Once inside I pushed the dark number 64 and it lit up around my finger, signaling it’s acceptance of my instruction. We stood in awkward silence as the carriage began its long ascent to the upper section of the building.
I looked down and noticed Stacy wringing her hands; I looked up into her eyes. I was so hot for her I just asked:
“What would you do if I tried to kiss you right now Stace?”
“I’d probably melt right in your arms Gracey.”
I leaned slowly in to her and our lips nervously came together, a spark of elevator charge jumping across to make the connection ahead of us. We flinched, and then pressed into each other, our soft lips merging and fitting together as we already knew they did.
How had we waited so long to repeat this feeling of our soft mouths touching? My hands were awkwardly at my sides, slightly raised as if afraid to really touch my friend, even though our lips were kissing. I wanted to open my mouth to her, to taste her inner moistness and let our tongues dance again, and as my hands came up to her face and finally touched her cheeks, she beat me to it.
Our kiss gained steam at that moment and I felt my lips open and a vaguely familiar tongue entering my mouth, licking my lips and searching for a dance partner. I accepted, and the sensual samba in our mouths began.
I felt Stacy’s arms grab around my waist, and I leaned into her, pressing our bodies together. Our equal heights caused our breasts to compress as we squeezed together.
The oral dance we shared was a slow, sensual one. I was amazed at how much I was enjoying having my friend’s tongue in my mouth, and was in no hurry to have it leave.
After what felt like 4 floors, although it was 64, the bell sounded and we stepped apart, licking our lips and smiling warmly at each other. We both went right to fixing our hair and fidgeting with our clothes as the elevator doors broke their own long kiss and slowly pulled apart.
This time we held hands as we made our way to my apartment. It was a bit strange, since I had made this exact freshly-elevator-kissed walk to my apartment before, but nothing had been as comfortable and genuine (and sober) as this walk was.
Once inside we dropped our purses on the sofa and kept hold of each other’s hands on our way to the kitchen to find something to drink. I let her hand go from mine as I opened the fridge, the cool air falling across my open toes. As I leaned in to poke around, Stacy came up behind me and ran her fingers up my back, her hips leaning into my body.
“Can I interest you in something . . . to drink I mean,” I asked from within the lighted opening, enjoying the feel of her soft hands rubbing my skin through my blouse.
“Anything is fine hon, really,” she replied, letting her hands roam my torso in sensual circles of touch.
I grabbed up two bottles of sparkling water and turned around to face my friend, whose hands were still on me and then suddenly wrapped around my waist. She was tantalizingly close. My clothes were aggravatingly tight.
Reaching my hands around her waist, I set the bottles on the island counter behind her.
We looked into each other’s eyes, searching for any signs of resistance or regret. Finding none we touched our foreheads together and sighed, smiling with our hearts. The view of our covered breasts, aligned in an alternating pattern of away and toward, was making my pulse dance.
I already knew this body next to mine, and it was spectacular. This body wasn’t about taking, it was about giving. It wasn’t so much solid, as it was sensual. It didn’t need . . . it wanted.
I had to say something to her. I moved my mouth to her ear and softly spoke, “I want to taste you again Stacy. I can’t stop thinking about your naked body, I want to see it. Can I see you again Stace?”
She sighed outwardly and swallowed hard, nodding her head enthusiastically.
I continued whispering, “I can’t wait to have my mouth on you Stacy.” I grabbed the bottom of her blouse and moved my hands up under her arms. She pulled her bulbous mounds away from mine to allow the fabric to pass between us. Her silky yellow brassiere came into view as she lifted her arms. I pulled the useless covering over her head and threw it onto the counter behind.
She pressed back into me and her breasts pushed together forming a wonderful cleavage of raw skin for my eyes to get lost in.
“So sexy Stace,” I whispered as our arms entwined again.
Our lips met and the heat was electric. We playfully chewed each other’s lips and drank in the soft feeling of our tongues sliding together.
Just then a familiar song began to play, the chorus to one my favorite tunes. It was soft and far away, but I knew in an instant that it was my phone.
“I’m not answering that,” I spoke into her eyes.
Stacy suddenly stepped toward the ringing, quickly dragging me along.
“Yes you are,” she said loudly to me, “you are going to talk to him right now and I am going to drive you crazy while you do it.”
The gleam in her eye let me know that she was way ahead of me on this. My mind worked quickly to get on board as we reached the sofa. I plunged my hand into my purse and extracted my large phone, quickly swiping the noisy screen while the music brightly played.
“Hello, this is Grace,” I sang into the phone.
“Hi Grace, it’s Mike,” came the predicted voice across the line. I nodded to Stacy, and an idea flashed into my head as I dove into my purse again with my free hand.
“Well, hello Michael,” I said, sounding tentatively pleased that he had called. After all, I was already quite happy with my ‘date’ and where the night was leading. I found the object of my desire and fastened it to my ear, clicking on the switch underneath. “How is your little friend doing?”
His voice suddenly appeared in my opposite ear, the one with the device attached, “Um, excuse me?” He was apparently confused.
“Your little friend with the gashed knee,” I elaborated into the headset now, “is he going to make it?”