us deal with the government better.”
My brows drew together. “Was he now?”
My father traced the outline of the rim of his glass with his fingers. “Yes, I’d like you to sit with us and hear them.”
I felt Cara’s growing discomfort and shared her sentiment. I, too, have zero interest in sitting and listening to whatever Amanda’s son has to say. The prick was giving me a smug smile, convinced I’d take up on my father’s request. I’ve come across men like him a couple of times in my lifetime- naive, ignorant, prideful with the ego of a titan and unfortunately, many of them had the most devastating reality check.
Diego obviously didn’t know what went on around here. “Unfortunately, Cara and I must leave. She’s not feeling too well and I must take her home.”
My father’s gaze moved to Cara, looking surprisingly concerned. “All you alright, child?”
Cara forced on a bright smile. “I just need a little rest.”
“You do that.” The old Don said before facing me again. “We can always talk later.”
I regarded him briefly, slightly taken aback by his easy capitulation. He was usually ticked off when I turned down a chance at business discussions. Maybe Diego’s strategies weren’t that important.
“Goodbye father, happy birthday once again.” I said, turning to leave.
“Maybe we can discuss it over the week? At your office.” Diego suddenly piped up.
My eyes slowly reverted to him and I noticed how his infuriating stare lingered on Cara. There was something definitely ominous and creepy about him, something that explained Cara’s badly concealed fear.
“I also hope we meet again sooner, Cara.” He smirked at her.
She shivered slightly and I wanted to pull out my glock and make a mess of his throat. Diego Torello was a lot more than some “annoying sibling rivalry” and I was going to find out why. Fuck tabling his family’s lore for later.
With my attention hard on him, dark and menacing, I drawled, “We’ll see.”