Neuro Transmitter (Incest/Taboo):Ep142

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-6

“I know. That’s one of the many reasons I love you, Sis.”
“Good answer,” she laughs as I stop in front of Bobby’s house. “How are you going to do this?” she asks.
“I’m just going to use the transmitter on whoever answers the door and start asking about Nicole,” I explain. “Why don’t you wait here?”
“No way!” Susan says, jumping out of the car.
“Maybe I do need a trigger for you,” I joke as we walk up the sidewalk. “Nice house.”
“Yeah, a couple million probably,” Susan says, ringing the doorbell. “Maybe the butler will answer.” I adjust the earbuds and get ready to tune in the right frequency.
Bobby answers the door and I instantly get his frequency locked into the transmitter. His eyes glace over and he stands waiting for us to speak.
“Wow!” Susan says, reminding me that she’s never seen the transmitter in use like this.
“Hi Bobby, where’s Nicole?” I ask, not even bothering to go in the house.
“She’s with my mom, entertaining some clients,” he answers in the transmitter-induced monotone.
“That’s amazing.” Susan says, her eyes darting between Bobby and the transmitter.
“Where are they?” I ask between clenched teeth.
“At the new downtown Stetzen Hotel,” he says. “Things should be getting started momentarily,” he adds, looking at his watch.
“What things?” Susan asks.
“Several of Mom’s more wealthy clients have paid a bundle for what Mom is calling ‘a teenage pussy party’,” he says matter-of-factly.
“And you’re okay with this? I thought she was your girlfriend!” I want to kill him! Susan is more level headed.
“What room?” she asks.
“Suite 508,” he answers. I’m standing here trying to figure out what to do with Bobby, when Susan comes to my rescue.
“Do you find your mother sexually attractive?” Susan asks Bobby.
“Well, you do now.” She smiles at me, before continuing. “From now on you will find your mother so sexually attractive that you will be in a constant state of arousal whenever you think of her. You will find your mother so alluring that you will be impotent with anyone else. You will only achieve orgasm when engaged in sexual activity with your mother.”
“Anything else?” Susan asks me.
“You won’t remember we were here,” I say, grabbing Susan’s arm and running towards the car.
“That thing’s incredible!” Susan says. “Will he do it?”
“Oh yeah!” I tell her, “absolutely. That was quick thinking, Sis. I wanted to kill him. I couldn’t think of any punishment bad enough.” I turn towards downtown and step on the accelerator.
“He’s over eighteen. They’ll be two consenting adults,” she smiles.
“You’re a natural at this,” I smile, while speeding towards the Stetzen. “I just hope we get there in time.”
“It’s not like they’re going to kill her,” Susan says. “So what if she gets fucked by a bunch of rich business guys.”
“It matters!” I answer, “and it’s all my fault!” I can’t believe my sister is being so nonchalant about this. Nicole, what have I done? I run a couple of yellow lights but have to stop behind an SUV at the third light. I pound my hand on the steering wheel, impatiently waiting for the light to change.
“Hey,” Susan says, placing her hand on my thigh. “We’ll make it. She’ll be fine.”
“If the fucking light ever changes!” I yell.
“We’re only a couple of blocks away,” Susan says, as the light turns green.
“Come on!” I yell at the SUV crawling across the intersection. Finally, I see the Stetzen on the right.
“Use valet parking, it’ll be faster,” Susan says, pointing to a driveway on the right. She’s out of the car almost before it stops, taking the ticket from the parking attendant. I jump out, running through the double glass doors and sprinting across the lobby to the elevator. Susan joins me just before the doors close and I press the button for the 5th floor.
“508,” Susan says.
“I know.” I put the earbuds in my ears and get the transmitter ready. Room 508 is almost directly across from the elevator.
“Let me,” Susan says, stepping in front of me and knocking on the door. The door opens a few inches and an escapee from the Men in Black movies blocks our view of the suite.
“What?” Sporting a buzz cut straight out of Marine basic training, he’s dressed in a tailored black suit, white shirt and black tie. I wasn’t expecting a bodyguard. Fuck, now what?
“We’re with Nicole.” Susan winks, giving him her most seductive smile.
“Okay,” he says, stepping behind the door as he opens it. That was easy.
A short vestibule with a bathroom on one side and a bar on the other opens into the living room of the expensive suite. Music is playing and it sounds like a party is in progress. I only hope we’re not too late.
Pushing past Susan, I charge into the room trying to take in everything at once. Four middle-aged men with their suit jackets off and their ties loosened are sitting in chairs positioned around a coffee table. They’ve got drinks in their hands and are laughing and cheering as the object of their acclaim is standing on top of the coffee table, seductively swaying to the music as she swings her bra over her head. Her teen-sized tits jiggle erotically as she dances and her taut, pink nipples look fully aroused.
I freeze, transfixed on the sight of Nicole, stripped down to a red thong as she throws her bra at one of the men and runs her hands tantalizingly over her young breasts. Pinching her eraser-like nipples, she smiles as she stretches them out from her creamy white mounds and releases them to spring back, pinker and more pronounced than before.
“Oh yeah! I can’t wait to touch those babies.” One of the men stands up and reaches towards Nicole.
“Hey! Hold on!” Another man grabs his arm and pulls him back. “We’ll all get our turn with her, just watch the show for now.” The first man reluctantly returns to his chair, his eyes devouring Nicole’s puffy nipples on her nubile young breasts. Seemingly oblivious to this exchange, Nicole is running her hands down her sides and hooking her thumbs in the sides of her thong.
“Do something!” Susan whispers in my ear, breaking my trance.
“Nicole!” I yell, rushing over and grabbing her wrist. She loses her balance as I try to pull her off the table and she falls into my arms.
“Hey what’s going on?” One of the businessmen yells. “Who are you?” Susan steps over to talk with him while I try to get Nicole out of the suite.
“Let go of me!” Nicole struggles in my arms, her soft bare flesh an unexpected distraction as I try to keep hold of her. She kicks my shin and wiggles her wrists free just as MIB wraps his arms around me and lifts me off the ground. Fuck! I twist and turn, trying to break loose but he’s like a fucking vice.
“Get them out of here!” Nicole yells.