“Oh fuck!” she breathes. “Keep doing that!” I rub my thumb in a circular motion over her love button as I drive my hard shaft up into her fiery pussy. We are both bucking feverishly and I’m getting awfully close to shooting my load. I glance at the video screen and it looks like Susan is getting ready to climax, too. I want to cum with my sister but I don’t want to leave Tracy hanging. I work my thumb faster on her clit and she goes crazy on my cock, rocking and bouncing like a wild woman.
“I’m cumming,” she yells, “Oh fuck! I’m cumming!” I pull my hand away as Tracy lunges forward, tightening her pussy muscles around my cock and jerking wildly through the first wave of her orgasm. On the video screen, Susan is spasming against Danae’s face. Awesome! I trigger my own release, shooting another load of cum deep inside Tracy’s pussy while my eyes are glued to my sister’s tit’s heaving up and down on her chest. I watch her orgasmic facial expressions gradually transition from painfully gnarled to blissfully relaxed.
My cock erupting inside Tracy’s pussy prolongs her pleasure and she collapses on top of me again, crushing her hard nipples against my chest. I watch Danae lean back from Susan’s pussy and wipe her hand across her face. Susan smiles as she grabs Danae’s head and pulls her into an intense pussy-flavored kiss. I close my eyes and could probably drift off to sleep, but the image of Mom and Dad is bouncing around in my head and I can’t seem to shake it.
“I have to go,” I tell Tracy as I ease her up from me. Susan and Danae are standing up again, making more progress on their clothing than they did the first time. I want to intercept Susan before she barges in on Mom and Dad.
“Oh,” Tracy says, pushing herself up and easing my spent cock from her soggy pussy. “That was real nice,” she says quietly as she stands up and looks around, somewhat disoriented. A mixture of our juices drips from her swollen pussy lips and she absentmindedly wipes it with her hand. Grabbing the transmitter, I tune in her frequency and press the button.
I give her commands to delete all the videos of Mom, Dad, Susan and Danae, then to forget all about them. I tell her she’ll remember running into me in the hallway and we came back here for the best fuck of her life. She’ll be open to getting together with me again if I ever suggest it. Then I have her sit in her chair with her thighs wide apart, scooping the juices out of her pussy and licking them off her fingers. I add that she can get dressed when her pussy is completely cleaned out or in an hour whichever comes first.
I get dressed before I release her from the transmitter’s power, pressing the button as I slip out of her office. Damn! Who knew when we came to Dad’s office today that we’d all end up getting laid? I hurry down the hallway; trying to remember which office Danae and Susan are in. I get turned around end up back at Daryl’s office. The door is still closed and I knock gently, hoping they’re done on the couch.
“Come in,” Dad yells and I push open the door. They’re both dressed and standing next to each other near the window.
“How’s it going?” I ask, looking at Mom.
“Great, Nick,” Mom smiles and puts her arm around Dad. “Maggie was right. Harry did use the transmitter to drive your father and I apart. Now that we’ve released him from the transmitter’s suggestions, he and I are going to see where we go from here. Sort of give it another chance.”
“But…” I stammer. “What about Christina? And what he did to Maggie!” I yell. “That wasn’t all just the transmitter. How can you fucking trust him?” I ask, not sure if it’s my jealousy at watching them fuck or a genuine lack of trust but it all comes blurting out.
“Don’t use that language or that tone of voice with your mother,” Dad says stepping close to me with a condemning look on his face.
“Oh this is precious,” I say sarcastically, “after five fucking years, you now want to play parent and correct my behavior? Give me a fucking break, Daaaad!” I string out the last word dripping it with contempt.
“Nick,” Mom comes over next to me and takes my arm. “Give us a minute, Daryl,” she says to Dad, leading me over into a corner of the office. Mom looks me in the eye as she lowers her voice.
“You don’t have to like it or agree with it, Nick,” she says quietly, “but it is what I want to do. I want to give this a try. I’m going to stay here a few days and see if we can resurrect our marriage. I understand that your father is not perfect, but please try to understand that Harry did play a major part in this, okay?”
“Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do about Christina?” I’m raising my voice again. I take a breath and try to control it. “His house has cameras in every fucking bedroom. Hell, his office has cameras in every room. I was in the security office watching you two fuck!”
“That’s what this is about, isn’t it Nick?” Mom whispers. She reaches up and brushes my hair from my face. I just stare at her, not answering. Fuck! I don’t even know the answer.
“If you love me, Nick, please support me until I see where this goes. We’re going to stay at Uncle Harry’s house. Your dad is going to talk to Christina and explain what happened. She knows about the transmitter, maybe she was even in on it with Harry. I’ll need the transmitter to find out. You didn’t give her a trigger, did you?”
“No, I probably should have,” I answer. I take the transmitter from my pocket and hand it to her. “I love you, Mom,” I say, pulling her into a tight embrace. “Just be very careful,” I whisper in her ear. “Promise me that you won’t trust Dad with the transmitter, at least not just yet, okay?” She nods and smiles at me.
“I love you, Nick,” she whispers then turns towards Daryl. “I’ll go to Harry’s with Nick and Susan. We’ll meet you there later after you’ve talked to Christina.” Daryl just nods.
“I didn’t bring enough clothes to stay down here,” I say, knowing I don’t want to stay at Harry’s house with Dad there. “I’m going home after I drop you off.”
“Okay,” Mom sighs. “Go find your sister and I’ll be there in a minute.”
Danae is back at her desk and Susan is standing behind her rubbing her shoulders.
“Have fun?” I ask Susan as I walk up behind her and squeeze her ass cheek. Her smile says it all and she mouths a ‘thank you’ to me over her shoulder.
“Where were you?” she asks. “I thought you were going to stay and watch.”
“I was in the security office where they have video feed from all the other offices.” I raise my eyebrows and nod at her and Danae.
“You were watching? What a pervert!” Her hand reaches for my cock and she looks surprised that it’s not hard. “Did you get yourself off watching us?” she asks with a mischievous smile.
“I got off, but not by myself,” I smile back at her. “There’s this cute redhead in charge of security.”
“Tracy,” Danae says, without looking up.
“Right, Tracy,” I lower my voice and move Susan away from Danae’s desk. “Anyway, did you know they have a sex school here? Danae, Tracy and Dad are the instructors.”