“I will make dinner for you,” Ophelia murmured. She felt bad that he had waited to eat with her only for her to come home with a full stomach.
“You will cook for me?” he asked, staring at her.
“Of course,” she said, trying to wiggle her way out of his arms that were now firmly wrapped around her. “Let me go; I would love to make a meal for my husband.”
“I like the sound of that.” Cade’s voice had suddenly gone down from the tone he had and was now sounding deeper than usual.
“That I am going to make you dinner?” She asked confused. It was not the first time she cooked for him, so what was so fascinating about it?
“Not that,” he whispered, shifting closer to her with his arms still wrapped around her.
“Then what?” She said her face scrunched up as she replayed the conversation in her mind. “Husband?” she asked, realizing that maybe that was what he meant, even though she hoped it was not.
“Yes,” he said, trying to nod his head in that position.
“This is not the first time I have called you that,” she said, trying to rack her brain to see if she had ever directly referred to him in his face as her husband.
“I know that, but it feels different for a change,” he said, planting another quick kiss on her lip and pulling his head back so he could look at her face. “It feels real,” he added his voice in a whisper.
“Then I want to cook a meal for my husband,” she said, stressing the word husband as she felt a certain kind of pride.
“Then I would keep my wife company as I tell her all about my day,” he had to recall his experience; he wanted to know how she would react to knowing that he had given his mom a chance even though she had been against it. Also, he just felt the urge to talk to her about everything nonstop.
“You are right. It does feel good to hear it,” she said, and he nodded. “I mean, it sounds cringe, but it is still beautiful,” she said.
“I agree,” he said, leaning in to kiss her and then tugging on her lower lip, biting off on it. “Shall we?” he asked, raising her head as he sat up.
“What do you want to eat?” she asked, standing as she took her robe and wrapped it over her body.
“You know on second thoughts,” he said, holding her waist.
“Second thoughts?” she said, wondering what he was talking about.
“You actually do look so delicious now,” he said, ending his head and planting a kiss on her neck. She closed her eyes, hoping that she would not lose herself and jump on him, wrapping her legs around his waist. “Should we ditch dinner and go to my room?” he said, planting periodic kisses on her neck and travelling all the way down to her body.
“Cade,” she said as she felt his tongue trample, leaving a ticklish and burning sensation on her body.
“What do you think?” he asked again.
“I think we need to get you something to eat first,” she said, trying her best to resist him.
“You are no fun,” he said, raising his head with a frown across his face. “But can you at least keep this off?” he added, trying to take off her robe.
“The robe stays on, and we get dinner first,” she said, and then slipped away from his hand, hurrying into the kitchen. He followed after her with a smile across his face. It was kind of amazing how crazy he was about her and how much he had tried to control himself around her. When she sparked and he saw the light all around her, he wondered how he was going to just get himself in order.
“What do you want?” she asked, standing in front of the open refrigerator with her hand on the door handle.
“I already told you, but you do not intend on giving that to me.”
“What is the second item on your list?”
“Same as the fist,” he said, and she rolled her eyes.
“Then what is the tenth item?” She asked, knowing he might say the same thing if she asked him for the third item.
“You might not believe this, but…”
“Let me guess,” she said, turning her head to him and then turning back to the open refrigerator in front of her. “Still me?” she asked, slamming the fridge and coming to stand in front of him with the counter separating them.
“I don’t know, I guess I am really carving,” he trailed off his eyes, travelling up and down her body and basically undressing her.
“Cade!” she said in a warning tone, wrapping the robe over her chest and hiding it tighter as if it were supposed to provide a layer of security for her.
“What did I do?” he asked, spreading his arms with an innocent expression on his face.
“I will be making pancakes,” she said, going to the cupboard and taking out the pancake mix.
“Just what I am craving,” he said.
“Really,” she said, turning to him and walking with a gleeful expression on her face.
“Really,” he said, and she smiled. She followed the instructions on the packet as Cade told her all about his day. She told him that she was worried, but if he thought that forgiving his mom and having a relationship with her was what he wanted, then she was going to support him.
She went on to tell him about his day as well; by the time she was done with the meal, it was already almost midnight. “I think breakfast at midnight is the right thing to have,” he said, trying to tease her.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry. I did not realize that making pancakes would take that long,” she said as she dropped the plate in front of him.
“Did you hear me complain? I love my pancakes best at midnight and served hot by my hot, sexy wife,” he said with a smile, threatening to break out on his face.
“You should at now so your meal does not go cold,” she said, and he nodded. She waited until he was done eating. He tried many times to try and make her eat out of it, but she refused, claiming she hated eating at that time and that she was trying to keep in shape.
“You are trying to keep in shape, but you are feeding me sugar so late at night.”
“Well, I thought you loved eating this at this time of the night.”
“I sure do!”
They went upstairs hand in hand. Ophelia could not believe that they were about to say good night and go to their own rooms when they had just come together that night.
“I guess this is where we say good night,” she said as they stood in front of her room door.
“Good night?” Cade asked confused. He could swear that they were past that in their relationship. As much as Ophelia wanted this, she did not want them to move too fast and lose everything they had because they were haughty about it.
“See you tomorrow,” she said, pushing the door open and slipping through it.
“Can I at least get a kiss?”