Book:The werewolf chosen by luna Published:2024-9-7

I bite my lip to stop a sob from leaving my lips, but I can’t stop the salty tears from running down my cheeks as I keep driving until I’m right next to the quarter house where I park the car. I notice Conner, Lila, Cody, and Melissa running out the front door as Joey reaches over to unbuckle my seat belt before pulling me into his lap to straddle him as he hugs me to himself.
I start to sob in his shoulder as I wrap my arms around his neck to grip the back of his shirt, needing some stability from the horrible things that just played out. I hear a car door open as Joey runs his hands up-and-down my back before moving up to run through my hair.
Are you guys okay ? I hear Conner’s worried voice ask as I continue to cry into my boyfriend’s shoulder, shaking both of us with my sobs. I feel Joey nod against my arm before starting to whisper things into my ear that’s right next to his mouth.
I’m so sorry, I’m so incredibly sorry, baby boy. You’re okay, I promise you. I’m right here, I’m not leaving, he continuously whispers to me as I try desperately to stop my crying. I’m so overcome with emotions that I just collapse against Joey, waiting for him to bring out his supplies to tape and glue me back together.
Kade’s POV
I woke up with my head against Joey’s chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. It’s been about two weeks since the whole gray wolf incident and today was finally the day that one of the elders was coming down to discuss everything with Joey, Cody, Melissa, and I since they’ve been doing their research of the rogue packs in town.
After we got out of the car on that day, I wouldn’t let go of my boyfriend all day because of how scared I still was. I found out later on that it was a rogue and he had on some sort of bracelet that had some number on it that one specific rogue pack made their members wear, so they went to the elders for them to help them figure it out since they didn’t have the resources for that.
Within the past two weeks, I had barely gone home because Joey and the rest of the house, including me, were worried that some rogue in the same pack would recognize me and try to attack me, so now I was never allowed to be alone until they get everyone else in that pack in case anyone has any bad ill towards Joey, which means they could go after me for revenge.
How are you today, baby ? Joey whispered, brushing some of my hair out of my face as I snuggled against his chest. I haven’t been the best person to be around the past two weeks since I was always on edge and never wanted to leave Joey’s side. The only time I’m really calm is when we’re in the room together because that’s when we’re alone and we either have sex or go to sleep and both of those options are great.
I’m okay, just a little nervous to figure out all the information today, I tell him and he nods, setting his forehead against mine as our noses lightly rub against each other.
Whatever we’re told, we’ll figure it out, he whispers.
After laying there for about another 15 minutes, we get up to get dressed. I decide on some maroon joggers that are actually Joey’s that I stole and a black t-shirt while Joey puts on some dark blue skinny jeans and a dark flannel shirt with a white t-shirt underneath it. When we walk out, the smell of breakfast assaults our noses, making me smile because it means Lila’s been busy this morning.
We walk through the living room to the kitchen where there are waffles piled up on a plate at the bar along with a plate of eggs, scrambled and over easy, also a plate of fruit, and a pot of coffee. When she sees us, she gives us a big smile as Conner looks up at us from his paperwork that he has in front of him as he sits at the bar. Good morning !
Morning, what’s all this for ? Joey asks, motioning to all the food laid out.
Well, we have an elder coming over. I had to make some food for him, Lila says as she starts to throw some fruit, protein powder, and yogurt into the blender before starting to blend. While the noise distracts her, Conner looks over at us. ‘She’s nervous’, he mouths.
Joey nods, taking a seat before pulling me onto his lap as Melissa and Cody come down the stairs. Melissa wears some black leggings and a light blue t-shirt that seems to be from Las Vegas with her hair up in a bun. Cody wears some black joggers with a yellow t-shirt that makes his tan skin look even tanner.
Cody motions towards all the plates that are lined up in front of Joey and I. What’s with all the food ?
Don’t ask, Joey and I say at the same time, making everyone in the room look up at us in confusion. I look over at my mate, seeing a small smile on his face and I chuckle, wrapping my arm around his shoulder.
Such newbies, Melissa said as she picks up a grape and pops it in her mouth. I look over as Lila sets the smoothie in front of me that she just made with a small smile on her face.
What’s this for ? I ask, taking it in my hand as I smell the mixed berry aroma coming from the cup. I notice the way Conner looks up from his papers to give his wife a concerning look as she starts to wash the dishes that are in the sink as we all stare at her in confusion because something was definitely wrong and I think we were all starting to worry for her.
I just know you like smoothies and you’ve kinda been freaking out, so I made you one, she rushes out as she starts to scrub a plate that’s covered in last night’s dinner that we had delivered to the gas station about two blocks away since we can’t have anyone deliver to the pack house.
Mom, what’s going on ? Joey asked as he hand wraps around my waist as I set the smoothie down to look at her when I hear his worried tone in the way he spoke to her. She looks up with blank eyes before turning back to the dishes as she bites her lip and I can see her eyes start to fill up with tears.
I make the first move, immediately jumping up from Joey’s lap to go over to her and give her a hug. She collapses into my arms, making everyone else in the room start to worry even more as they try to figure out what to do. I hold on to her in case she falls down for some reason. Hey, what’s going on ?
There’s just so much going on and I’m worried that something very serious is going to happen to anyone of you because you all are my whole world and I don’t know what I do if something happened, she shakes her head against my shoulder and I look up at Joey to see his eyes also filling with tears and that’s when I noticed the extremely soft spot that he has for his mom and it made my heart lurch to my stomach as I saw two of the best people in this world crying.
I motion to Conner to come and get his wife because by the way Joey’s hands were shaking in his lap, he needed me. Lila’s husband jumped into gear, coming over to me to take her in his arms to lightly whisper things in her ear. Joey turns the swivel chair away from the group as he breaths out, trying to contain his emotions in front of everyone. I walk around him so I can see him and a single tear has fallen down his face as he stares at the wall to take himself out of his thoughts.
I get back into position to sit in his lap and once I’m comfortable, he lets his head fall down to my chest as he tries to contain his crying. I hold his head against my body as my other hand runs over his back. Oh, baby, it’s okay.
I see Melissa whispering something to Cody before he takes a step back to cross his arms. Hey, look, no one’s going to get hurt, okay ? We’re going to figure everything out from Elder Collins and then we’ll create a plan of action. We won’t let anything happen to anyone, no matter what.
Lila looks up at the beta as Conner uses the pad of his thumb to wipe her tears away as she nods at Cody. Okay.