Chapter 107: Susan
Susan’s POV
“You were having an affair with my mother?.” Lily asked, turning to Daniel. Finally somebody said something meaningful. I hated Lily that was certain but for once I would admit she was sensible.
I already knew the answer to that question but it felt good to put Daniel on the spotlight again. So he own up to it one more time, in front of everyone.
I kept my eyes trained on him as he bent his head down. “Yes”. He responded quietly feigning guilt, but I could see through him. He was not sorry about what he did, if he could he would do it again and again.
“Didn’t you know that she was married, weren’t you also married?. How could both of you do that?.” She threw ridiculous questions at him. Wasn’t all that obvious?. Only a fool would believe that Daniel and Rose did not know that they were married.
And.., they did the act because they’re both terrible, immature and disgusting people.
He sighed and rubbed his hands, a habit he had when he was stressed. “You wouldn’t understand.” He said quietly.
Typical Daniel. What a pathetic response. I couldn’t bear it any longer so spoke up. “Of course, you’re the victim in this situation.!” I spat out bitterly. I was just tired of him always acting like what he did wasn’t so serious and we should all understand.
What was there to understand about a cheating husband, who I put my trust in.
“I loved her okay!.” He yelled at me. She was my first love!.” He said quietly.
“What?!.” I screamed with the rest of the audience. I couldn’t believe my ears.
“What do you mean?.” Lily asked with wide eyes.
“How is that possible”. My son also asked. Everyone was confused about his statement. It was a shocker. He was in love with her?, and not just that his first love?.
Here I was thinking it was just a random hook up or random affair but it turns out that even before then he had known her and loved her. I couldn’t believe this. “She was your first love?.” I asked after a while of silence. I wanted to be sure I heard him correctly and I wasn’t just imagining or hearing things.
Daniel turned to me with sad eyes. “Yes”. He said quietly.
The nerve of him, the audacity of him to even admit this to my face, knowing all I went through and put aside. I couldn’t believe this. “How is this possible?”. I asked. “You knew her before we got married?”.
“Yes”. He responded. “Long before…, Long before we got married, Rose and I were lovers. I had loved her with everything within me and I wanted to make her my wife, before David… before David died and you know the rest.” He explained.
“I don’t understand. What exactly are you even saying?.” Dumb Lily asked, she always wanted everything to be about her but this was about me, about everything I had lost.
“Who is David?.” My son finally asked the question I had been dreading.
“I need answers!!.”He yelled again when neither of us had responded.
“David was my twin brother that died a long time ago.” Daniel said in a sad tone, I almost felt sorry for him.
“You had a twin?. That’s incredible and new…” Alex rambled. “I’m sorry for your loss?.” He said with a wince.
“He died in a car accident, a long time ago.” Daniel explained.
“Sorry for your loss.” Lily added, squeezing Daniel’s hands in comfort. So pathetic!.
I couldn’t bear it any longer, Daniel was always ready to play the victim and it was disgusting. “So how does it explain your ‘first love’.” I said rolling my eyes at him.
“I loved Rose so much and I would have married her if not for…” He paused eyeing me.
“Oh please. Who are you to talk about Love, huh?, I too had lost the love of my life, you don’t see me whoring around!.” I spat out.
“You know it’s not the same thing Susan.!” Daniel argued.
“Can you both stop this bickering and explain what the hell you’re talking about!.” Alex yelled at us. “What love are your talking about mom and what stopped you from marrying Rose dad?. One minute you’re making sense and bringing us to clarity and the next I’m lost in a maze. We need answers and we need them now!!”. He barked.
The room went dead silent. The atmosphere tense. Lily and Alex sat still staring at both Daniel and i in anticipation. My eyes swept to Daniel, he was already staring at me.
As I looked at him, I thought about everything that had led me to this point and how my son got here. The pain and hurt I had to bear for so long. I had to let it out. “David was my first love.” I whispered teary eyed.
“What?”. Lily and Alex screamed in surprise but Daniel wasn’t, that was old news for him but there was a lot he wasn’t aware of.
“Daniel’s twin.” I emphasized. “Oh how I loved him, We also planned to get married and both my parents and his were in support.” I smiled as replayed all our moments in my head.
“We were already planning our wedding and everything was almost set. A few weeks to the set date, Daniel and I were driving to to pick up some things, I started an argument about something, I can’t even remember, that’s how irrelevant it was.” I paused as i tried to pull myself together. I couldn’t let these people see my shed tears.
When I was ready, I continued. “We were both arguing, I don’t know what happened but the next thing I knew was that I woke up in the hospital. I rushed out of my bed, searching for David and then I was told he had passed away. ” I didn’t even realize how much I had cried already until I replayed his cold body lying lifeless on the hospital bed.
