-Your children made a deal with me- that caught her attention, it was good to know when something bad was coming- It is surprising what despair can do-
The omega breathed heavily.
-The liberation of you and your pack, in exchange for you-
Nebraska shook her head. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Hades tried to be tactful, something that did not agree with him, saying things up front was easier for him.
-In summary. You are mine now-
Nebraska didn’t move a muscle. She knew that all this could not be so easy. Her herd frees, his children safe, with nothing in return? She was young, but not delusional to know that everything is paid for.
-What do you want from me?- Fighting him was not an option when his children were a few doors away under the tutelage of that wolf. He also knew how strong and imposing he could be. He had vague memories of when he let his wild side fly. The powerful weight on her still stung her back.
-In the beginning I was fascinated by the idea of you taking my offspring- typical. I knew he would say that, the omegas were few and so highly valued that it was disgusting how revered they were in that sense- Although now I do not know. Cesar told me that the possibility of you being sterile was higher than 80%, so right now it is not clear what to do with yourself-
He saw the she-wolf put her hand to her belly and her eyes turn red without a tear, as she pressed her lips together.
Nebraska felt a bucket of cold water fall on her. His entrails, which had loaded with almost six cubs counting the deceased, would no longer be able to bring anything else into the world. Not that she wanted more children, but being omega and sterile only meant one thing.
Hades saw the panic form in his orbs and he approached her, taking her by the neck and pulling her closer to him. Their faces were facing each other. He felt her tense under his touch from what had happened a few minutes ago and he kneaded the tip of her spine to reassure her. He wouldn’t risk losing control again
-I’m not like your husband- she said low but she could still hear him something far away -I don’t leave anyone to their fate. I do not kill for no apparent reason and although you are no longer useful- he brought his lips to her ear- Now you are part of my pack-
The door closed when Hades decided to leave her alone and Nebraska thought she was breathing again. Some furtive tears began to roll down her cheeks. She caught one between her thumbs and undid it between her fingers wondering if she would ever get a chance to be happy.
She took a deep breath taking control of herself, that was another test that life put on her. She only had to think about the future of his children and the good of the pack, as long as he had that it did not matter how much she would have to endure.
She caressed the old bite mark on his hand and it burned when he remembered facts that she would like to hide in the depths of his being, better there without effect, than on the nape of his neck condemning her. She did not wish his past to even Rudoc himself. If he had never appeared in her life, everything would be different.
And now there was this alpha, she didn’t know what to think about. His words might be daggers thrust into his being, scare and intimidate with his appearance, but his actions did not correspond to his actions. He said no, but in the end fate always proved that everyone was behind her fertile uterus, perhaps not so much now.
Against the will of her entire body she moved in an attempt to get up and walk. When was the last time she had that freedom? She no longer remembered. The chains that imprisoned her around her neck were so heavy and short that she succumbed to the pain.
She put one foot on the floor, then another and ran to the edge of the bed but not before noticing the bandages on his ankles and the slight scars that had yet to disappear.
She tensed her muscles as tightly as he allowed himself and pushed himself forward only to fall to her knees with a groan of pain. Her legs were barely able to hold her weight. She hit the floor with her fist. She hated herself for being carried away into that state, but for sure, she would come out of it, gracefully and with all her pride, because, even if she was omega, she was a wolf.
-Can I know what you are doing?
Nebraska’s body froze at the sound of that voice. She couldn’t see it and less from her position, but she could recognize him wherever he went. That was the wolf that had attacked her a few days ago, her memories were hazy and she didn’t remember the reason, but its smell made the place where the bite had been stinging.
This man was the beta of that pack.