Book:Ex-Luna's Revenge Published:2024-9-8

“Don’t bother. Tania is here, ” Brielle had said, taking hold of her maid’s arm while exiting the room.
She returned all dressed and ready to leave, only to be disappointed when I told her mine and Sir Derek’s decision. I just made it look like he was the one who wanted her to follow me back to the mansion.
I’m not prepared for her grumpy words. All I want to do is make sure she’s well again.
“Okay, no problem,” I accepted her wish, stepping aside.
She left the room with Tania while I followed them from behind, keeping my eyes on them.
As we made our way towards the entrance, I noticed how some people at the hospital, stopped to show their respect to Brielle, by greeting and asking about her health.
It was nice to see all these. After all, they heard and also saw the news on how she saved Estelle’s life. Who won’t admire such a woman after seeing her heroic act?
“I can see you’re leaving.” I heard Doctor Nicole’s voice from the side. That got me looking to see her walking beside me, with her eyes on Brielle.
“Sir Derek told me that you wish to take care of Brielle. I hope you got my list from him?”
“Yes, I did. He showed me all the items you listed down. I’ll… Just trust me, I’ll take good care of her, ” I assured Nicole, dropping my eyes back on Brielle.
“Hmm. And what about Estelle? I noticed you went over to her room to see her. There were a lot of noise coming from there.”
On hearing Estelle’s name, my mind flashed to all the past moments with that woman, and how foolish I was for accepting her back into my life after everything she and her father did to me.
I tightened my hand and responded to Nicole, “I have no business with her. Alpha Deron is there to watch over his innocent daughter. That woman even dared to deny the truth. I could see it in her eyes. She was afraid.”
“Of course she’d be scared. She knows she has done something bad and don’t want anyone learning the truth. She wants to blame a poison that didn’t meet any baby in that empty stomach of hers, ” She mocked, swaying her head.
Our eyes where still on Brielle, who was ahead of us. That’s when Doctor Nicole sighed and said, “I know I’ve said this already, but make sure Brielle gets all the rest she needs. I want her to be better again.”
I took a look at Nicole and saw how she stared at Brielle with so much concern. She wrapped her arms across her chest and begged me not to leave her sight. “She may act so tough in everyone’s eyes, but trust me, she’s still a woman with a fragile heart. She hasn’t lost her sense of feelings.”
I nodded, taking in her words.
We soon got to the entrance of the hospital with Brielle and Tania in front. I saw how Tania was trying to help Brielle down the stairs, and that’s when I rushed in to help.
“Don’t worry, ” I said, stepping in and lifting Brielle into my arms.
“What are you doing? I didn’t ask for your…”
“I know you didn’t ask for my help. I just want to make sure you are okay. When we get home, you can yell as much as you want, ” I interrupted, making it clear to her.
She didn’t argue with me but stayed shut. Her head came lowering down, avoiding my eyes.
At least she’s calm.
I said my thanks and goodbye to Doctor Nicole and left the premises with Brielle in my arms and Tania by our side. When I helped Brielle into the car, she took a quick look at me and suddenly blushed out.
That left a spark in my heart. I felt my lips spreading into a smile. It was nice to see her cheeks turning red. Indeed she still has her feelings intact. She’s just trying to hide it.
We all got into the car and I drove down to the mansion, where the servants of my home were already waiting for our arrival.
Since I took it upon myself to take care of Brielle, I made sure the servants prepared every necessary items before we arrived.
I carefully carried Brielle into my arms and took her into the mansion. She stayed quiet in my hold, leaving me wondering if she was looking at me or not.
I was tempted to glance at her face, but I didn’t want her to start a fight because of it. So, I maintained a straight face until we arrived at her bedroom.
I got the room well arranged and comfy, so she won’t feel uncomfortable while taking her rest. It was a lot warmer and cozier too.
“I’ll get you your soup. Once you have it, you can get some sleep, okay? ” I said, gently placing her in bed.
When I lifted my head to look at her face, I found Brielle staring at me already. My heart glowed when I saw this. I felt… Hooked.
We shared an unexpected eye lock, which would have lasted much longer, if Tania hadn’t cut in, breaking the lock between us.
“Can she have juice as well? She likes drinking that, so I want to know, ” She asked, from behind.
“Um…” I drew away from Brielle, who had taken her eyes off me, laying down in bed and facing the other way. “Yes, she can. It’s also in the list,” I answered Tania, who felt pleased on hearing that.
“That’s good. You hear that, Luna? You can still have your juice. Don’t worry, I’ll make you your favorite.” Tania grinned at Brielle, whose back was facing us now.
It won’t be that easy to get her to relate with me, but at least I’ll be able to watch over her.
“Stay with her. I’ll send the soup. ”
“Okay, Alpha,” Tania said, bowing at me.
Then, I left the room, leaving both ladies by themselves. As I slowly made my way to the staircase, I began to think of ways to make Brielle feel at home.
“Morning, we’ll go for strolls. Then towards noon, we can head out to other areas where she can stretch and feel relaxed. I’ll note all these down,” I planned my routine, hurrying down the staircase.
Upon arriving at the bottom, I spotted my Beta stepping into the mansion, sneakily. He was busy walking like a thief, but shivered when his eyes fell at my direction.
“Alpha, you’re home! I… Um… I heard Brielle was discharged, so I thought I should come over and know how everything was going.”
“Why? So you can go and share the news with your accomplice?” I fired, glowering at him.
Jerome gasped at my words and began to defend himself. “Don’t say that, Alpha. I can never do such a thing to you. I swear to the goddess.”
“Be quiet! ” I shunned him in his spot, leaving him shut.
” I’ve been noticing how close you were to Estelle and her father. Even in conversations, you are always backing them up instead of me!”
“No, no, no. It’s nothing like that. I was only trying to make things work out well for you and Estelle. Since she was going to be your bride, I wanted to build a bond with your in-laws and my future Luna. Please don’t take it the wrong way, Alpha, ” He pleaded, claiming innocence before me.
But with all that I’ve been seeing, his attitude… “No, Jerome. You are no longer the man I once knew. I don’t know you any more.”
“Alpha, trust me. It’s nothing like that, I swear. I’m not supporting them. I was just…” He tried to get closer to me, but paused when his phone rang out
I saw how his mood changed on seeing whoever that was calling. That’s when Jerome took an excuse, claiming it was an important message from the company.
“Something came up. I have to attend to it before the workers make any mistake. Excuse me,” He said, slowly stepping back.
I didn’t say anything to him but stared on, until he left the mansion to heaven’s know where.
“Come here, ” I signaled a guard over and said, pointing directly at Jerome, who was hurrying to his car, “Follow him.”
“Yes, Alpha.”
“Don’t let him know you’re following his tracks. Just keep a distance and let me know his movement.”
“As you wish, Alpha,” The guard obeyed, walking out of the mansion.
“He says it’s work stuff. Well, let’s see how loyal you are Jerome.”