Neuro Transmitter (Incest/Taboo):Ep143

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

Another bodyguard, looking like a twin to MIB, comes out of one of the bedrooms and grabs Susan, pushing her towards the door.
“Think about it Nicole,” I yell, but MIB squeezes the air out of me and I gag before I can finish.
“Come back here and finish your dance!” One of the businessmen yells and I watch Nicole step back up on the table.
“Where were we fellas?” she coos as Susan and I are pushed out of the suite.
“Fuck!” I say, lying on the floor gasping for air. Susan kneels next to me.
“Are you alright? Why didn’t you use the transmitter?” Good question. “What are we going to do now?” That’s another good question. I’ll answer it as soon as I can breathe again.
“Now we’ll use the transmitter,” I tell her, getting to my feet and putting the earbuds in my ears. “You knock on the door and I’ll do the rest.” Susan looks at me skeptically. “Just do it!” I tell her. She gives the door three quick raps as I concentrate on the transmitter.
“Got it!” I say before the door is opened more than about three inches. “Step out here please,” I tell MIB. “Do you have a key to this door?”
“No.” He answers without intonation.
“Then just leave it ajar,” I tell him and he complies. “What’s your name?”
“Brad,” he answers, his blank eyes seemingly staring right through me.
“Who’s in the suite besides Nicole and the four clients?” I ask.
“Just Mrs. T and Justin,” he answers flatly.
“Justin is the other bodyguard?” I ask.
“Yes, sir,” he responds almost militarily.
“Where is Mrs. T?”
“In the bedroom on the left, sir.” He looks like he’s standing at attention.
“He’s kind of cute… in a G. I. Joe kind of way,” Susan laughs, brushing her hand across his buzz cut while she checks out his biceps.
“Brad, when I say ‘ready, set, go’, you will go back into the suite, approach Nicole and whisper these words in her ear, ‘think about it Nicole, get dressed and wait in the hallway for Nick’. Repeat that back to me, Brad.”
“Think about it Nicole, get dressed and wait in the hallway for Nick,” he parrots my exact words.
“Your sole responsibility is to get Nicole safely into the hallway and stay with her until I get here. You will ensure she waits here for me and is unharmed. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir!” It looked like he was going to solute. Susan giggles as she runs her hand over his ass.
“Susan, do you think you can distract four rich businessmen while I have a word with Mrs. T?”
“Yes, sir!” she imitates Brad and even gives me a mock salute. “What about the other bodyguard?” she asks.
“I’ll take care of Justin.” I look at the two of them, switch off the transmitter, and then nod to Susan. “Ready, set, go!” I push the door open and Brad is across the room in an instant. Nicole is completely naked, sprawled across the lap of the overly anxious businessman. He’s sucking on her right nipple as she drags her finger between her pussy lips and offers it to one of the other guys. He hungrily sucks on her finger as she scoops out some more juice with her other hand and offers it to a third guy. The fourth guy is on his knees devouring her other breast, sucking half her tit into his mouth as he pulls her legs farther apart.
Jesus! We just made it.
I run to Justin, who’s been sitting in the corner reading a magazine, unbelievably not distracted by a naked woman playing with her pussy. He sees me and starts to stand up. Waiting until I get close enough to confirm I have his frequency, I push the transmitter button and he freezes.
“Justin,” I say, pointing to my sister who is approaching the four businessmen, “you will make sure no harm comes to this woman.”
“Yes, sir.” These guys really are the Men in Black. I click off the transmitter and head for the bedroom door. Nicole is pulling on her thong while Brad is gathering up the rest of her clothing. Her nipples are bright pink and very erect. I glance at her light brown bush just before it disappears behind the red fabric. Fuck! My cock is rock hard.
I pause to watch until she puts her bra on and her hard nipples emboss themselves into the sheer material. Sighing, I deflate my cock and open the bedroom door.
“Who are you and how did you get in here?” a woman in a blue skirt suit, showing plenty of cleavage, asks me from behind a desk full of business papers. Presumably this is Mrs. T.
“I came for Nicole,” I answer as I dial in her frequency.
“You must be the hypnotist,” she smirks. “I don’t know how you did it but it works like a charm.” She thinks I hypnotized Nicole. That answers one question: there’s not another transmitter. I push the button and tell her to sit down.
“What’s your name?” I ask, walking over to the desk to look at the papers.
“Madeline Tucker,” she responds.
“How did you find out about the hypnotism?” I ask, looking at various real estate contracts strewn across the desk.
“I noticed that whenever Bobby asked Nicole to think about something she would readily agree to do it. I tested it a couple of times and it worked every single time,” she says. Man, I really blew it using such a generic trigger.
“What are these?” I ask indicating the contracts.
“Those are developer contracts. I’m a real estate broker and those gentlemen in there have agreed to all of my terms in exchange for some fun with Nicole.” I clench my fists and ask my last question.
“Does Bobby know what you’re doing?”
“Yes, but he thinks it’s Nicole’s idea to help me close these deals. He hasn’t caught onto the hypnosis thing; he just thinks he’s very persuasive,” she says in the transmitter-induced monotone. Okay, time for some paybacks. I think about what Susan did with Bobby and try to come up with something like it for his mom.