“He died before we got to the hospital and it was all my fault. I…””
“Shh, it’s okay mom.” Alex pulled me into his arms and embraced me. This was the first time I was openly speaking about his death and it was almost unbearable. I cried so much that it felt like my lungs and my heart were failing.
My throat was sore and dry, my eyes swollen and red, my heart in pain, my body hot and tired. I wish I could go back to that day and do things differently, maybe David would have still been here with me and Alex.
My life could have different right?, I would have someone who I could love and I was sure could love me back. I would have had a happy ending I suppose but Alas, none of this was ever possible for me and that knowledge kills me.
“So you just got married to my mom when your brother died?.” Alex said to Daniel with a look of disgust.
“No”. Daniel responded quietly. Looking at both Daniel and David, they were both identical. The same eyes, face, body build but still, even in the dark I knew my David.
He looked the same as Daniel but he was different. He was very brave, loving and a man of his word but Daniel was a coward, he was one that would hide and cheat, too ashamed to be a man and speak for himself.
Every time I saw his face, I was reminded of my love and i hated it because he was nothing like him.
I pulled my self out of Alex’s embrace and straightened myself. I eyed Daniel who just sat quietly like a coward as though that was the complete truth. Sometimes I wonder if he was afraid of Alex. “We didn’t just get married out of love or our own will.” I explained looking at everyone. “Our parents forced us into a contract marriage.”
“I knew it!”. Alex said. “I’ve always know there was no love between you both.” He said eyeing us.
“I guess this explains all the marriages around here.” Lily said with a dry chuckle.
Daniel sighed. “And that was when I had to let go of Rose.” He said sadly.
I just wanted to rip of his throat.
“But you didn’t really let go of her did you?.” I argued, narrowing my eyes at him.
“No, I never did in my heart.” He stated. “I ran into her years later, she was already married as I was, with two children, Chase and Rena I suppose.” He glanced and Lily and continued. “I couldn’t resist her and neither could she so we started seeing each other again.”
“Oh, of course you did!.” I spat out bitterly. “You hurt me so much Daniel, you really did and the humiliation god!, that’s why I didn’t bat a lash when I asked my dear son to get rid of that Rose!.” I said flashing a smirk at Lily.
“You ordered the hit on my mother?!.” Lily asked with teary eyes.
“Susan!.” Daniel yelled with hurt in his eyes. It was so satisfactory to watch. They both deserved to suffer , so much more than they have.
“Yes, I did. I couldn’t bear the humiliation anymore. You had sex with her on numerous occasions and as if that wasn’t enough you got her pregnant.!!” I spat out eyeing him.
“What?.” Lily and Daniel screamed in unison.
“You knocked her up too?.” Alex asked shaking his head in disappointment.
“No, I didn’t”. He stuttered. “She wasn’t pregnant. She never told me.” He said, looking as though he was thinking back to something.
“Of course you aren’t aware, you coward!.” I spat out. “I warned her not to tell you about the pregnancy. I couldn’t have such a scandal in my home but she was just like you, a coward that doesn’t listen or take instructions. When I saw that she wouldn’t listen I had to get rid of her!.” I explained as I burst into a fit of laughter.
“Susan!.” Daniel gasped. “But where is the child?, don’t tell me that you killed my child too, you murderer!.” He yelled
“Look who’s calling me a murderer!.” I chuckled at the irony.
“What did you go with my child!? He yelled again looking agitated, but that didn’t phase me. Daniel was a huge coward, he was all back and no bite. I was even surprised when I found that he had killed that sweet little girl Daisy. I thought he had grown some balls but I was giving him too much credit for nothing.
“When I say you’re dumb, you think I’m just calling you names but no, I’m indeed correct.” I snapped at him.
“Mom, please just tell us what happened to the child. Was she pregnant when I killed her?.” Alex asked in a firm tone. I was certain he was panicking but he didn’t show it. He was my son after all, he knew better than to wear his emotions on his sleeves.
“Just because you asked baby.” I said in a sing don voice and Daniel just glared at me. “If you remember correctly, when you met her again, when you started the affair.” I said eyeing him. “She already had three children then but later on as we can now see that she passed away leaving three children behind.” I said with a smile glancing at all of them, as I waited patiently for them to put the dots together.
“Wait!, what I’m thinking is wrong right?.” Lily asked in panic.
“Susan please speak in clear terms!.” Daniel yelled, glancing between Lily and me.
I laughed as I watched them with amusement. “The child you had with Rose is Lily.”