A fist fight
The moment of tension surrounding outside of Mrs. Johnson’s house as Edward is outside of the house with the anguish burning inside his heart. Curling his fingers into a fist as he darts his eyes on every corner of the house, waiting for David to come out outside of the house.
“David! David! Where are you?” Edward shouts out loud. His rough voice spreading across the house as the bodyguard tries to get a hold of him as they hold his arms tight with force. Not allowing him to get inside the house as he tries to remove himself from the guards’ grip.
“David! David! Where are you, you little spoiled brat?!” Edwards calls again.
Mrs. Johnson and Marcella comes out of the house’s front door with contorted looks on their faces and bewilderment feeling inside their hearts as Edward looks at them with a darken expression on his face. Stepping down on the stairs in a rush walking towards Edward’s space as their heart races faster from the inside with bewilderment.
“What is wrong with you David? What is with all of the shouting?” Mrs. Johnson asks.
“Where is your son?”
When Mrs. Johnson and Marcella arrives towards David’s space. She then gives a signal using her head to her bodyguard to let go of Edward while Edward is looking at the guards with the anguish burning inside his heart.
The house bodyguards leave Edward’s hand, and then returns back to their normal duties inside the house. leaving Edward and Mrs. Johnson talking to each other.
Mrs. Johnson knits her brows. “What is wrong with you Edward, and why are you shouting like that?”
Edward’ breathes in and out heavily as his chest goes up and down with the anguish burning inside his heart. “That bastard has ruined my daughter’s life-”
Mrs. Johnson face contorts immediately. Stopping Edward with her finger. “No! No! No! Your daughter is the one who has ruined my son’s life.” Mrs. Johnson corrects Edward.
As Marcella is standing beside Mrs. Johnson, she then glances at both Edward and Mrs. Johnson with a pity look and remorse feeling inside her heart. Guilty of not doing anything on time after she knew everything that was going on around the house.
“I’m feeling guilty for keeping quiet all of the time without saying anything that could have saved this family problems. But what can I do now. Jane has already won this fight.” Marcella speaks to her inner thoughts with a puzzled look on her face. Looking at both Mrs. Johnson and Edward as they are arguing to each other.
“Hold on! Hold on right there! You are daughter also is not as innocent as you think she is, she has done a lot of hurtful things to my son David but we didn’t do anything or shout like mad people at your house” Mrs. Johnson says.
“But that doesn’t give you a right of accusing my daughter for the things that she hasn’t done or committed on her entire life.” Edward reminds Mrs. Johnson with darken expression on his face, provoked with Mrs. Johnson response.
Mrs. Johnson rolls up her eyes and sighs. “Edward, I know that you are hurt right now and you think that what we are accusing your daughter is not true, and I understand you a lot. But still that doesn’t really change the fact that your daughter has really stole my necklace inside the room.”
As the tension of the argument increases outside of the house between Edward and Mrs. Johnson. Suddenly Edward arrives outside of the house coming from the house’s front door with bewilderment feeling inside his heart. Stepping down on the stairs heading towards his mother’s space.
“What is going on right now?! Why are you all shouting like that?!” Edward asks with a contorted look on his face. Approaching closer towards his mother’s position.
At the moment Edward sees David stepping down on the stairs. Suddenly his fist tightens hard with agitated feeling burning inside his heart.
“You!” Edward exclaims.
Edward paces straight towards David’s space in a rush. Punching him on the face as soon as he arrives towards his space. Making David falling down on the stairs with dizziness surrounding on his head.
Marcella and Mrs. Johnson gasps with shock with their wide eyes open. Terrified with the reaction of Edward towards David as the fight continues down on the stairs.
“What is wrong with you Edward?” Mrs. Johnson screams with a lot of panic inside her heart. Rushing towards the scene as Edward fights David, accompanied with the house guards from behind.
Alex and Jane are at the street’s restaurant cafe. Sitting down on their chairs outside of the restaurant on their own table as they are sipping their cups of coffee slowly together, enjoying the fresh air outside of the restaurant as they continue with their discussion of their next plans.
“Alex, now we have managed to get rid of Arianna outside of our house for good. So, what is our next plan?” Jane asks Alex a question. Taking a sip of coffee from her cup and then returns it back on the top of the table.
“What did you want me to do next, babe? You are the master mind on every mission concerning your family.” Alex responds.
“I think it is the time to move to our plans of getting married first. And then we will work on other things later on.”
Alex takes a quick short glance on his left side. Checking his surrounding and then returns back his gaze back to Jane.
“But I don’t have any money right now to support our marriage and our life after marriage.”
Jane scoffs with a crooked grin. “Don’t worry about money. We will find some way to get that.”
Alex raises his brows. “It’s not as easy as you think it is. Getting a job here in Texas City is a little bit complicated compared to other places.”
“Don’t worry about that Alex. I have some money left in the bank that we can use that in order to start our life together.”
Alex looks at Jane with a skeptical look on his face. “But that is not my money. That is your money.”
“Yes, I know that money is mine. But I’m willing to share that money with you regardless of any condition so that we can spend our life together.”
Alex knits his brows. “Are you sure of what you are saying, Jane?”
“Yes, I’m sure of what I’m saying. Just accept my offer, Please!” Jane says.
“Hmm! Okay then.”
Alex response lightens up Jane’s face as her heart bubble from the inside since getting married with Alex was her long-awaited dream of her that she has never accomplished.
“Thanks.” Jane says.
Jane smile widens. “Now I guess my time has come for me to be happy and spend my life with the man that I truly love together.” Jane speaks to her inner thoughts as her mood is lighten up with Alex response.
“Mission accomplished! Now it is time for me to get my longtime investment and soon getting rid of this punk for good.” Alex speaks to his inner thoughts. Looking at Jane with a pity look on his face.