Holy shit! I almost sit straight up even with Tracy vigorously riding my cock. My parents are on the couch, naked! Dad is stretched out on his back and Mom is kneeling between his legs with her ass in the air and his cock in her mouth. Her hand is wrapped around the base of his thick shaft and her head is bobbing up and down as her lips glide up and down the length of it. Fuck! I guess Mom’s visit is going well.
“Ohhhhhhhhhh! Fuuuuucck!” Tracy lurches forward, her hands hitting the floor on either side of my head as she frantically rocks back and forth, grinding her pussy mound against my pelvic bone and trying to grasp that elusive orgasm.
“Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!” Tracy continues to wail as her tits swing rapidly back and forth, dragging her taut nipples against my chest. Distracted by the image of my parents on the plasma TV, I tune out Tracy’s moans and watch as Mom lets Dad’s cock plop from her mouth and moves her body up, positioning her pussy over his rigid shaft.
I doubt if most guys my age would be aroused by watching their parents fuck. Most of them would probably find the idea gross or revolting. Of course, most guys aren’t fucking their mother on a regular basis or get instantly hard at the sight of her sexy body.
Watching my mother drive her pussy down onto Dad’s hard cock pushes me closer to cumming than Tracy’s frantic cock riding. As Mom sets a rhythm on Dad’s cock, I feel my orgasm building and I don’t try to fight it. I want to cum like this. I want to shoot my load while watching my parents fuck. Dad grabs for Mom’s tits and she picks up the pace as if their movements are choreographed. I imagine they’ve done this dance a few times and it comes right back to them even after all these years.
“You can cum now, Tracy,” I say, when I feel myself ready to explode inside her fiery pussy.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhmyyyyygod!” Tracy jolts upright, squeezing her pussy muscles around my cock as her orgasm wracks her body. I let go of my control and erupt inside her shivering pussy. Tracy shakes convulsively from the continuous wave of pleasure surging through her body. As she rides out her transmitter-enhanced orgasm, I jealously watch my parents’ reunion fuck and wonder what to make of it.
Tracy finally collapses on my chest, completely breathless. Her pussy is pulsating around my cock in rhythm with her heartbeat and her tits are swelling against my skin as she desperately sucks air into her lungs. I lay my arms on her smooth white back and hold her against me as I continue to watch my parents fuck.
“Who’s the woman with Daryl?” Tracy asks when her breathing returns to normal.
“My mom,” I answer, absently stroking Tracy’s red hair.
“Wow!” she says, leaning up and looking at me with her bright green eyes. “You get off on watching your sister and your mom?” she asks, more curious than accusing.
“I got off because of you,” I lie. “I just wanted to make sure they were doing okay.”
“Whatever you say,” Tracy answers disbelievingly. “But if what I just experienced is because you were watching them, then please don’t stop.” She smiles as she presses her lips to mine and pushes her tongue in my mouth. The kiss isn’t unpleasant and I consider stiffening my cock inside her drenched pussy, but it looks like Mom and Dad are just about done.
“What channel were we watching initially?” I ask Tracy when she breaks the kiss. I pick up the remote and point it to the TV monitor.
“Just push the last button,” Tracy says, pointing to a small button at the top of the remote. “Want to see your sister again, huh?” I push the button without answering her and watch Danae and Susan fill the screen. They’re half-dressed, standing with their bodies pressed together, madly kissing and touching each other.
Naked from the waist up, their hands are all over each other’s tits. Danae has her skirt back on while Susan is just wearing her panties. It looks like they were starting to get dressed when they decided they weren’t finished with each other.
“Most guys have sister fantasies,” Tracy says, squeezing her pussy muscles around my cock and gently rocking back and forth. I didn’t even know I was getting hard again until she started moving. “I have three brothers and you can’t imagine how creative they were at trying to see me naked.” She’s pushing herself up and rocking rhythmically on my fully recovered cock.
“For most guys the first naked women they see are their mothers and sisters. It must be weird to see them like this, though.” Tracy smiles as she sits up and starts riding my cock. She has no idea how much I’m used to seeing my mother and sister this way.
On the monitor, Danae squeezes Susan’s ass cheeks and lowers her mouth to my sister’s tits. Maneuvering her backwards, Danae lowers Susan down on the couch without removing her lips from Susan’s hard nipple. Kneeling between Susan’s outstretched legs, Danae almost tears her panties off, tossing them aside as she drops her head down and muff dives into my sister’s anxious pussy.
“You can zoom in,” Tracy says, slamming her hot pussy down on my rigid cock as I buck my hips in rhythm to her energetic fucking. I haven’t moved my eyes from the video monitor and it takes me a second to register what Tracy is saying.
“Zoom?” I ask, fumbling around for the remote.
“That large button there,” Tracy pants, her finger jostling up and down with her body movement and barely pointing to the remote. “The top part zooms in and the bottom part zooms out.” I push the top half of the button that I think she means and the screen fills with the back of Danae’s head, rocking up and down as she licks my sister’s pussy.
“Hold that button there to move the screen to where you want it,” Tracy says as I look for the button she means. I hold down the button with a little symbol of a hand and watch the cropped image move around the large plasma screen. I’d like to zoom in on Danae’s ass but she still has her skirt on so I move the image up to Susan’s face. I release the button when my sister’s head fills the screen and then zoom out until the image includes her large bouncing tits. Dropping the remote, I watch my sister’s facial expressions and start rapidly bucking my cock into Tracy’s steamy pussy.
“It’s almost like you’re fucking your sister, isn’t it?” Tracy chuckles as she leans back and braces her hands on the floor behind her, letting me take over the rhythm. She’s right and I realize I’m going to have to erase Tracy’s memory when we’re done, but right now I frantically thrust my hard cock into her wanton pussy while watching my sister squeeze her own tits and contort her face in ecstatic pleasure.
I grab Tracy’s bouncing tits and squeeze and caress her firm white mounds, mimicking my sister’s actions. The fleshy sides conform to my hands and she lets out a low moan when I pinch her erect nipples. Tracy leans farther back and I slide my right hand down her stomach, combing my fingers through her soft red hair until I reach her clit and brush my thumb across it.