Crazy Sex & Orals: Ep8

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

I think she winked at me and then put her foot back on the floor. I could hear her mind racing quietly as she looked back down at her plate again.
“You’re sexy,” I said, leaving my eyes chained to hers. She smiled coyly and picked quietly at her cobb salad and said nothing. I felt her foot again, and this time there was only stocking covered toes inching their way up my leg, having shed their heeled skin below.
I must have flinched or signaled my surprise, as her smile grew wider with her eyes still buried in her lunch. Her tender toes worked their way up to my knee, and I reached under and wrapped my fingers around her petite digits. She looked up to me again and wiggled her toes in my grasp, and I massaged them through their nylon encasement.
I spoke softly, rubbing her foot along the inside of my nervous thigh, “Have you ever thought about that night between us Stace?”
“I might have, a time or two,” she said easily, comfortable as always in speaking candidly with me, “I think I just filed it in my mind with the time I went topless at Mardi Gras and that night a bunch of us camp counselors all masturbated together after the kids went to sleep.”
“Ah yes,” I smiled, “you told me about that one. The woodsy circle jerk. Hot story.”
I pushed some food around my plate as I dropped my gaze, feeling an awkward tension starting to build. I had to come clean.
“Stacy, I think I want you again,” I managed, a little shaky in the delivery, “I mean, we have shared so much, and I have been feeling insatiable inside. I don’t know if it’s you, or Michael, or both that’s doing it to me, but I want to find out.”
“Grace honey,” Stacy looked hard at me as I met her eyes again, “I told you already that I am here to share this with you. You make me so hot, and I am burning up over here just thinking about you and me again.”
With that she pushed her toes through my fingers and along the inside of my thigh, close to my warm center. She rubbed her toes up and down my bare skin just beyond the top of my stocking, and I grabbed her calf and held her there, scooting my hips closer so her toes could touch the warm spongy gusset between my legs.
We gazed at each other with one part love and one part lust, with a dash of daring sitting there in our cozy booth.
“Did you really shave it all off Gracey?” she asked, pushing her toes into my sex and moving them around.
“No,” I admitted, “I just threw that in for effect.”
“Wow, you’re good. I could actually see it.” Stacy said as she found my hot button and pushed it hard. Her sexy toes manipulated me better than I would have thought possible from her position, and I breathed in quickly and opened my eyes wide at her. “Then I guess I should stop looking for that sexy cock you were telling me about.”
She definitely winked this time and pushed hard into my pubic bone and then pulled her foot quickly back down to the floor. At that very second our waitress arrived, bringing us a check and to ask about refilling our drinks, sending my heart rate into the stratosphere.
“What?” the waitress asked. Apparently I looked as if I had something very important on the end of my tongue about to fall off. I violently shook my head and looked away.
“Don’t mind her,” Stacy responded on my behalf, “she just found out she has a hot date tonight, and she’s a bit nervous.”
“Oh,” the waitress replied, “well then, in that case, don’t worry, I’m sure it will turn out better than you can possibly imagine.”
I looked down and nodded, “Yes, I’m sure it will, thank you.”
Turning to Stacy the waitress set our bill on the table and finished with, “if that will be all, you can just bring the check up to the front.”
She turned to me, “Have a great time on your date.”
“Thank you, I will.”
Stacy said it.
Stacy arrived at my place around 8:30 and let herself in as usual. I was fidgeting away in the bathroom with my makeup, and my lashes, and my brows, and my lips, and . . .
“You back there Gracey?” she called down the short hallway.
“In here hon,” I replied, my face practically right up against the mirror as I pulled yet another piece of something indiscernible to the naked eye from my skin.
When her form appeared in the doorway, I turned to look. She was fantastic, dressed in a flowy white blouse over tight dark jeans and tall brown boots. Her hair was done and pulled back a bit, just enough to show her glowing face amongst all those auburn curls.
“You look great doll,” I said, allowing my eyes to run up and down her body like a shiver.
“Thanks babe,” she said back to me, “are you planning on wearing pants tonight or what?”
I looked down. I had on my button down blouse but it was open, and my jeans were still in the other room, leaving me in my pink lacy bottoms coordinated with their bust enhancing companions above.
“I was toying with the idea of pants,” I quipped in return, “just to throw them off my scent.”
Stacy stepped into the room and next to me upon hearing those words from my lips. She stood directly in front of me and inhaled deeply through her nose.
“That’s some scent,” she said gazing into my eyes, letting me know what she meant. She slid her hands under my shirt and around my waist, pulling me in and letting her gentle fingers rest just above my panty covered backside.
My heart started a drum roll, and my legs were shaking in an instant. I hadn’t been this close to another person with my pants off in a long time. I was flushed and nervously hugged her with my facial implements still dangling in my hands.
She pulled away again and I looked to the side, saying to her reflection in the mirror, “Well let’s not make that scent any stronger, shall we?”
We both laughed and Stacy left the room to wait for me to finish.
Once we were ready we headed out into the city to find some entertainment. We grabbed a bite to eat at Philly & Fawn and headed a couple blocks over to Groove City, our favorite lounge and nightclub. We ran into a couple of friends, had a few superficial conversations with strangers and became downright bored very quickly. Did the steam actually run out of the night, or were we just going through the motions to get to the end part?
After a couple of weak drinks I leaned into Stacy’s ear and said, “I think I want to call Michael right now, is that wrong?”
Stacy looked at me to see if she could read what I really meant by that. “Do you want to go back to your place?”
“More than anything.”
“Thank god.”
We quickly made our way out of the club and down the busy street to my building, walking shoulder to shoulder. I wanted to hold her hand, or put my arm around her, or push her up against a building and slide my hot tongue down her throat. Instead I hooked my arm in hers and watched her smile warmly at me.
We made it back to the safety of Hans, my door man, and I smiled a greeting at him as usual.
“Back so soon Miss Camden?” he asked as we floated through the door he was holding for us.
“Yes Hans,” I intoned, “it’s been a strange evening.”
“That’s not always a bad thing,” he winked at us and we smiled in return on our way to the elevator.